Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • JWST UNCOVER: Extremely Red and Compact Object at z phot ≃ 7.6 Triply Imaged by A2744 

      Furtak, Lukas J.; Zitrin, Adi; Plat, Adèle; Fujimoto, Seiji; Wang, Bingjie; Nelson, Erica J.; Labbé, Ivo; Bezanson, Rachel; Brammer, Gabriel B.; van Dokkum, Pieter; Endsley, Ryan; Glazebrook, Karl; Greene, Jenny E.; Leja, Joel; Price, Sedona H.; Smit, Renske; Stark, Daniel P.; Weaver, John R.; Whitaker, Katherine E.; Atek, Hakim; Chevallard, Jacopo; Curtis-Lake, Emma; Dayal, Pratika; Feltre, Anna; Franx, Marijn; Fudamoto, Yoshinobu; Marchesini, Danilo; Mowla, Lamiya A.; Pan, Richard; Suess, Katherine A.; Vidal-García, Alba; Williams, Christina C. (2023-08-01)
      Recent JWST/NIRCam imaging taken for the ultra-deep UNCOVER program reveals a very red dropout object at z phot ≃ 7.6, triply imaged by the galaxy cluster A2744 (z d = 0.308). All three images are very compact, i.e., ...
    • A variable active galactic nucleus at $z=2.06$ triply-imaged by the galaxy cluster MACS J0035.4-2015 

      Furtak, Lukas J.; Mainali, Ramesh; Zitrin, Adi; Plat, Adèle; Fujimoto, Seiji; Donahue, Megan; Nelson, Erica J.; Bauer, Franz E.; Uematsu, Ryosuke; Caminha, Gabriel B.; Andrade-Santos, Felipe; Bradley, Larry D.; Caputi, Karina I.; Charlot, Stéphane; Chevallard, Jacopo; Coe, Dan; Curtis-Lake, Emma; Espada, Daniel; Frye, Brenda L.; Knudsen, Kirsten K.; Koekemoer, Anton M.; Kohno, Kotaro; Kokorev, Vasily; Laporte, Nicolas; Lee, Minju M.; Lemaux, Brian C.; Magdis, Georgios E.; Sharon, Keren; Stark, Daniel P.; Su, Yuanyuan; Suess, Katherine A.; Ueda, Yoshihiro; Umehata, Hideki; Vidal-García, Alba; Wu, John F. (2023-07-31)
      We report the discovery of a triply imaged active galactic nucleus (AGN), lensed by the galaxy cluster MACS J0035.4−2015 (z d = 0.352). The object is detected in Hubble Space Telescope imaging taken for the RELICS program. ...