Now showing items 1-20 of 36

    • Assessing the stellar population and the environment of an HII region on the far side of the Galaxy 

      Chené, A. -N.; Benjamin, R. A.; Alegría, S. Ramírez; Borissova, J.; Kurtev, R.; Bidin, C. Moni; Mauro, F.; Lucas, P.; Guo, Z.; Smith, L. C.; Gonzalez-Fernandez, C.; Ivanov, V. D.; Minniti, D.; Anderson, L. D.; Armentrout, W. P.; Gonzalez, D.; Herrero, A.; Ramírez, K. Peña (2021-04-20)
      We have investigated the stellar and interstellar content of the distant star formation region IRAS 17591-2228 (WISE HII region GAL 007.47+0.06). It is associated to a water maser, whose parallax distance is d=20.4^{+2.8} ...
    • A colour-excess extinction map of the southern Galactic disc from the VVV and GLIMPSE surveys 

      Soto, M.; Barbá, R.; Minniti, D.; Kunder, A.; Majaess, D.; Nilo-Castellón, J. L.; Alonso-García, J.; Leone, G.; Morelli, L.; Haikala, L.; Firpo, V.; Lucas, P.; Emerson, J. P.; Bidin, C. Moni; Geisler, D.; Saito, R. K.; Gurovich, S.; Ramos, R. Contreras; Rejkuba, M.; Barbieri, M.; Roman-Lopes, A.; Hempel, M.; Alonso, M. V.; Baravalle, L. D.; Borissova, J.; Kurtev, R.; Milla, F. (2019-09-01)
      An improved high-resolution and deep A Ks foreground dust extinction map is presented for the Galactic disc area within 295◦ ≾ l ≾ 350◦, −1.0◦ ≾ b ≾ +1.0◦. At some longitudes the map reaches up to |b| ~ 2.25◦, for a total ...
    • A deep WISE search for very late type objects and the discovery of two halo/thick-disc T dwarfs : WISE 0013+0634 and WISE 0833+0052 

      Pinfield, D.J.; Gomes, J.; Day-Jones, A. C.; Leggett, S.K.; Gromadzki, M.; Burningham, B.; Ruiz, M. T.; Kurtev, R.; Cattermole, T.; Cardoso, C.; Lodieu, N.; Faherty, J.; Littlefair, S.; Smart, R.; Irwin, M.; Clarke, J. R. A.; Smith, Leigh; Lucas, P.W.; Galvez-Ortiz, M. C.; Jenkins, J. S.; Jones, H.R.A.; Rebolo, R.; Bejar, V. J. S.; Gauza, B. (2014-01-11)
      A method is defined for identifying late-T and Y dwarfs in WISE down to low values of signal-to-noise. This requires a WISE detection only in the W2-band and uses the statistical properties of the WISE multiframe measurements ...
    • Discovery of a brown dwarf companion to the A3V star β Circini 

      Smith, Leigh; Lucas, P.W.; Peña, C. Contreras; Kurtev, R.; Marocco, Federico; Jones, H.R.A.; Beamin, J.C.; Napiwotzki, Ralf; Borissova, J.; Burningham, B.; Faherty, J.; Pinfield, D.J.; Gromadzki, M.; Ivanov, V.D.; Minniti, D.; Stimson, W.; Villanueva, V. (2015-12-21)
      We report the discovery of an L dwarf companion to the A3V star β Circini. VVV J151721.49−585131.5, or β Cir B, was identified in a proper motion and parallax catalogue of the VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea survey as ...
    • Discovery of a Long-Lived, High Amplitude Dusty Infrared Transient 

      Britt, C. T.; Maccarone, T. J.; Green, J. D.; Jonker, P. G.; Hynes, R. I.; Torres, M. A. P.; Strader, J.; Chomiuk, L.; Salinas, R.; Lucas, P.; Pena, C. Contreras; Kurtev, R.; Heinke, C.; Smith, L.; Wright, N. J.; Johnson, C.; Steeghs, D.; Nelemans, G. (2016-08-11)
      We report the detection of an infrared selected transient which has lasted at least 5 years, first identified by a large mid-infrared and optical outburst from a faint X-ray source detected with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. ...
    • Discovery of a mid-infrared protostellar outburst of exceptional amplitude 

      Lucas, P. W.; Elias, Jay; Points, Sean; Guo, Z.; Stecklum, B.; Vorobyov, E.; Morris, C.; Borissova, J.; Kurtev, R.; Pena, C. Contreras; Medina, N.; Minniti, D.; Ivanov, V. D.; Saito, R. K. (2020-09-23)
      We report the discovery of a mid-infrared outburst in a Young Stellar Object (YSO) with an amplitude close to 8 mag at lambda ~ 4.6 microns. WISEA J142238.82-611553.7 is one of 23 highly variable WISE sources discovered ...
    • Discovery of a new Y dwarf: WISE J030449.03-270508.3 

