Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • A blue depression in the optical spectra of M dwarfs 

      Jones, Hugh R. A.; Pavlenko, Yakiv; Lyubchik, Yuri; Bessell, Mike; Allard, Nicole; Pinfield, David J. (2023-07-01)
      A blue depression is found in the spectra of M dwarfs from 4000 to 4500 Å. This depression shows an increase towards lower temperatures, though it is particularly sensitive to gravity and metallicity. It is the single ...
    • GTC/CanariCam Deep Mid-infrared Imaging Survey of Northern Stars within 5 pc 

      Gauza, Bartosz; Béjar, Víctor J. S.; Rebolo, Rafael; Álvarez, Carlos; Zapatero Osorio, María Rosa; Bihain, Gabriel; Caballero, José A.; Pinfield, David J.; Telesco, Charles M.; Packham, Christopher (2021-12-15)
      In this work we present the results of a direct imaging survey for brown dwarf companions around the nearest stars at the mid-infrared 10 micron range (λ c = 8.7 μm, Δλ = 1.1 μm) using the CanariCam instrument on the 10.4 ...
    • Identifying and characterizing ultracool dwarfs ejected from post-encounter disintegrating systems 

      Yip, Alexandra K. P.; Kurtev, Radostin; Pinfield, David J.; Marocco, Federico; Gromadzki, Mariusz; Carballo-Bello, Julio A. (2023-06-01)
      Disintegrating multiple systems have been previously discovered from kinematic studies of the $\it Hipparcos$ catalogue. They are presumably the result of dynamical encounters taking place in the Galactic disk between ...
    • The metal rich abundance pattern - spectroscopic properties and abundances for 107 main-sequence stars 

      Ivanyuk, Oleksiy M.; Jenkins, James S.; Pavlenko, Yakiv V.; Jones, Hugh R. A.; Pinfield, David J. (2017-07-01)
      We report results from the high resolution spectral analysis of the 107 metal rich (mostly [Fe/H]$\ge$7.67 dex) target stars from the Calan-Hertfordshire Extrasolar Planet Search program observed with HARPS. Using our ...