Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Low-intake dehydration prevalence in non-hospitalised older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis 

      Parkinson, Ellice; Hooper, Lee; Fynn, Judith; Wilsher, Stephanie Howard; Oladosu, Titilopemi; Poland, Fiona; Roberts, Simone; Van Hout, Elien; Bunn, Diane (2023-08-31)
      Background & aims Low-intake dehydration amongst older people, caused by insufficient fluid intake, is associated with mortality, multiple long-term health conditions and hospitalisation. The prevalence of low-intake ...
    • Suffering and Contentment 

      Milligan, Tony (McFarland, 2010)
      In what follows, I will focus primarily upon Iris Murdoch's philosophical texts and more occasionally draw from her novels. Section one will set out the marginalisation of contentment within the former and argue that Murdoch ...