Now showing items 1-7 of 7

    • LOFAR facet calibration 

      Van Weeren, R. J.; Williams, W. L.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Shimwell, T. W.; Rafferty, D. A.; Sabater, J.; Heald, G.; Sridhar, S. S.; Dijkema, T. J.; Brunetti, G.; Brüggen, M.; Andrade-Santos, F.; Ogrean, G. A.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Dawson, W. A.; Forman, W.R.; Gasperin, F. de; Jones, C.; Miley, G.K.; Rudnick, L.; Sarazin, C.L.; Bonafede, A.; Best, P. N.; Bîrzan, L.; Cassano, R.; Chyży, K. T.; Croston, J. H.; Ensslin, T.; Ferrari, C.; Hoeft, M.; Horellou, C.; Jarvis, M.J.; Kraft, R.P.; Mevius, M.; Intema, H. T.; Murray, S. S.; Orrú, E.; Pizzo, R.; Simionescu, A.; Stroe, A.; Tol, S. van der; White, G.J. (2016-03-07)
      LOFAR, the Low-Frequency Array, is a powerful new radio telescope operating between 10 and 240 MHz. LOFAR allows detailed sensitive high-resolution studies of the low-frequency radio sky. At the same time LOFAR also provides ...
    • The LOFAR Multifrequency Snapshot Sky Survey (MSSS) : I. Survey description and first results 

      Heald, G. H.; Pizzo, R. F.; Orrú, E.; Breton, R. P.; Carbone, D.; Ferrari, C.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Jurusik, W.; Macario, G.; Mulcahy, D.; Rafferty, D.; Asgekar, A.; Brentjens, M.; Fallows, R. A.; Frieswijk, W.; Toribio, M. C.; Adebahr, B.; Arts, M.; Bell, M. R.; Bonafede, A.; Bray, J.; Broderick, J.; Cantwell, T.; Carroll, P.; Cendes, Y.; Clarke, A. O.; Croston, J. H.; Daiboo, S.; De Gasperin, F.; Gregson, J.; Harwood, J.; Hassall, T.; Heesen, V.; Horneffer, A.; van der Horst, A.J.; Iacobelli, M.; Jelić, V.; Jones, D.; Kant, D.; Kokotanekov, G.; Martin, P.; McKean, J. P.; Morabito, L. K.; Nikiel-Wroczyński, B.; Offringa, A.; Pandey, V. N.; Pandey-Pommier, M.; Pietka, M.; Pratley, L.; Riseley, C.; Rowlinson, A.; Sabater, J.; Scaife, A. M. M.; Scheers, L. H. A.; Sendlinger, K.; Shulevski, A.; Sipior, M.; Sobey, C.; Stewart, A. J.; Stroe, A.; Swinbank, J.; Tasse, C.; Trüstedt, J.; Varenius, E.; Van Velzen, S.; Vilchez, N.; Van Weeren, R. J.; Wijnholds, S.; Williams, W. L.; de Bruyn, A. G.; Nijboer, R.; Wise, M.; Alexov, A.; Anderson, J.; Avruch, I. M.; Beck, R.; Bell, M. E.; Van Bemmel, I.; Bentum, M. J.; Bernardi, G.; Best, P.; Breitling, F.; Brouw, W. N.; Brüggen, M.; Butcher, H. R.; Ciardi, B.; Conway, J. E.; De Geus, E.; De Jong, A.; De Vos, M.; Deller, A.; Dettmar, R. J.; Duscha, S.; Eislöffel, J.; Engels, D.; Falcke, H.; Fender, R.; Garrett, M.A.; Grießmeier, J.; Gunst, A. W.; Hamaker, J. P.; Hessels, J. W. T.; Hoeft, M.; Hörandel, J.; Holties, H. A.; Intema, H.; Jackson, N. J.; Jütte, E.; Karastergiou, A.; Klijn, W. F. A.; Kondratiev, V. I.; Koopmans, L. V. E.; Kuniyoshi, M.; Kuper, G.; Law, C.; Van Leeuwen, J.; Loose, M.; Maat, P.; Markoff, S.; McFadden, R.; McKay-Bukowski, D.; Mevius, M.; Miller-Jones, J. C A; Morganti, R.; Munk, H.; Nelles, A.; Noordam, J. E.; Norden, M. J.; Paas, H.; Polatidis, A. G.; Reich, W.; Renting, A.; Röttgering, H.; Schoenmakers, A.; Schwarz, D.; Sluman, J.; Smirnov, O.; Stappers, B. W.; Steinmetz, M.; Tagger, M.; Tang, Y.; Ter Veen, S.; Thoudam, S.; Vermeulen, R.; Vocks, C.; Vogt, C.; Wijers, R.A.M.J.; Wucknitz, O.; Yatawatta, S.; Zarka, P. (2015-10-01)
      We present the Multifrequency Snapshot Sky Survey (MSSS), the first northern-sky Low Frequency Array (LOFAR) imaging survey. In this introductory paper, we first describe in detail the motivation and design of the survey. ...
    • The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey - I. Survey Description and Preliminary Data Release 

