Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Cores in infrared dark clouds (IRDCs) seen in the Hi-GAL survey between l=300 degrees and 330 degrees 

      Wilcock, L.A.; Ward-Thompson, D.; Kirk, J.M.; Stamatellos, D.; Whitworth, A.; Elia, D.; Fuller, G.A.; DiGiorgio, A.; Griffin, M.J.; Molinari, S.; Martin, P.; Mottram, J. C.; Peretto, N.; Pestalozzi, M.; Schisano, E.; Plume, R.; Smith, H. A.; Thompson, M. A. (2012-05)
      We have used data taken as part of the Herschel infrared Galactic Plane survey (Hi-GAL) to study 3171 infrared dark cloud (IRDC) candidates that were identified in the mid-IR (8 mu m) by Spitzer (we refer to these as ...
    • The Herschel-SPIRE instrument and its in-flight performance 

      Griffin, M.J.; Abergel, A.; Abreu, A.; Ade, P.A.R.; André, P.; Augueres, J.-L.; Babbedge, T.; Bae, Y.; Baillie, T.; Baluteau, J.-P.; Barlow, M.J.; Bendo, G.; Benielli, D.; Bock, J.; Bonhomme, P.; Brisbin, D.; Brockley-Blatt, C.; Caldwell, M.; Cara, C.; Castro-Rodriguez, N.; Cerulli, R.; Chanial, P.; Chen, S.; Clark, E.; Clements, D. L.; Clerc, L.; Coker, J.; Communal, D.; Conversi, L.; Cox, P.; Crumb, D.; Cunningham, C.; Daly, F.; Davis, G. R.; de Antoni, P.; Delderfield, J.; Devin, N.; di Giorgio, A.; Didschuns, I.; Dohlen, K.; Donati, M.; Dowell, A.; Dowell, C.D.; Duband, L.; Dumaye, L.; Emery, R. J.; Ferlet, M.; Ferrand, D.; Fontignie, J.; Fox, M.; Franceschini, A.; Frerking, M.; Fulton, T.; Garcia, J.; Gastaud, R.; Gear, W.K.; Glenn, J.; Goizel, A.; Griffin, D.K.; Grundy, T.; Guest, S.; Guillemet, L.; Hargrave, P. C.; Harwit, M.; Hastings, P.; Hatziminaoglou, E.; Herman, M.; Hinde, B.; Hristov, V.; Huang, M.; Imhof, P.; Isaak, K.J.; Israelsson, U.; Ivison, R.J.; Jennings, D.; Kiernan, B.; King, K.J.; Lange, A. E.; Latter, W.; Laurent, G.; Laurent, P.; Leeks, S. J.; Lellouch, E.; Levenson, L.; Li, B.; Li, J.; Lilienthal, J.; Lim, T.; Liu, S. J.; Lu, N.; Madden, S.; Mainetti, G.; Marliani, P.; McKay, D.; Mercier, K.; Molinari, S.; Morris, H.; Moseley, H.; Mulder, J.; Mur, M.; Naylor, D.A.; Nguyen, H.; O'Halloran, B.; Oliver, S.; Olofsson, G.; Olofsson, H.-G.; Orfei, R.; Page, M.J.; Pain, I.; Panuzzo, P.; Papageorgiou, A.; Parks, G.; Parr-Burman, P.; Pearce, A.; Pearson, C.; Pérez-Fournon, I.; Pinsard, F.; Pisano, G.; Podosek, J.; Pohlen, M.; Polehampton, E.T.; Pouliquen, D.; Rigopoulou, D.; Rizzo, D.; Roseboom, I.G.; Roussel, H.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Rownd, B.; Saraceno, P.; Sauvage, M.; Savage, R.; Savini, G.; Sawyer, E.; Scharmberg, C.; Schmitt, D.; Schneider, N.; Schulz, B.; Schwartz, A.; Shafer, R.; Shupe, D. L.; Sibthorpe, B.; Sidher, S.; Smith, A.; Smith, A. J.; Smith, Daniel; Spencer, L.; Stobie, B.; Sudiwala, R.; Sukhatme, K.; Surace, C.; Stevens, Jason; Swinyard, B. M.; Trichas, M.; Tourette, T.; Triou, H.; Tseng, S.; Tucker, C.; Turner, A.; Vaccari, M.; Valtchanov, I.; Vigroux, L.; Virique, E.; Voellmer, G.; Walker, H.; Ward, R.; Waskett, T.; Weilert, M.; Wesson, R.; White, G.J.; Whitehouse, N.; Wilson, C.D.; Winter, B.; Woodcraft, A. L.; Wright, G. S.; Xu, C.K.; Zavagno, A.; Zemcov, M.; Zhang, L.; Zonca, E. (2010-07-01)
      The Spectral and Photometric Imaging REceiver (SPIRE), is the Herschel Space Observatory`s submillimetre camera and spectrometer. It contains a three-band imaging photometer operating at 250, 350 and 500 μm, and an imaging ...
    • Isolated starless cores in infrared dark clouds in the Hi-GAL survey 

      Wilcock, L.A.; Ward-Thompson, D.; Kirk, J.M.; Stamatellos, D.; Whitworth, A.; Battersby, C.; Elia, D.; Fuller, G.A.; DiGiorgio, A.; Griffin, M.J.; Molinari, S.; Martin, P.; Mottram, J.C.; Peretto, N.; Pestalozzi, M.; Schisano, E.; Smith, H.A.; Thompson, M.A. (2012-07-01)
      In a previous paper, we identified cores within infrared dark clouds. We regarded those without embedded sources as the least evolved and labelled them starless. Here we identify the most isolated starless cores and model ...
    • SCUBA: a common-user submillimetre camera operating on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope 

      Holland, W.S.; Robson, E.I.; Gear, W.K.; Cunningham, C.; Lightfoot, J.F.; Jenness, T.; Ivison, R.J.; Stevens, J. A.; Ade, P.A.R.; Griffin, M.J.; Duncan, W.D.; Murphy, J.A.; Naylor, D.A. (1999)
      SCUBA, the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array, built by the Royal Observatory Edinburgh for the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, is the most versatile and powerful of a new generation of submillimetre cameras. It ...