Now showing items 1-18 of 18

    • The Academic Dress of Doctors of Philosophy at the University of London 

      Christianson, Bruce (2023-10-07)
      Of the sixteen UK universities that instituted the PhD degree by 1920, of which London was the last, only London, Wales, and Birmingham specify a doctor’s full-dress pattern robe in a darker shade of red than scarlet. The ...
    • BTG-AC: Break-The-Glass Access Control Model for Medical Data in Wireless Sensor Networks 

      Maw, Htoo; Xiao, Hannan; Christianson, Bruce; Malcolm, James (2016-05-03)
      Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have recently attracted much interest in the research community because of their wide range of applications. An emerging application for WSNs involves their use in healthcare where they are ...
    • Building an Ensemble for Software Defect Prediction Based on Diversity Selection 

      Petri, Jean; Bowes, David; Hall, Tracy; Christianson, Bruce; Baddoo, Nathan (ACM Press, 2016-09-09)
      Background: Ensemble techniques have gained attention in various scientific fields. Defect prediction researchers have investigated many state-of-the-art ensemble models and concluded that in many cases these outperform ...
    • A Cloud-based RFID Authentication Protocol with Insecure Communication Channels 

      Xiao, Hannan; Alshehri, Awatif; Christianson, Bruce (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2017-02-09)
      Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has becomea widespread technology to automatically identify objects and withthe development of cloud computing, cloud-based RFID systemsattract more research these days. Several ...
    • Coloured Velvet is Too Gaudy: The 1861 Reforms to the Academical Costume of the University of London 

      Christianson, Bruce (2022-10-08)
      The University of London’s original system of academic dress was adopted by the Senate in 1844, and made extensive use of velvet on both gowns and hoods. In 1861 London adopted a radically new system, which eliminated the ...
    • A comparison of methods for traversing regions of non-convexity in optimization problems 

      Bartholomew-Biggs, Michael; Beddiaf, Salah; Christianson, Bruce (2019-11-13)
      This paper considers the well-known problem of dealing with non-convexity during the minimization of a non-linear function f(x) by Newton-like methods. The proposal made here involves a curvilinear search along an approximation ...
    • Container and Method : A tamper evident container that uses Destructive Read Memory elements that store more content than they reveal when they are destructively read. 

      School of Physics, Engineering & Computer Science; Centre for Computer Science and Informatics Research; Department of Computer Science; Shafarenko, Alex; Christianson, Bruce (IPO, 2022-02-23)
      This invention provides a probabilistically digital tamper proof container for data, a method for loading the data onto the container and a method for subsequently reading the data from the container whilst simultaneously ...
    • Differentiating through Conjugate Gradient 

      Christianson, Bruce (2018-11-02)
      We show that, although the Conjugate Gradient (CG) Algorithm has a singularity at the solution, it is possible to differentiate forward through the algorithm automatically by re-declaring all the variables as truncated ...
    • Edge Security for SIP-enabled IoT Devices with P4 

      Febro, Aldo; Xiao, Hannan; Spring, William Joseph; Christianson, Bruce (2022-02-11)
      The exponential growth of IoT devices poses security concerns, in part because they provide a fertile breeding ground for botnets. For example, the Mirai botnet infected almost 65,000 devices in its first 20 hours. With ...
    • Global Convergence of a Curvilinear Search for Non-Convex Optimization 

      Bartholomew-Biggs, Michael; Beddiaf, Salah; Christianson, Bruce (2022-08-26)
      For a non-convex function f : R^n → R with gradient g and Hessian H, define a step vector p(μ,x) as a function of scalar parameter μ and position vector x by the equation (H(x) + μI)p(μ, x) = −g(x). Under mild conditions ...
    • A Portrait of an Oxford Nobleman, circa 1705 

      Christianson, Bruce; Kendall, Joan (2016-10-09)
    • Reflections on Designing the Academic Dress of the University of Hertfordshire 

      Christianson, Bruce; Waters, Philip (2021-10-09)
      Thirty years ago the authors were involved in the design of the academic dress for the new University of Hertfordshire. Here we reflect upon the process, and try to remem- ber what we thought we were doing.
    • A Robust Dirichlet Reputation and Trust Evaluation of Nodes in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks 

      Chiejina, Eric; Xiao, Hannan; Christianson, Bruce; Mylonas, Alexios; Chiejina, Chidinma (2022-01-12)
      The distributed nature of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) presents security challenges and vulnerabilities which sometimes lead to several forms of attacks. To improve the security in MANETs, reputation and trust management ...
    • Simulating Perceptions of Security 

      Wernick, Paul; Christianson, Bruce; Spring, William (Springer Nature, 2017-11-29)
      Systems complicated enough to have ongoing security issues are difficult to understand, and hard to model. The models are hard to understand, even when they are right (another reason they are usually wrong), and too ...
    • Synchronizing DDoS Defense at Network Edge with P4, SDN, and Blockchain 

      Febro, Aldo; Xiao, Hannan; Spring, William Joseph; Christianson, Bruce (2022-10-24)
      Botnet-originated DDoS attacks continue to plague the internet and disrupt services for legitimate users. While various proposals have been presented in the last two decades, the botnet still has advantages over the ...
    • A Taxonomy of Automatic Differentiation Pitfalls 

      Hückelheim, Jan; Menon, Harshitha; Moses, William; Christianson, Bruce; Hovland, Paul; Hascoët, Laurent (2024-09-02)
      Automatic differentiation is a popular technique for computing derivatives of computer programs. While automatic differentiation has been successfully used in countless engineering, science, and machine learning applications, ...
    • Threat Analysis of Software Agents in Online Banking and Payments 

      Ngalo, Tamsanqa; Xiao, Hannan; Christianson, Bruce; Zhang, Ying (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2018-10-28)
      Software agents are the delegated subcontractors essential to connect the end-user to the bank and payment providers in a distributed service offering. This paper evaluates the key role that the different software agent ...
    • Transporting a Secret using Destructively-Read Memory 

      Christianson, Bruce; Shafarenko, Alex (Springer Nature, 2023-10-21)
      Alice wants to send Bob a secret such as a one-time pad. Our proposal is to use a specially designed mass-produced memory chip, rather like a flash drive, called a DeRM (Destructive-Read Memory). As with other distribution ...