      Pinfield, D.J.; Gromadzki, M.; Leggett, S.K.; Gomes, J.; Lodieu, N.; Kurtev, R.; Day-Jones, A. C.; Ruiz, M. T.; Cook, N. J.; Morley, C.V.; Marley, M. S.; Marocco, F.; Smart, R.L.; Jones, H.R.A.; Lucas, P.W.; Beletsky, Y.; Ivanov, V. D.; Burningham, B.; Jenkins, J. S.; Cardoso, C.; Frith, J.; Clarke, J. R. A.; Gálvez-Ortiz, M. C.; Zhang, Z. (2014-10-21)
      We present a new Y dwarf, WISE J030449.03−270508.3, confirmed from a candidate sample designed to pick out low-temperature objects from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) data base. The new object is typed Y0pec ...
    • Extreme infrared variables from UKIDSS - II. an end-of-survey catalogue of eruptive YSOs and unusual stars 

      Lucas, P. W.; Smith, L. C.; Pena, C. Contreras; Froebrich, Dirk D.; Drew, Janet E.; Kumar, M. S. N.; Borissova, J.; Minniti, D.; Kurtev, R.; Monguio, M. (2017-12-11)
      We present a catalogue of 618 high-amplitude infrared variable stars (1 < ΔK < 5 mag) detected by the two widely separated epochs of 2.2 μm data in the UKIDSS Galactic plane survey, from searches covering ∼1470 deg2. Most ...
    • Identifying ultra-cool dwarfs at low Galactic latitudes : a southern candidate catalogue 

      Folkes, S. L.; Pinfield, D.J.; Jones, H.R.A.; Kurtev, R.; Zhang, Z.; Galvez-Ortiz, M. C.; Marocco, F.; Day-Jones, A. C.; Clarke, J. R. A. (2012-12)
      We present an ultra-cool dwarf (UCD) catalogue compiled from low southern Galactic latitudes and mid-plane, from a cross-correlation of the Two Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) and the SuperCOSMOS survey. The catalogue contains ...
    • Infrared spectroscopy of eruptive variable protostars from VVV 

      Peña, C. Contreras; Lucas, P. W.; Kurtev, R.; Minniti, D.; Garatti, A. Caratti o; Marocco, F.; Thompson, M. A.; Froebrich, D.; Kumar, N.; Stimson, W.; Molina, C. Navarro; Borissova, J.; Gledhill, T.; Terzi, R. (2017-03-01)
      In a companion work (Paper I) we detected a large population of highly variable Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) in the Vista Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey, typically with class I or flat spectrum spectral energy ...
    • Long-term Stellar Variability in the Galactic Centre Region 

      Molina, C. Navarro; Borissova, J.; Catelan, M.; Lucas, P. W.; Medina, N.; Pena, C. Contreras; Kurtev, R.; Minniti, D. (2019-02)
      We report the detection of variable stars within a 11.5' x 11.5' region near the Galactic centre (GC) that includes the Arches and Quintuplet clusters, as revealed by the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey. ...
    • Mercer 5: a probable new globular cluster in the Galactic bulge 

      Longmore, A.J.; Kurtev, R.; Lucas, P.W.; Froebrich, D.; de Grijs, R.; Ivanov, V.D.; Maccarone, T. J.; Borissova, J.; Ker, L. M. (2011-09)
      We present a detailed study of a dust-obscured Galactic star cluster Mercer 5 ([MCM2005b] 5) in an extremely crowded field in the Milky Way. Near-infrared (near-IR) photometry from United Kingdom Infrared Digital Sky Surveys ...
    • The most variable VVV sources: eruptive protostars, dipping giants in the Nuclear Disc and others 

      Lucas, P. W.; Smith, L. C.; Guo, Z.; Peña, C. Contreras; Minniti, D.; Miller, N.; Alonso-García, Javier; Catelan, M.; Borissova, J.; Saito, R. K.; Kurtev, R.; Navarro, M. G.; Morris, C.; Muthu, H.; Froebrich, D.; Ivanov, V. D.; Bayo, A.; Garatti, A. Caratti o; Sanders, J. L. (2024-02-01)
      We have performed a comprehensive search of a VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) data base of 9.5 yr light curves for variable sources with ΔKs ≥ 4 mag, aiming to provide a large sample of high amplitude eruptive young ...
    • Near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy of the low Galactic latitude globular cluster 2MASS-GC03 

