Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • 'The Brick' is not a brick : A comprehensive study of the structure and dynamics of the Central Molecular Zone cloud G0.253+0.016 

      Henshaw, J. D.; Ginsburg, A.; Haworth, T. J.; Longmore, S. N.; Kruijssen, J. M. D.; Mills, E. A. C.; Sokolov, V.; Walker, D. L.; Barnes, A. T.; Contreras, Y.; Bally, J.; Battersby, C.; Beuther, H.; Butterfield, N.; Dale, James; Henning, T.; Jackson, J. M.; Kauffmann, J.; Pillai, T.; Ragan, S.; Riener, M.; Zhang, Q. (2019-05-01)
      In this paper we provide a comprehensive description of the internal dynamics of G0.253+0.016 (a.k.a. 'the Brick'); one of the most massive and dense molecular clouds in the Galaxy to lack signatures of widespread star ...
    • The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Characterization of the nearby ultra-compact multiplanetary system YZ Ceti 

      Stock, S.; Kemmer, J.; Reffert, S.; Trifonov, T.; Kaminski, A.; Dreizler, S.; Quirrenbach, A.; Caballero, J. A.; Reiners, A.; Jeffers, S. V.; Anglada-Escudé, G.; Ribas, I.; Amado, P. J.; Barrado, D.; Barnes, J. R.; Bauer, F. F.; Berdiñas, Z. M.; Béjar, V. J. S.; Coleman, G. A. L.; Cortés-Contreras, M.; Díez-Alonso, E.; Domínguez-Fernández, A. J.; Espinoza, N.; Haswell, C. A.; Hatzes, A.; Henning, T.; Jenkins, J. S.; Jones, H. R. A.; Kossakowski, D.; Kürster, M.; Lafarga, M.; Lee, M. H.; González, M. J. López; Montes, D.; Morales, J. C.; Morales, N.; Pallé, E.; Pedraz, S.; guez, E. Rodrí; Rodríguez-López, C.; Zechmeister, M. (2020-02-07)
      Context. The nearby ultra-compact multiplanetary system YZ Ceti consists of at least three planets, and a fourth tentative signal. The orbital period of each planet is the subject of discussion in the literature due to ...
    • A young hierarchical triple system harbouring a candidate debris disc 

      Deacon, N. R.; Schlieder, J. E.; Olofsson, J.; Johnston, K. G.; Henning, T. (2013-09-11)
      We report the detection of a wide young hierarchical triple system where the primary has a candidate debris disc. The primary, TYC 5241-986-1 A, is a known Tycho star which we classify as a late-K star with emission in the ...