Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • The extinction law in the inner 3 × 3 deg 2of the Milky Way and the red clump absolute magnitude in the inner bar-bulge 

      Sanders, Jason L.; Smith, Leigh C.; González-Fernández, Carlos; Lucas, Philip; Minniti, Dante (2022-08-01)
      The extinction law from 0.9 to 8 microns in the inner 3x3 deg^2 of the Milky Way is measured using data from VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea, GLIMPSE and WISE. Absolute extinction ratios are found by requiring that the ...
    • Mira variables in the Milky Way’s nuclear stellar disc: discovery and classification 

      Sanders, Jason L.; Matsunaga, Noriyuki; Kawata, Daisuke; Smith, Leigh C.; Minniti, Dante; Lucas, Philip W. (2022-11-30)
      The properties of the Milky Way's nuclear stellar disc give crucial information on the epoch of bar formation. Mira variables are promising bright candidates to study the nuclear stellar disc, and through their period-age ...
    • Self-consistent modelling of the Milky Way's Nuclear Stellar Disc 

      Sormani, Mattia C.; Sanders, Jason L.; Fritz, Tobias K.; Smith, Leigh C.; Gerhard, Ortwin; Schoedel, Rainer; Magorrian, John; Neumayer, Nadine; Nogueras-Lara, Francisco; Feldmeier-Krause, Anja; Mastrobuono-Battisti, Alessandra; Schultheis, Mathias; Shahzamanian, Banafsheh; Vasiliev, Eugene; Klessen, Ralf S.; Lucas, Philip; Minniti, Dante (2022-03-22)
      The Nuclear Stellar Disc (NSD) is a flattened high-density stellar structure that dominates the gravitational field of the Milky Way at Galactocentric radius $30\lesssim R\lesssim 300$ pc. We construct axisymmetric ...
    • Transverse kinematics of the Galactic bar-bulge from VVV and Gaia 

      Sanders, Jason L.; Smith, Leigh; Evans, N. Wyn; Lucas, Philip (2019-08)
      We analyse the kinematics of the Galactic bar-bulge using proper motions from the ESO public survey Vista Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) and the second Gaia data release. Gaia has provided some of the first absolute ...
    • Variable star classification across the Galactic bulge and disc with the VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea survey 

      Molnar, Thomas A.; Sanders, Jason L.; Smith, Leigh C.; Belokurov, Vasily; Lucas, Philip; Minniti, Dante (2021-10-30)
      We present VIVACE, the VIrac VAriable Classification Ensemble, a catalogue of variable stars extracted from an automated classification pipeline for the Vista Variables in the V\'ia L\'actea (VVV) infrared survey of the ...
    • VVV-WIT-08: the giant star that blinked 

      Smith, Leigh C.; Koposov, Sergey E.; Lucas, Philip W.; Sanders, Jason L.; Minniti, Dante; Udalski, Andrzej; Evans, N. Wyn; Aguado, David; Ivanov, Valentin D.; Saito, Roberto K.; Fraga, Luciano; Pietrukowicz, Pawel; Penoyre, Zephyr; González-Fernández, Carlos (2021-06-11)
      We report the serendipitous discovery of a late-type giant star that exhibited a smooth, eclipse-like drop in flux to a depth of 97 per cent. Minimum flux occurred in April 2012 and the total event duration was a few hundred ...