      Carballo-Bello, Julio A.; Alegria, S. Ramirez; Borissova, J.; Smith, L. C.; Kurtev, R.; Lucas, P. W.; Bidin, Ch Moni; Alonso-Garcia, J.; Minniti, D.; Palma, T.; Dekany, I.; Medina, N.; Moyano, M.; Villanueva, V.; Kuhn, M. A. (2016-10-11)
      We present deep near-infrared photometry and spectroscopy of the globular cluster 2MASS-GC03 projected in the Galactic disk using MMIRS on the Clay telescope (Las Campanas Observatory) and VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea ...
    • New evidence supporting membership for TW nor in Lyngå 6 and the centaurus spiral arm 

      Majaess, D.; Turner, D.; Moni Bidin, C.; Mauro, F.; Geisler, D.; Gieren, W.; Chené, A.-N.; Minniti, D.; Saito, R.K.; Minniti, D.; Minniti, D.; Chené, A.-N.; Borissova, J.; Kurtev, R.; Lucas, P.W.; Dékny, I. (2011)
      The putative association between the 10. 8 classical Cepheid TW Nor and the open cluster Lyngå 6 has generated considerable debate in the literature.NewJHK photometry in tandem with existing radial velocities for Lyngå 6 ...
    • New Galactic star clusters discovered in the disc area of the VVVX survey 

      Borissova, J.; Ivanov, V. D.; Lucas, P. W.; Kurtev, R.; Alonso-Garcia, J.; Alegria, S. Ramirez; Minniti, D.; Hempel, M.; Medina, N.; Chene, A. N.; Kuhn, M. A. (2018-12-11)
      The "VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea eXtended (VVVX)" ESO Public Survey is a near-infrared photometric sky survey that covers nearly 1700 sq. deg towards the Galactic disk and bulge. It is well-suited to search for new ...
    • New Galactic star clusters discovered in the VVV survey 

      Borissova, J.; Bonatto, C.; Kurtev, R.; Clarke, J. R. A.; Penaloza, F.; Sale, S. E.; Minniti, D.; Alonso-Garcia, J.; Artigau, E.; Barba, R.; Bica, E.; Baume, G. L.; Catelan, M.; Chene, A. N.; Dias, B.; Folkes, S. L.; Froebrich, D.; Geisler, D.; de Grijs, R.; Hanson, M. M.; Hempel, M.; Ivanov, V. D.; Kumar, M. S. N.; Lucas, P.W.; Mauro, F.; Moni Bidin, C.; Rejkuba, M.; Saito, R. K.; Tamura, M.; Toledo, I. (2011-08)
      Context. VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) is one of the six ESO Public Surveys operating on the new 4-m Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). VVV is scanning the Milky Way bulge and an adjacent ...
    • New galactic star clusters discovered in the VVV survey : Candidates projected on the inner disk and bulge 

      Borissova, J.; Chené, A. N.; Ramírez Alegría, S.; Sharma, S.; Clarke, J. R. A.; Kurtev, R.; Negueruela, I.; Marco, A.; Amigo, P.; Minniti, D.; Bica, E.; Bonatto, C.; Catelan, M.; Fierro, C.; Geisler, D.; Gromadzki, M.; Hempel, M.; Hanson, M. M.; Ivanov, V. D.; Lucas, P.W.; Majaess, D.; Moni Bidin, C.; Popescu, B.; Saito, R.K. (2014-09)
      Context. VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea (VVV) is one of six ESO Public Surveys using the 4 meter Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). The VVV survey covers the Milky Way bulge and an adjacent ...
    • Open cluster candidates in the VVVX area: VVVX CL 076 and CL 077 

      Borissova, Jura; Ivanov, Valentin D.; Lucas, Philip; Kurtev, R.; Alonso-Garcia, J.; Alegria, S. Ramirez; Minniti, D.; Medina, Nicolás; Chene, Andre Nicolas (2019-08-01)
      We are reporting some basic parameters of two newly discovered clusters, VVVX CL 076 and CL 077, recently discovered in the galactic disk area covered by the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea eXtended (VVVX) ESO Public ...
    • A population of eruptive variable protostars in VVV 

      Peña, C. Contreras; Lucas, P. W.; Minniti, D.; Kurtev, R.; Stimson, W.; Molina, C. Navarro; Borissova, J.; Kumar, N.; Thompson, M. A.; Gledhill, T.; Terzi, R.; Froebrich, D.; Garatti, A. Caratti o (2017-03-01)
      We present the discovery of 816 high amplitude infrared variable stars (Delta Ks >1 mag) in 119 deg^2 of the Galactic midplane covered by the Vista Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) survey. Almost all are new discoveries ...