Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Detection of Planetary and Stellar Companions to Neighboring Stars via a Combination of Radial Velocity and Direct Imaging Techniques 

      Kane, Stephen R.; Dalba, Paul A.; Li, Zhexing; Horch, Elliott P.; Hirsch, Lea A.; Horner, Jonathan; Wittenmyer, Robert A.; Howell, Steve B.; Everett, Mark E.; Butler, R. Paul; Tinney, Christopher G.; Carter, Brad D.; Wright, Duncan J.; Jones, Hugh R. A.; Bailey, Jeremy; O'Toole, Simon J. (2019-06-04)
      The sensitivities of radial velocity (RV) surveys for exoplanet detection are extending to increasingly longer orbital periods, where companions with periods of several years are now being regularly discovered. Companions ...
    • Revised Architecture and Two New Super-Earths in the HD 134606 Planetary System 

      Li, Zhexing; Kane, Stephen R.; Brandt, Timothy D.; Fetherolf, Tara; Robertson, Paul; Zhao, Jinglin; Dalba, Paul A.; Wittenmyer, Robert A.; Butler, R. Paul; Diaz, Matias R.; Howell, Steve B.; Bailey, Jeremy; Carter, Brad; Furlan, Elise; Gnilka, Crystal L.; Jones, Hugh R. A.; O'Toole, Simon; Tinney, Chris (2024-04-01)
      Multiplanet systems exhibit a diversity of architectures that diverge from the solar system and contribute to the topic of exoplanet demographics. Radial velocity (RV) surveys form a crucial component of exoplanet surveys, ...