Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • About the Impact Behaviour of Railway Fastening Systems 

      Grasso, Marzio; Penta, Francesco; Pucillo, Giovanni Pio; Rosiello, Vincenzo (Newswood Limited, 2015-07)
      On the basis of what established by the Product Technical Specifications - Specifiche Tecniche di Prodotto RFI (STP) - regarding the performance requirements that fastening systems between sleepers and rails should meet ...
    • Low Velocity Impact Response of Composite Panels for Aeronautical Applications 

      Grasso, Marzio; Penta, Francesco; Pucillo, Giovanni Pio; Ricci, Fabrizio; Rosiello, Vincenzo (Newswood Limited, 2015)
      The present experimental work analyses the impact behaviour of thermosetting composite materials for aeronautic applications. The main goal of the experimental activity was to identify the energy level in correspondence ...
    • Mixed mode fatigue crack propagation behaviour of aluminium F357 alloy 

      Grasso, Marzio; Xu, Yigeng; Russo, Roberto; Rosiello, Vincenzo (2018-08-01)
      Manufacturing defects are often not in the plane perpendicular to the loading direction and will propagate under mixed mode fatigue loading condition. This paper presents a numerical study of mixed mode crack growth behaviour ...
    • Proceedings of Abstracts Engineering and Computer Science Research Conference 2019 

      Nwawe, Richard; Grasso, Marzio; CHEN, Yong Kang; Klusak, Jan; Rosiello, Vincenzo; Counsell, Nathan; Herfatmanesh, Mohammad Reza; Partou, Helen; Menon, Catherine; Barker, Trevor; Veneziano, Vito; Kirner, Raimund; Tveretina, Olga; Verma, Alok; Lane, Peter; Lilley, Mariana; Canoville, Paul; Robinson, Matthew; Crook, Brian; Hall, Samantha; Kaye, Richard; Johnston, Ian; McCluskey, Daniel; Tracey, Mark; Munro, Ian; Wang, Yuan; Suckow, Bjorn; Klaholz, Ingo; Drix, Damien; Hafner, Verena Vanessa; Schmuker, Michael; Sinha, Ankur; Metzner, Christoph; Davey, Neil; Adams, Roderick; Steuber, Volker; Miko, Rebecca; Toffe, Gilles; Ren, Guogang; Montalvão, Diogo; Ismail, Sikiru O.; Newman, James; Dhakal, Hom; Sunmola, Funlade; Panday, Deepak; Helian, Na; Amafabia, Daerefa-a; David-West, Opukuro; Haritos, George; Schirmer, Pascal; Mporas, Iosif; Skaltsas, Grigorios; Siadati, Rana; Wernick, Paul; Sutton, Samuel; Lekkala, Himayasri Rao; Sayers, Paul; Khan, Imran; Cañamero, Lola; Hassan, Eheda; Denai, Mouloud; Pissanidis, Georgios; Goncharenko, Julia; Schilstra, Maria; Beka, Nathan; te Boekhorst, Rene; Bonivart, Agnes; Nehaniv, Chrystopher; Kadir, Shabnam; Bhavsar, Ronakben; Sun, Yi; Mayor, David; Steffert, Tony; CHEN, Yong Kang; Chrysanthou, Andreas; Johnston, Ian; Kirner, Raimund; Kourtessis, Pandelis; McCluskey, Daniel; Polani, Daniel; Steuber, Volker; Sun, Yichuang (University of Hertfordshire, 2019-09-01)
      This book is the record of abstracts submitted and accepted for presentation at the Inaugural Engineering and Computer Science Research Conference held 17th April 2019 at the University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, UK. This ...
    • Structural Optimization of a Total Replacement Hip Prosthesis 

      Grasso, Marzio; Penta, Francesco; Pucillo, Giovanni Pio; Rosiello, Vincenzo; Piscopo, Antonio (Newswood Limited, 2015)
      Planted articular joints replace bone articulation allowing the transfer of loads and articular displacements. However, hip prosthesis cannot guarantee the same dynamic friction coefficients of natural joints. The present ...
    • Transverse strength of railway tracks : Part 2. Test system for ballast resistance in line measurement 

      De Iorio, Antonio; Grasso, Marzio; Penta, Francesco; Pucillo, Giovanni Pio; Rosiello, Vincenzo (2014-10-01)
      In the present paper, testing methods currently adopted to measure the in service ballast resistance are synthetically reviewed to identify the main sources of uncertainty influencing the test loads and to define an ...
    • Transverse strength of railway tracks : Part 3. Multiple scenarios test field 

      De Iorio, Antonio; Grasso, Marzio; Penta, Francesco; Pucillo, Giovanni Pio; Rosiello, Vincenzo; Lisi, Stefano; Rossi, Stefano; Testa, Mario (2014-10-01)
      In the present paper the design and construction choices of a test field for the ballast lateral resistance measurement, in order to produce data useful for the development of a numerical model able to simulate the service ...