Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • ICON 2019: International Scientific Tendinopathy Symposium Consensus: Clinical Terminology 

      Scott, Alex; Squier, Kipling; Alfredson, Hakan; Cook, Jill; Coombes, Brooke; de Vos, Robert-Jan; Fu, Siu; Grimaldi, Alison; Lewis, Jeremy; Maffulli, Nicola; Magnusson, SP; Malliaras, Peter; McAuliffe, Sean; Oei, Edwin; Purdham, Craig; Rio, Ebonie; Silbernagel, Karin; Speed, Cathy; Weir, Adam; Wolf, Jennifer; van den Akker-Scheek, Inge; Vicenzino, Bill; Zwerver, Johannes (2019-08-09)
      Background Persistent tendon pain that impairs function has inconsistent medical terms that can influence choice of treatment.1 When a person is told they have tendinopathy by clinician A or tendinitis by clinician B, they ...
    • ICON 2019—International Scientific Tendinopathy Symposium Consensus: There are nine core health- related domains for tendinopathy (CORE DOMAINS): Delphi study of healthcare professionals and patients 

      Vicenzino, Bill; de VOS, Robert-Jan; Alfredson, Hakan; Bahr, Roald; Cook, Jill; Coombes, Brooke; Fu, Siu Ngor; Gravare Sibernagel, Karin; Grimaldi, Alison; Lewis, Jeremy; Maffulli, Nicola; Magnusson, SP; Malliaris, Peter; McAuliffe, Sean; Oei, Edwin; Purdam, Craig; Rees, Jonathan; Rio, Eboni; Scott, Alex; Speed, Cathy; van den Akker-Scheek, Inge; Weir, Adam; Moriatis Wolf, Jennifer; Zwerver, Johannes (2019-11-04)
      Background: The absence of any agreed-upon tendon health-related domains hampers advances in clinical tendinopathy research. This void means that researchers report a very wide range of outcome measures in consistently. ...
    • Managing tendinopathies. 

      Cook, Jill; Rio, Ebonie; Lewis, Jeremy (Elsevier, 2015-06-23)