Now showing items 1-20 of 41

    • Action and perception for spatiotemporal patterns 

      Biehl, Martin; Polani, Daniel (MIT Press, 2017-09)
      This is a contribution to the formalization of the concept of agents in multivariate Markov chains. Agents are commonly defined as entities that act, perceive, and are goal-directed. In a multivariate Markov chain (e.g. a ...
    • Causal blankets : Theory and algorithmic framework 

      Rosas, Fernando E.; Mediano, Pedro A.M.; Biehl, Martin; Chandaria, Shamil; Polani, Daniel (Springer Nature, 2020-12-18)
      We introduce a novel framework to identify perception-action loops (PALOs) directly from data based on the principles of computational mechanics. Our approach is based on the notion of causal blanket, which captures sensory ...
    • Computation of Empowerment for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle 

      Catenacci Volpi, Nicola; De Palma, Daniela; Polani, Daniel; Indiveri, Giovanni (2016-02-25)
      The paper addresses the computation of the information-theoretic empowerment measure for a simplified vertical plane dynamic model of an eFolaga autonomous underwater vehicle. Empowerment can be used to measure how much ...
    • Cooperation and antagonism in information exchange in a growth scenario with two species 

      Burgos, Andrés C.; Polani, Daniel (2016-06-21)
      We consider a simple information-theoretic model of communication, in which two species of bacteria have the option of exchanging information about their environment, thereby improving their chances of survival. For this ...
    • Decoupled Sampling-Based Motion Planning for Multiple Autonomous Marine Vehicles 

      Catenacci Volpi, Nicola; Smith, Simón C.; Pascoal, António; Simetti, Enrico; Turetta, Alessio; Alibani, Michael; Polani, Daniel (2018-10-26)
      There is increasing interest in the deployment and operation of multiple autonomous marine vehicles (AMVs) for a number of challenging scientific and commercial operational mission scenarios. Some of the missions, such as ...
    • Editorial: Sensorimotor Foundations of Social Cognition 

      Engel, Andreas K.; Verschure, Paul F. M. J.; Kragic, Danica; Polani, Daniel; Effenberg, Alfred O.; König, Peter (2022-07-08)
    • The Effect of Noise on the Emergence of Continuous Norms and its Evolutionary Dynamics 

      Anagnou, Stavros; Polani, Daniel; Salge, Christoph (MIT Press, 2023-07-28)
      We examine the effect of noise on societies of agents using an agent based model of evolutionary norm emergence. Generally we see that noisy societies are more selfish, smaller and discontent, with noisy societies caught ...
    • Embodiment and its Influence on Informational Costs of Decision Density — Atomic Actions vs. Scripted Sequences 

      Riegler, Bente; Polani, Daniel; Steuber, Volker (2021-04-12)
      The importance of embodiment for effective robot performance has been postulated for a long time. Despite this, only relatively recently concrete quantitative models were put forward to characterize the advantages provided ...
    • Emergence of common concepts, symmetries and conformity in agent groups—an information-theoretic model 

      Möller, Marco; Polani, Daniel (2023-04-14)
      The paper studies principles behind structured, especially symmetric, representations through enforced inter-agent conformity. For this, we consider agents in a simple environment who extract individual representations of ...
    • Empowerment as a Generic Utility Function for Agents in a Simple Team Sport Simulation 

      Polani, Daniel; Clements, Marcus (Springer Nature Link, 2017-08-11)
      Players in team sports cooperate in a coordinated manner to achieve common goals. Automated players in academic and commercial team sports simulations have tradi- tionally been driven by complex externally motivated value ...
    • Empowerment As Replacement for the Three Laws of Robotics 

      Salge, Christoph; Polani, Daniel (2017-06-29)
      The greater ubiquity of robots creates a need for generic guidelines for robot behaviour. We focus less on how a robot can technically achieve a predefined goal, and more on what a robot should do in the first place. ...
    • Exact and Soft Successive Refinement of the Information Bottleneck 

      Charvin, Hippolyte; Catenacci Volpi, Nicola; Polani, Daniel (2023-09-19)
      The information bottleneck (IB) framework formalises the essential requirement for efficient information processing systems to achieve an optimal balance between the complexity of their representation and the amount of ...
    • Expanding the Active Inference Landscape: More Intrinsic Motivations in the Perception-Action Loop 

      Biehl, Martin; Guckelsberger, Christian; Salge, Christoph; Smith, Simon; Polani, Daniel (2018-08-30)
      Active inference is an ambitious theory that treats perception, inference, and action selection of autonomous agents under the heading of a single principle. It suggests biologically plausible explanations for many cognitive ...
    • Goal-directed Empowerment: combining Intrinsic Motivation and Task-oriented Behaviour 

      Catenacci Volpi, Nicola; Polani, Daniel (2020-12-07)
      Empowerment is an information-theoretic measure representing the capacity of an agent to affect its environment. It quantifies its ability to inject information in the environment via its actions and to recapture this ...
    • The human in the loop Perspectives and challenges for RoboCup 2050 

      Rossi, Alessandra; Paetzel-Prüsmann, Maike; Keijsers, Merel; Anderson, Michael; Anderson, Susan Leigh; Barry, Daniel; Gutsche, Jan; Hart, Justin; Iocchi, Luca; Kokkelmans, Ainse; Kuijpers, Wouter; Liu, Yun; Polani, Daniel; Roscon, Caleb; Scheunemann, Marcus; Stone, Peter; Vahl, Florian; van de Molengraft, René; von Stryk, Oskar (2024-05-16)
      Robotics researchers have been focusing on developing autonomous and human-like intelligent robots that are able to plan, navigate, manipulate objects, and interact with humans in both static and dynamic environments. These ...
    • Human Perception of Intrinsically Motivated Autonomy in Human-Robot Interaction 

      Scheunemann, Marcus; Salge, Christoph; Polani, Daniel; Dautenhahn, Kerstin (2022-02-22)
      A challenge in using robots in human-inhabited environments is to design behavior that is engaging, yet robust to the perturbations induced by human interaction. Our idea is to imbue the robot with intrinsic motivation ...
    • The Information Complexity of Navigating with Momentum 

      Riegler, Bente; Polani, Daniel; Steuber, Volker (MIT Press, 2022-07-18)
      Many models of organism navigation concern themselves in essence just with the sequence of locations visited and how to manage it. However, larger and bulkier organisms have also to deal with managing momentum. We expect ...
    • Information Decomposition Based on Cooperative Game Theory 

      Ay, Nihat; Polani, Daniel; Virgo, Nathaniel (2020-12-05)
      We offer a new approach to the information decomposition problem in information theory: given a ‘target’ random variable co-distributed with multiple ‘source’ variables, how can we decompose the mutual information into a ...
    • Information parsimony in collaborative interaction 

      Trendafilov, Dari; Polani, Daniel (2018-09-27)
      We investigate the information processing cost associated with performing a collaborative dyadic task at a specific utility level. We build our approach on the Relevant Information formalism, which combines Shannon's ...
    • Information-theoretic Sensorimotor Foundations of Fitts' Law 

      Trendafilov, Dari; Polani, Daniel (ACM Press, 2019-05-02)
      We propose a novel, biologically plausible cost/fitness function for sensorimotor control, formalized with the information-theoretic principle of empowerment, a task-independent universal utility. Empowerment captures ...