Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Concentrations of mephedrone in cases of fatal and non-fatal clinical intoxications 

      Papaseit, E.; Olesti, E.; de la Torre, R.; Corkery, John; Torrens, Marta; Magi, Farré (2017-10-23)
    • New trends in the cyber and street market of recreational drugs? : The case of 2C-T-7 ('Blue Mystic') 

      Schifano, Fabrizio; Deluca, Paolo; Agosti, Lisa; Martinotti, Giovanni; Corkery, John; Alex, Baldacchino; Caterina, Bonan; Heikki, Bothas; Raffaella, Brigada; Anna, Comacchio; Lucia, Di Furia; Dorte, Duarte Rui Eastwood; Magi, Farré; Susana, Ferreira; Irene, Flores; Claude, Guionnet; Lisbet, Harder; Lene, Stokholm Jensen; Mauro, Leoni; Christopher, Littlejohn; Aino, Majava; Teuvo, Peltoniemi; Milena, Pizza; Salman, Rawaf; Damien, Robert; Angela, Rossi Maria; Francesco, Rovetto; Norbert, Scherbaum; Holger, Siemann; Josep, Tarrago; Marta, Torrens; Francesco, Zambello; Psychonaut 2002 Research Group (2005)
      2C-T-7 ('Blue Mystic'), an illicit compound which shows similarities with MDMA and other designer drugs, has been only occasionally identified in the EU, but discussion on the Internet between experimenters has recently ...