Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Gambling at the time of COVID-19: results from interviews in an Italian sample of gamblers 

      Cataldo, Ilaria; Casonato, Eleonora; Levari, Ermelinda; Negri, Attilio; Simonatoc, Pierluigi; Tomasi, Giulia; Branz, Giovanna; Coppola, Aurora; Gianfranceschi, Pietro; Leoni, Eva; Mistretta, Pietro; Stefani, Martina; Vanzetta, Miriam; Franceschini, Anna; Esposito, Gianluca; Corazza, Ornella (2022-02-07)
      The coronavirus pandemic affected the life of those suffering from addic- tive behaviors often confined to prolonged periods of self-isolation. To explore the variation of symptoms related to gambling, 46 outpatients of ...
    • Preliminary assessment of fentanyl and synthetic opioids prevalence among addiction patients by means of hair analysis 

      Salomone, Alberto; Levari, Ermelinda; Lotti, Andrea; Frenguelli, Marinella; Longo, Valentina; Gottardi, Massimo; Marchio, Giovanni Michele; Stefani, Martina; Ferrucci, Roberta; Negri, Attilio; Corazza, Ornella (2021-08-10)
      Background Although the diffusion of novel synthetic opioids has become a worldwide phenomenon, their prevalence of use in Italy seems to be limited. Existing national data is mainly derived by anamnestic surveyslacking ...