Now showing items 1-18 of 18

    • Adaptive electrical signal post-processing with varying representations in optical communication systems 

      Hunt, Stephen; Sun, Yi; Shafarenko, Alex; Adams, Roderick; Davey, N.; Slater, Brendan; Bhamber, Ranjeet; Boscolo, Sonia; Turitsyn, Sergei K. (2009)
      Improving bit error rates in optical communication systems is a difficult and important problem. Error detection and correction must take place at: high speed, and be extremely accurate. Also, different communication ...
    • The analysis of the error statistics in a 5 x 40 Gbit/s fibre link with hybrid amplification 

      Skidin, A.; Redyuk, A.; Shtyrina, O.; Fedoruk, M.; Shafarenko, Alex (2011-09)
      We quantify the error statistics and patterning effects in a 5 × 40 Gbit/s WDM RZ-OOK SMF/DCF fibre link using hybrid Raman/EDFA amplification. By extensive use of a numerical model, we determine how the error statistics ...
    • CAL : a language for aggregating functional and extrafunctional constraints in streaming networks 

      Shafarenko, Alex; Kirner, Raimund (University of Hertfordshire, 2011)
      In this article we present the Constraint Aggregation Language (CAL), a declarative language for describing properties of stateless program components that interact by exchanging messages. CAL allows one to describe ...
    • Configuring Cloud-Service Interfaces Using Flow Inheritance 

      Zaichenkov, Pavel; Tveretina, Olga; Shafarenko, Alex (2016-06-01)
      Technologies for composition of loosely-coupled web services in a modular and flexible way are in high demand today. On the one hand, the services must be flexible enough to be reused in a variety of contexts. On the other ...
    • A Constraint Satisfaction Method for Configuring Non-Local Service Interfaces 

      Zaichenkov, Pavel; Tveretina, Olga; Shafarenko, Alex (Springer Nature, 2016-05-24)
      Modularity and decontextualization are core principles of a service-oriented architecture. However, the principles are often lost when it comes to an implementation of services due to rigid service interfaces. This paper ...
    • Container and Method : A tamper evident container that uses Destructive Read Memory elements that store more content than they reveal when they are destructively read. 

      School of Physics, Engineering & Computer Science; Centre for Computer Science and Informatics Research; Department of Computer Science; Shafarenko, Alex; Christianson, Bruce (IPO, 2022-02-23)
      This invention provides a probabilistically digital tamper proof container for data, a method for loading the data onto the container and a method for subsequently reading the data from the container whilst simultaneously ...
    • The Cost and Benefits of Coordination Programming: Two Case Studies in Concurrent Collection and S-Net 

      Zaichenkov, Pavel; Gijsbers, Bert; Grelck, Clemens; Tveretina, Olga; Shafarenko, Alex (2016-09-21)
      This is an evaluation study of the expressiveness provided and the performance delivered by the coordination language S-NET in comparison to Intel’s Concurrent Collections (CnC). An S-NET application is a network of black-box ...
    • Engineering Concurrent Software Guided by Statistical Performance Analysis 

      Scheuermann, Bernd; Grelck, Clemens; Hammond, Kevin; Hertlein, Heinz; Hoelzenspies, Philip; Jesshope, Chris; Kirner, Raimund; Shafarenko, Alex; te Boekhorst, Rene; Wieser, Volkmar (IOS Press, 2011)
      This paper introduces the ADVANCE approach to engineering concurrent systems using a new component-based approach. A cost-directed tool-chain maps concurrent programs onto emerging hardware architectures, where costs are ...
    • The error statistics analysis of the QPSK-modulated signal in the high-rate optical link 

      Redyuk, A.; Skidin, A.; Fedoruk, M.; Shafarenko, Alex (2013-06-01)
      A model of an optical fibre communication line operating at 80 Gb/s with QPSK modulation format is studied numerically. The error statistics and patterning effects are analyzed and nonlinear transmission impairments of the ...
    • GPU-based Parallel Technique for Solving the N-Similarity Problem in Textual Data Mining 

      Fazlali, Mahmood; Mirhosseini, Mina; Shahsavari, Mahyar; Shafarenko, Alex; Mashinchi, Mashaallah (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2024-03-04)
      An important issue in data mining and information retrieval is the problem of multiple similarity or n-similarity. This problem entails finding a group of n data points with the highest similarity within a large dataset. ...
    • Indexing structures for the PLS blockchain 

      Shafarenko, Alex (2021-11-02)
      This paper studies known indexing structures from a new point of view: minimisation of data exchange between an IoT device acting as a blockchain client and the blockchain server running a protocol suite that includes two ...
    • Linear Support Vector Machines for Error Correction in Optical Data Transmission 

      Metaxas, A.; Redyuk, A.; Sun, Yi; Shafarenko, Alex; Davey, N.; Adams, Roderick (Springer Nature, 2013)
      Reduction of bit error rates in optical transmission systems is an important task that is difficult to achieve. As speeds increase, the difficulty in reducing bit error rates also increases. Channels have differing ...
    • Modeling Streams-based Variants of Ant Colony Optimisation for Parallel Systems 

      Cheng, Wei; Penczek, Frank; Grelck, Clemens; Kirner, Raimund; Scheuermann, Bernd; Shafarenko, Alex (HiPEAC, 2012-01)
      In this paper we present the implementation of a concurrent ant colony optimisation based solver for the combinatorial Single Machine Total Weighted Tardiness Problem (ACO- SMTWTP). We introduce S-Net, a coordination ...
    • Non-Local Configuration of Component Interfaces by Constraint Satisfaction 

      Tveretina, Olga; Zaichenkov, Pavel; Shafarenko, Alex (2020-08-05)
      Service-oriented computing is the paradigm that utilises services as fundamental elements for developing applications. Service composition, where data consistency becomes especially important, is still a key challenge for ...
    • PS-NET - a predictable typed coordination language for stream processing in resource-constrained environments 

      Kirner, Raimund; Scholz, Sven-Bodo; Penczek, Frank; Shafarenko, Alex (International Academy, Research and Industry Association, 2010)
      Stream processing is a well-suited application pattern for embedded computing. This holds true even more so when it comes to multi-core systems where concurrency plays an important role. With the latest trend towards more ...
    • Relay-proof channels using UWB lasers 

      Christianson, B.; Shafarenko, Alex; Stajano, Frank; Wong, Ford-Long (Springer Nature, 2014)
      Alice is a hand-held device. Bob is a device providing a service, such as an ATM, an automatic door, or an anti-aircraft gun pointing at the gyro-copter in which Alice is travelling. Bob and Alice have never met, but share ...
    • Transporting a Secret using Destructively-Read Memory 

      Christianson, Bruce; Shafarenko, Alex (Springer Nature, 2023-10-21)
      Alice wants to send Bob a secret such as a one-time pad. Our proposal is to use a specially designed mass-produced memory chip, rather like a flash drive, called a DeRM (Destructive-Read Memory). As with other distribution ...
    • Winternitz stack protocols for embedded systems and IoT 

      Shafarenko, Alex (2024-12)
      This paper proposes and evaluates a new bipartite post-quantum digital signature protocol based on Winternitz chains and an oracle. Mutually mistrustful Alice and Bob are able to agree and sign a series of documents in a ...