Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • GAS in Protoplanetary Systems (GASPS) I. First results 

      Mathews, G. S.; Dent, W. R. F.; Williams, J. P.; Howard, C. D.; Meeus, G.; Riaz, B.; Roberge, A.; Sandell, G.; Vandenbussche, B.; Duchene, G.; Kamp, I.; Menard, F.; Montesinos, B.; Pinte, C.; Thi, W. F.; Woitke, P.; Alacid, J. M.; Andrews, S. M.; Ardila, D. R.; Aresu, G.; Augereau, J. C.; Barrado, D.; Brittain, S.; Ciardi, D. R.; Danchi, W.; Eiroa, C.; Fedele, D.; Grady, C. A.; de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I.; Heras, A.; Huelamo, N.; Krivov, A.; Lebreton, J.; Liseau, R.; Martin-Zaidi, C.; Mendigutia, I.; Mora, A.; Morales-Calderon, M.; Nomura, H.; Pantin, E.; Pascucci, I.; Phillips, N.; Podio, L.; Poelman, D. R.; Ramsay, S.; Rice, K.; Riviere-Marichalar, P.; Solano, E.; Tilling, I.; Walker, H.; White, G. J.; Wright, G. (2010)
      Context. Circumstellar discs are ubiquitous around young stars, but rapidly dissipate their gas and dust on timescales of a few Myr. The Herschel Space Observatory allows for the study of the warm disc atmosphere, using ...
    • Gas in the protoplanetary disc of HD 169142: Herschel's view 

      Meeus, G.; Pinte, C.; Woitke, P.; Montesinos, B.; Mendigutia, I.; Riviere-Marichalar, P.; Eiroa, C.; Mathews, G. S.; Vandenbussche, B.; Howard, C. D.; Roberge, A.; Sandell, G.; Duchene, G.; Menard, F.; Grady, C. A.; Dent, W. R. F.; Kamp, I.; Augereau, J. C.; Thi, W. F.; Tilling, I.; Alacid, J. M.; Andrews, S.; Ardila, D. R.; Aresu, G.; Barrado, D.; Brittain, S.; Ciardi, D. R.; Danchi, W.; Fedele, D.; de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I.; Heras, A.; Huelamo, N.; Krivov, A.; Lebreton, J.; Liseau, R.; Martin-Zaidi, C.; Mora, A.; Morales-Calderon, M.; Nomura, H.; Pantin, E.; Pascucci, I.; Phillips, N.; Podio, L.; Poelman, D. R.; Ramsay, S.; Riaz, B.; Rice, K.; Solano, E.; Walker, H.; White, G. J.; Williams, J. P.; Wright, G. (2010)
      In an effort to simultaneously study the gas and dust components of the disc surrounding the young Herbig Ae star HD 169142, we present far-IR observations obtained with the PACS instrument onboard the Herschel Space ...
    • The Herschel view of GAS in Protoplanetary Systems (GASPS) First comparisons with a large grid of models 

      Pinte, C.; Woitke, P.; Menard, F.; Duchene, G.; Kamp, I.; Meeus, G.; Mathews, G.; Howard, C. D.; Grady, C. A.; Thi, W. -F.; Tilling, I.; Augereau, J. -C.; Dent, W. R. F.; Alacid, J. M.; Andrews, S.; Ardila, D. R.; Aresu, G.; Barrado, D.; Brittain, S.; Ciardi, D. R.; Danchi, W.; Eiroa, C.; Fedele, D.; de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I.; Heras, A.; Huelamo, N.; Krivov, A.; Lebreton, J.; Liseau, R.; Martin-Zaidi, C.; Mendigutia, I.; Montesinos, B.; Mora, A.; Morales-Calderon, M.; Nomura, H.; Pantin, E.; Pascucci, I.; Phillips, N.; Podio, L.; Poelman, D. R.; Ramsay, S.; Riaz, B.; Rice, K.; Riviere-Marichalar, P.; Roberge, A.; Sandell, G.; Solano, E.; Vandenbussche, B.; Walker, H.; Williams, J. P.; White, G. J.; Wright, G. (2010)
      The Herschel GASPS key program is a survey of the gas phase of protoplanetary discs, targeting 240 objects which cover a large range of ages, spectral types, and disc properties. To interpret this large quantity of data ...
    • Herschel-PACS observation of the 10 Myr old T Tauri disk TW Hya Constraining the disk gas mass 

      Thi, W. -F.; Mathews, G.; Menard, F.; Woitke, P.; Meeus, G.; Riviere-Marichalar, P.; Pinte, C.; Howard, C. D.; Roberge, A.; Sandell, G.; Pascucci, I.; Riaz, B.; Grady, C. A.; Dent, W. R. F.; Kamp, I.; Duchene, G.; Augereau, J. -C.; Pantin, E.; Vandenbussche, B.; Tilling, I.; Williams, J. P.; Eiroa, C.; Barrado, D.; Alacid, J. M.; Andrews, S.; Ardila, D. R.; Aresu, G.; Brittain, S.; Ciardi, D. R.; Danchi, W.; Fedele, D.; de Gregorio-Monsalvo, I.; Heras, A.; Huelamo, N.; Krivov, A.; Lebreton, J.; Liseau, R.; Martin-Zaidi, C.; Mendigutia, I.; Montesinos, B.; Mora, A.; Morales-Calderon, M.; Nomura, H.; Phillips, N.; Podio, L.; Poelman, D. R.; Ramsay, S.; Rice, K.; Solano, E.; Walker, H.; White, G. J.; Wright, G. (2010)
      Planets are formed in disks around young stars. With an age of similar to 10 Myr, TW Hya is one of the nearest T Tauri stars that is still surrounded by a relatively massive disk. In addition a large number of molecules ...
    • A Jetdriven, Extreme High-Velocity Outflow Powered by a Cold, Low-Luminosity Protostar near NGC 2023 

      Sandell, G.; Avery, L.W.; Baas, F.; Coulson, I.M.; Dent, W.R.; Friberg, P.; Gear, W.P.K.; Greaves, J.S.; Holland, W.S.; Jenness, T.; Jewell, P.; Lightfoot, J.F.; Matthews, H.; Moriarty-Schieven, G.; Prestage, R.; Robson, E.I.; Stevens, J. A.; Tilanus, R.P.J.; Watt, G.D. (1999)