Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Eclipsing binary stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud : results from the EROS-2, OGLE and VMC surveys 

      Tatiana, Muraveva; Clementini, G.; Maceroni, Carla; Evans, Chris J.; Moretti, M.I.; Cioni, M-R.L.; Marquette, J-B.; Ripepi, V.; de Grijs, R.; Groenewegen, M.A.T.; Piatti, Andres; van Loon, J. Th (2014-09-01)
      We present a catalogue of 1768 eclipsing binary stars (EBs) detected in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) by the second generation of the EROS survey (hereinafter EROS-2); 493 of them are new discoveries located in outer ...
    • Preliminary results for RR Lyrae stars and classical Cepheids from VISTA Magellanic Cloud (VMC) survey 

      Ripepi, V.; Moretti, M.I.; Clementini, G.; Marconi, M.; Cioni, M-R.L.; Marquette, J-B.; Tisserand, P. (2012-09)
      The Vista Magellanic Cloud (VMC, PI M.R. Cioni) survey is collecting K S -band time series photometry of the system formed by the two Magellanic Clouds (MC) and the "bridge" that connects them. These data are used to build ...
    • Variability and spectral classification of LMC giants: Results from DENIS and EROS 

      Cioni, M-R.L.; Marquette, J-B.; Loup, C.; Azzopardi, M.; Habing, H.J.; Lasserre, T.; Lesquoy, E. (2001)
    • The VMC survey - V : First results for classical Cepheids 

      Ripepi, V.; Moretti, M.I.; Marconi, M.; Clementini, G.; Cioni, M-R.L.; Marquette, J-B.; Girardi, L.; Rubele, S.; Groenewegen, M.A.T.; de Grijs, R.; Gibson, B. K.; Oliveira, J.M.; van Loon, J. Th; Emerson, J.P. (2012-08)
      The VISTA Magellanic Cloud (VMC; PI: M.-R. L. Cioni) survey is collecting deep Ks-band time series photometry of the pulsating variable stars hosted by the system formed by the two Magellanic Clouds (MCs) and the bridge ...
    • The VMC survey - X : The technique of using Cepheids, RR Lyrae stars and binaries to probe the Magellanic system structure 

      Moretti, M.I.; Clementini, G.; Tatiana, Muraveva; Ripepi, V.; Marquette, J-B.; Cioni, M-R.L.; Marconi, M.; Girardi, L.; Rubele, S.; Tisserand, P.; de Grijs, R.; Groenewegen, M.A.T.; Guandalini, Roald; Ivanov, V.D.; van Loon, J. Th (2014-01)
      The VISTA near-infrared Y, J, Ks survey of the Magellanic System (VMC) survey is obtaining multi-epoch photometry in the Ks band of the Magellanic System down to a limiting magnitude of Ks~19.3 for individual epoch data. ...
    • The VMC survey I. Strategy and first data 

      Cioni, M-R.L.; Clementini, G.; Girardi, L.; Guandalini, R.; Gullieuszik, M.; Miszalski, B.; Moretti, M.I.; Ripepi, V.; Rubele, S.; Bagheri, G.; Bekki, K.; Cross, N.J.G.; de Blok, W.J.G.; de Grijs, R.; Emerson, J.P.; Evans, C.J.; Gibson, B.; Gonzales-Solares, E.; Groenewegen, M.A.T.; Irwin, M.J.; Ivanov, V.D.; Lewis, J.; Marconi, M.; Marquette, J-B.; Mastropietro, C.; Moore, B.; Napiwotzki, R.; Naylor, T.; Oliveira, J.M.; Read, M.; Sutorius, E.; van Loon, J.T.; Wilkinson, M.I.; Wood, P.R. (2011-03)
      Context: The new VISual and Infrared Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) has started operations. Over its first five years it will be collecting data for six public surveys, one of which is the near-infrared YJK(s) VISTA survey ...