Now showing items 1-8 of 8

    • Early-type galaxies at intermediate redshift observed with hubble space telescope WFC3 : Perspectives on recent star formation 

      Rutkowski, Michael J.; Jeong, Hyunjin; Cohen, Seth H.; Kaviraj, S.; Windhorst, Rogier A.; Ryan, Russell E.; Koekemoer, Anton; Yi, Sukyoung K.; Hathi, Nimish P.; Dopita, Michael A. (2014-12-01)
      We present an analysis of the stellar populations of 102 visually selected early-type galaxies (ETGs) with spectroscopic redshifts (0.35 ≲ z ≲ 1.5) from observations in the Early Release Science program with the Wide Field ...
    • Emergence and cosmic evolution of the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation driven by interstellar turbulence 

      Kraljic, Katarina; Renaud, Florent; Dubois, Yohan; Pichon, Christophe; Agertz, Oscar; Andersson, Eric; Devriendt, Julien; Freundlich, Jonathan; Kaviraj, Sugata; Kimm, Taysun; Martin, Garreth; Peirani, Sébastien; Otero, Álvaro Segovia; Volonteri, Marta; Yi, Sukyoung K. (2024-01-31)
      The scaling relations between the gas content and star formation rate of galaxies provide useful insights into the processes governing their formation and evolution. We investigated the emergence and the physical drivers ...
    • The green valley is a red herring : Galaxy Zoo reveals two evolutionary pathways towards quenching of star formation in early-and late-type galaxies 

      Schawinski, Kevin; Urry, C. Megan; Simmons, Brooke D.; Fortson, Lucy; Kaviraj, Sugata; Keel, William C.; Lintott, Chris J.; Masters, Karen L.; Nichol, Robert C.; Sarzi, Marc; Skibba, Ramin; Treister, Ezequiel; Willett, Kyle W.; Wong, O. Ivy; Yi, Sukyoung K. (2014-05-01)
      We use SDSS+GALEX+Galaxy Zoo data to study the quenching of star formation in lowredshift galaxies. We show that the green valley between the blue cloud of star-forming galaxies and the red sequence of quiescent galaxies ...
    • Improved and quality-assess emission and absorption line measurements in Sloan digital sky survey galaxies 

      Oh, Kyuseok; Sarzi, Marc; Schawinski, Kevin; Yi, Sukyoung K. (2011-08)
      We present a new database of absorption and emission-line measurements based on the entire spectral atlas from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) 7th data release of galaxies within a redshift of 0.2. Our work makes use ...
    • Introducing the NewHorizon simulation : Galaxy properties with resolved internal dynamics across cosmic time 

      Dubois, Yohan; Beckmann, Ricarda; Bournaud, Frédéric; Choi, Hoseung; Devriendt, Julien; Jackson, Ryan; Kaviraj, Sugata; Kimm, Taysun; Kraljic, Katarina; Laigle, Clotilde; Martin, Garreth; Park, Min-Jung; Peirani, Sébastien; Pichon, Christophe; Volonteri, Marta; Yi, Sukyoung K. (2021-07-28)
      Hydrodynamical cosmological simulations are increasing their level of realism by considering more physical processes and having greater resolution or larger statistics. However, usually either the statistical power of such ...
    • The SAURON project - XVIII : The integrated UV-line-strength relations of early-type galaxies 

      Bureau, Martin; Jeong, Hyunjin; Yi, Sukyoung K.; Schawinski, Kevin; Houghton, Ryan C. W.; Davies, Roger L.; Bacon, Roland; Cappellari, Michele; de Zeeuw, P. Tim; Emsellem, Eric; Falcon-Barroso, Jesus; Krajnovic, Davor; Kuntschner, Harald; McDermid, Richard M.; Peletier, Reynier F.; Sarzi, Marc; Sohn, Young-Jong; Thomas, Daniel; van den Bosch, Remco C. E.; van de Ven, Glenn (2011-07)
      Using far-ultraviolet (FUV) and near-ultraviolet (NUV) photometry from guest investigator programmes on the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) satellite, optical photometry from the MDM Observatory and optical integral-field ...
    • The SAURON project - XXI : The spatially resolved UV-line strength relations of early-type galaxies 

      Jeong, Hyunjin; Yi, Sukyoung K.; Bureau, Martin; Davies, Roger L.; Bacon, Roland; Cappellari, Michele; de Zeeuw, P. Tim; Emsellem, Eric; Falcon-Barroso, Jesus; Krajnovic, Davor; Kuntschner, Harald; McDermid, Richard M.; Peletier, Reynier F.; Sarzi, Marc; van den Bosch, Remco C. E.; van de Ven, Glenn (2012-06)
      The unexpected rising flux of early-type galaxies at decreasing ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths is a long-standing mystery. One important observational constraint is the correlation between UVoptical colours and Mg2 line ...
    • Translators of Galaxy Morphology Indicators between Observation and Simulation 

      Jang, J. K.; Yi, Sukyoung K.; Dubois, Yohan; Rhee, Jinsu; Pichon, Christophe; Kimm, Taysun; Devriendt, Julien; Volonteri, Marta; Kaviraj, Sugata; Peirani, Sebastien; Oh, Sree; Croom, Scott (2023-06-06)
      Based on the recent advancements in numerical simulations of galaxy formation, we anticipate the achievement of realistic models of galaxies in the near future. Morphology is the most basic and fundamental property of ...