Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • A Minimum Dilution Scenario for Supernovae and Consequences for Extremely Metal-Poor Stars 

      Magg, Mattis; Nordlander, Thomas; Glover, Simon C. O.; Hansen, Camilla J.; Ishigaki, Miho; Heger, Alexander; Klessen, Ralf S.; Kobayashi, Chiaki; Nomoto, Ken'ichi (2020-11-01)
      To date no metal-free stars have been identified by direct observations. The most common method of constraining their properties is searching the spectra of the most metal-poor stars for the chemical elements created in ...
    • Origin of metals in old Milky Way halo stars based on GALAH and Gaia 

      Ishigaki, Miho N.; Hartwig, Tilman; Tarumi, Yuta; Leung, Shing-Chi; Tominaga, Nozomu; Kobayashi, Chiaki; Magg, Mattis; Simionescu, Aurora; Nomoto, Ken'ichi (2021-10-01)
      Stellar and supernova nucleosynthesis in the first few billion years of the cosmic history have set the scene for early structure formation in the Universe, while little is known about their nature. Making use of stellar ...