Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • High-resolution international LOFAR observations of 4C~43.15 -- Spectral ages and injection indices in a high-z radio galaxy 

      Sweijen, Frits; Morabito, Leah K.; Harwood, Jeremy; Weeren, Reinout J. van; Röttgering, Huub J. A.; Callingham, Joseph R.; Jackson, Neal; Miley, George; Moldon, Javier (2022-02-01)
      It has long been known that radio sources with the steepest spectra are preferentially associated with the most distant galaxies, the α - z relation, but the reason for this relation is an open question. The spatial ...
    • Investigating the Unification of LOFAR-detected powerful AGN in the Boötes Field 

      Morabito, Leah K.; Williams, W. L.; Duncan, Kenneth J.; Röttgering, H.~J.~A.; Miley, George; Saxena, Aayush; Barthel, Peter; Best, Philip N.; Bruggen, M.; Brunetti, G.; Chyży, K. T.; Engels, D.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Harwood, J. J.; Jarvis, Matt J.; Mahony, E. K.; Prandoni, I.; Shimwell, Timothy W.; Shulevski, Alexander; Tasse, C. (2017-08-01)
      Low radio frequency surveys are important for testing unified models of radio-loud quasars and radio galaxies. Intrinsically similar sources that are randomly oriented on the sky will have different projected linear sizes. ...
    • LOFAR and APERTIF Surveys of the Radio Sky : Probing Shocks and Magnetic Fields in Galaxy Clusters 

      Rottgering, Huub; Afonso, Jose; Barthel, Peter; Batejat, Fabien; Best, Philip; Bonafede, Annalisa; Brueggen, Marcus; Brunetti, Gianfranco; Chyzy, Krzysztof; Conway, John; De Gasperin, Francesco; Ferrari, Chiara; Haverkorn, Marijke; Heald, George; Hoeft, Matthias; Jackson, Neal; Jarvis, M.J.; Ker, Louise; Lehnert, Matt; Macario, Giulia; McKean, John; Miley, George; Morganti, Raffaella; Oosterloo, Tom; Orru, Emanuela; Pizzo, Roberto; Rafferty, David; Shulevski, Alexander; Tasse, Cyril; van Bemmel, Ilse; van der Tol, Bas; van Weeren, Reinout; Verheijen, Marc; White, Glenn; Wise, Michael (2011-12)
      At very low frequencies, the new pan-European radio telescope LOFAR is opening the last unexplored window of the electromagnetic spectrum for astrophysical studies. The revolutionary APERTIF-phased arrays that are about ...