Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Average Scores Integration in Official Star Rating Scheme 

      Mellinas, Juan Pedro; Reino, Sofia (2019-09-17)
      Purpose: Evidence suggests that electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) plays a highly influential role in decision-making when booking hotel rooms. The number of online sources where consumers can obtain information on hotel ...
    • Fake Advertising? Neutrality in descriptions beside overall hotel scores 

      Mellinas, Juan Pedro; Reino, Sofia (2019-09-01)
      Hotel reviews influence travellers' booking decisions. Research on this topic is focused on the scores or comments given through the reviews. However, no studies have looked into the one-word descriptions associated with ...
    • Word of Mouth, the Importance of Reviews and Ratings in Tourism Marketing 

      Mellinas, Juan Pedro; Reino, Sofia (IGI Global Publishing, 2018-08-28)
      The Internet and social media have given place to what is commonly known as the democratization of content and this phenomenon is changing the way that consumers and companies interact. Business strategies are shifting ...