      Shimwell, T. W.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Best, P. N.; Williams, W. L.; Dijkema, T. J.; Gasperin, F. de; Hardcastle, M. J.; Heald, G. H.; Hoang, D. N.; Horneffer, A.; Intema, H.; Mahony, E. K.; Mandal, S.; Mechev, A. P.; Morabito, L.; Oonk, J. B. R.; Rafferty, D.; Retana-Montenegro, E.; Sabater, J.; Tasse, C.; Weeren, R. J. van; Brüggen, M.; Brunetti, G.; Chyży, K. T.; Conway, J. E.; Haverkorn, M.; Jackson, N.; Jarvis, M. J.; McKean, J. P.; Miley, G. K.; Morganti, R.; White, G. J.; Wise, M. W.; Bemmel, I. M. van; Beck, R.; Brienza, M.; Bonafede, A.; Rivera, G. Calistro; Cassano, R.; Clarke, A. O.; Cseh, D.; Deller, A.; Drabent, A.; Driel, W. van; Engels, D.; Falcke, H.; Ferrari, C.; Fröhlich, S.; Garrett, M. A.; Harwood, J. J.; Heesen, V.; Hoeft, M.; Horellou, C.; Israel, F. P.; Kapińska, A. D.; Kunert-Bajraszewska, M.; McKay, D. J.; Mohan, N. R.; Orrú, E.; Pizzo, R. F.; Prandoni, I.; Schwarz, D. J.; Shulevski, A.; Sipior, M.; Smith, D. J. B.; Sridhar, S. S.; Steinmetz, M.; Stroe, A.; Varenius, E.; Werf, P. P. van der; Zensus, J. A.; Zwart, J. T. L. (2017-02-09)
      The LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) is a deep 120-168 MHz imaging survey that will eventually cover the entire Northern sky. Each of the 3170 pointings will be observed for 8 hrs, which, at most declinations, is sufficient ...
    • LOFAR, VLA, and Chandra observations of the Toothbrush galaxy cluster 

      Van Weeren, R. J.; Brunetti, G.; Brüggen, M.; Andrade-Santos, F.; Ogrean, G. A.; Williams, W. L.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Dawson, W. A.; Forman, W.R.; Gasperin, F. de; Hardcastle, M.J.; Jones, C.; Miley, G.K.; Rafferty, D. A.; Rudnick, L.; Sabater, J.; Sarazin, C.L.; Shimwell, T. W.; Bonafede, A.; Best, P. N.; Bîrzan, L.; Cassano, R.; Chyży, K. T.; Croston, J. H.; Dijkema, T. J.; Ensslin, T.; Ferrari, C.; Heald, G.; Hoeft, M.; Horellou, C.; Jarvis, M.J.; Kraft, R.P.; Mevius, M.; Intema, H. T.; Murray, S. S.; Orrú, E.; Pizzo, R.; Sridhar, S. S.; Simionescu, A.; Stroe, A.; Tol, S. van der; White, G.J. (2016-02-22)
      We present deep LOFAR observations between 120-181 MHz of the "Toothbrush" (RX J0603.3+4214), a cluster that contains one of the brightest radio relic sources known. Our LOFAR observations exploit a new and novel calibration ...
    • A plethora of diffuse steep spectrum radio sources in Abell 2034 revealed by LOFAR 

      Shimwell, T. W.; Luckin, J.; Brüggen, M.; Brunetti, G.; Intema, H. T.; Owers, M. S.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Stroe, A.; Weeren, R. J. van; Williams, W. L.; Cassano, R.; Gasperin, F. de; Heald, G. H.; Hoang, D. N.; Hardcastle, M.J.; Sridhar, S. S.; Sabater, J.; Best, P. N.; Bonafede, A.; Chyży, K. T.; Ensslin, T. A.; Ferrari, C.; Haverkorn, M.; Hoeft, M.; Horellou, C.; McKean, J. P.; Morabito, L. K.; Orrù, E.; Pizzo, R.; Retana-Montenegro, E.; White, G.J. (2016-06-11)
      With Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR) observations, we have discovered a diverse assembly of steep spectrum emission that is apparently associated with the intra cluster medium (ICM) of the merging galaxy cluster Abell 2034. ...
    • Spectral age modelling of the 'Sausage' cluster radio relic 

      Stroe, A.; Harwood, Jeremy; Hardcastle, M.J.; Rottgering, H.J.A. (2014-12-01)
      CIZA J2242.8+5301 is a post-core passage, binary merging cluster that hosts a large, thin, arc-like radio relic, nicknamed the 'Sausage', tracing a relatively strong shock front. We perform spatially resolved spectral ...
    • The spectral structure and energetics of powerful radio sources 

      Harwood, J. J.; Hardcastle, M J.; Croston, J. H.; Stroe, A.; Morganti, R.; Orru, E. (2014-04-29)
      Determining the energy spectrum of an electron population can give key insights into the underlying physics of a radio source; however, the lack of high resolution, broad-bandwidth observations has left many ambiguities ...