Research publications: Recent submissions
Now showing items 821-840 of 23694
Automatic for the people? Problematising the potential of digital planning
(2024-09-11)This article contributes to the small but growing corpus of literature which analyses the increasing use of digital technologies as part of spatial planning activities. Much of that existing literature focuses on the ... -
Kidney Patient Report Experience Measure Comments Report 2021 : Is there any other aspect of your experience of kidney care that you would like to comment on? A qualitative analysis of patient free text comments in Kidney PREM 2021
(UK Renal Registry / Kidney Care UK, 2022-05-31)The Kidney Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM) is facilitated annually by the UK Kidney Association and Kidney Care UK. The PREM has 39 questions covering 13 themes. Additionally, the PREM, when accessed online, has ... -
Final Report: Real Approaches to the Study of Antimicrobials During the Pandemic (2020-2024)
(Octopus, 2024-05-13)"Final Report: Real Approaches to the Study of Antimicrobials During the Pandemic (2020-2024)" by R. Elshenawy provides a comprehensive analysis of antimicrobial use throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. This extensive four-year ... -
Capacitance Prediction Using Multi-cascade Convolutional Neural Network for Efficient Wireless Power Transfer
(2024-04-17)The efficiency of the wireless power transfer is significantly impacted by misalignment between the transmitting and receiving coils due to impedance mismatching. To tackle this issue, an efficient power transfer solution ... -
The relationship between anxiety and tic severity in children and adolescents with Tic disorders: a scoping review.
(2024-04-19)A review of the literature aimed to understand whether a diagnosis of a tic disorder equated to higher levels of anxiety, and how this relationship varies when considering co-occurring attention deficit hyperactivity ... -
The Internal Consistency of the Moral Injury Event Scale : A Reliability Generalization Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review
(2024-04-15)The Moral Injury Event Scale (MIES) is a tool for measuring exposure to potentially morally injurious event(s) and distress. Although it reported acceptable psychometric properties in its initial development studies, it ... -
Engaging young people in NHS service delivery and development : Recommendations from a scoping review and research project
(Association for Young People's Health, 2024-05-23)Young people need to be involved at all levels of our healthcare system, from shaping the care they are receiving at the front line right up to co-designing and inputting to strategic change. What we mean by health services ... -
Multi-Fidelity Combustor Design and Experimental Test for a Micro Gas Turbine System
(2022-03-21)A multi-fidelity micro combustor design approach is developed for a small-scale combined heat and power CHP system. The approach is characterised by the coupling of the developed preliminary design model using the combined ... -
Design Procedure of a Hybrid Renewable Power Generation System
(Springer Nature, 2021-04-30)Electrification of small communities in districted off-grid area remains as a challenge for power generation industries. In the current study, various aspects of design of a standalone renewable power plant are examined ... -
Optimal Design of Environmental-Friendly Hybrid Power Generation System
(Springer Nature, 2021-04-30)Combination of both renewable and fuel-based generation systems is an advantageous approach to develop off-grid distributed power plants. This approach requires evaluation of the techno-economic potential of each source ... -
Kidney Patient Reported Experience Measure Comments Report 2022 : A qualitative analysis of patient free text comments in Kidney PREM 2022
(UK Renal Registry / Kidney Care UK, 2023-05-25)The Kidney Patient Reported Experience Measure (Kidney PREM) is facilitated annually by the UK Kidney Association and Kidney Care UK. The Kidney PREM has 39 questions covering 13 themes. Additionally, when accessed online, ... -
The Patient Voice : An analysis of free-text responses from the 2023 National Kidney Patient Experience Survey (Kidney PREM)
(UK Renal Registry / Kidney Care UK, 2024-04-23)The Kidney Patient Reported Experience Measure (Kidney PREM) is facilitated annually by the UK Kidney Association and Kidney Care UK. The Kidney PREM has 39 questions covering 13 themes, and in 2023 was available online ... -
Development of an Affordable MGT-CHP for Domestic Applications
(Springer Nature Link, 2023-08-12)The micro gas turbine (MGT) is considered one of the main solutions for the future power generation system to provide secure and stable energy. Thanks to its multi-fuel capability and high values of power-to-weight ratio, ... -
Protocol to Investigate Factors Impacting Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) Implementation Before and During COVID-19 in Two Acute Care Settings to Fight Antimicrobial Resistance
(, 2024-05-10)This protocol aims to investigate factors affecting the implementation of antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in two acute care settings. The research comprises three sequential studies: ... -
The Molecular Clouds of M31
(2024-05-08)Deep interferometric observations of CO and dust continuum emission are obtained with the Submillimeter Array at 230 GHz to investigate the physical nature of the giant molecular cloud (GMC) population in the Andromeda ... -
Using the proof assistant Lean in undergraduate mathematics classrooms
(2024-04-22)In this paper we develop a case for introducing a new teaching tool to undergraduate mathematics. Lean is an interactive theorem prover that instantly checks the correctness of every step and provides immediate feedback. ... -
Antibody Drug Conjugates in Urological Cancers: A Review of the Current Landscape
(2024-04-23)Purpose of Review Our review delves into the progress across urological malignancies and discusses ongoing challenges and future directions in antibody–drug conjugate (ADC) development, emphasising their transformative ... -
Galmoss: A package for GPU-accelerated galaxy profile fitting
(2024-04-22)We introduce galmoss, a python-based, torch-powered tool for two-dimensional fitting of galaxy profiles. By seamlessly enabling GPU parallelization, galmoss meets the high computational demands of large-scale galaxy surveys, ... -
Synthesis and characterization of absorption-enhanced alumina solid particle materials for direct irradiation solar-thermal conversion
(2024-04-26)Based on solar-thermal application more than 1000 °C, a novel combination of sol-gel synthesis and stepwise calcination to prepare metal-ion doped alumina composite particles as heat transfer media were proposed, enhancing ... -
Investigation on temperature control performance of an underground confined space under ventilation
(2024-04-23)The control of thermal environment in underground structures has always been a subject of great concern. In this paper, the influence of initial surrounding rock temperature (ISRT), ventilation temperature (VT) and ventilation ...