Now showing items 941-960 of 23694

    • The Lost Mother's project : Imprisoned pregnant women undergoing mandatory separation from their newborn babies experience compounded punishments and a uniquely painful prison experience 

      Avlonitis, Natalie; Abbott, Laura (2024-03-14)
      Title: Lost Mothers Project – Preliminary Findings Background In the UK, the numbers of pregnant women in prison are not routinely collated, but estimations suggest that 6-7% of the female prison population are at varying ...
    • Shear strength recovery of sand with self-healing polymeric capsules 

      Qi, Rui; Chen, Ke; Lin, Hongjie; Kanellopoulos, Antonios; Deyun, Liu; Leung, Anthony Kwan; Lourenço, Sérgio D. N. (2024-03-23)
      Self-healing approaches are increasingly being explored in various fields as a potential method to recover damaged material properties. By self-recovering without external intervention, self-healing techniques emerge as a ...
    • Use of Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour for Microbiological Disinfection in Hospital Environments: A Review 

      Ayub, Aaqib; Cheong, Yuen Ki; Castro, Jesus Calvo; Cumberlege, Oliver; Chrysanthou, Andreas (2024-02-22)
      Disinfection of nosocomial pathogens in hospitals is crucial to combat healthcare-acquired infections, which can be acquired by patients, visitors and healthcare workers. However, the presence of a wide range of pathogens ...
    • The 2022–2023 accretion outburst of the young star V1741 Sgr 

      Kuhn, Michael; Hillenbrand, Lynnee A.; Connelley, Michael S.; Rich, R. Michael; Staels, Bart; Carvalho, Adolfo S.; Lucas, Philip; Fremling, Christoffer; Karambelkar, Viraj R.; Lee, Ellen; Ahumada, Tomás; Ishida, Emille E.~O.; De, Kishalay; de Souza, Rafael S.; Kasliwal, Mansi M. (2024-04-01)
      V1741 Sgr (= SPICY 71482/Gaia22dtk) is a Classical T Tauri star on the outskirts of the Lagoon Nebula. After at least a decade of stability, in mid-2022, the optical source brightened by ∼3 mag over 2 months, remained ...
    • A Folklorist Looks at Ice Cream Vans 

      Davies, Owen (2024-03-14)
      Of all the commercial road vehicles that have toured the streets and tourist spots of Britain, Ireland, America, and Australia over nearly a century, none elicit more popular reminiscence and sentiment than ice cream vans. ...
    • The globular cluster VVV CL002 falling down to the hazardous Galactic centre 

      Minniti, Dante; Matsunaga, Noriyuki; Fernández-Trincado, José G.; Otsubo, Shogo; Sarugaku, Yuki; Takeuchi, Tomomi; Katoh, Haruki; Hamano, Satoshi; Ikeda, Yuji; Kawakita, Hideyo; Lucas, Philip W.; Smith, Leigh C.; Petralia, Ilaria; Rita Garro, Elisa; Saito, Roberto K.; Alonso-García, Javier; Gómez, Matías; Gabriela Navarro, María (2024-03-15)
      Context. The Galactic centre is hazardous for stellar clusters because of the strong tidal force in action there. It is believed that many clusters were destroyed there and contributed stars to the crowded stellar field ...
    • Is the digital rectal exam any good as a prostate cancer screening test? 

      Kirby, Mike; Merriel, Sam; Olajide, Oluwabunmi; Norman, Alexander; Vasdev, Nikhil; Hanchanale, Vishwanath; Cain, Michelle; Wilkinson, Malcom; Stephens, Harley; Victor, Debbie; Kinnaird, William; Tree, Alison; Challapalli, Amarnath; Rylance, Amy (2024-02-29)
      There is no shortage of references in popular culture to the prostate examination, with many a laugh built on the punchline of the finger up the bum. Interestingly, while cervical, breast, or bowel screening share barriers ...
    • LOFAR HBA observations of the Euclid Deep Field North (EDFN) 

      Bondi, M.; Scaramella, R.; Zamorani, G.; Ciliegi, P.; Vitello, F.; Arias, M.; Best, P.N.; Bonato, M.; Botteon, A.; Brienza, M.; Brunetti, G.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Magliocchetti, M.; Massaro, F.; Morabito, L. K; Pentericci, L.; Prandoni, I.; Röttgering, H. J. A.; Shimwell, T. W.; Tasse, C.; Weeren, R. J. van; White, G. J. (2024-03-18)
      We present the first deep (72 h of observations) radio image of the Euclid Deep Field North (EDFN) obtained with the LOw-Frequency ARray (LOFAR) High Band Antenna (HBA) at 144 MHz. The EDFN is the latest addition to the ...
    • High energy gamma-ray sources in the VVV survey - II. The AGN counterparts 

      Donoso, Laura G; Pichel, Ana; Baravalle, Laura D; Alonso, M Victoria; Schmidt, Eduardo O; Minniti, Dante; Masetti, Nicola; Smith, Leigh C; Lucas, Philip W; Villalon, Carolina; Rovero, Adrián C; Coldwell, Georgina (2024-03-09)
      We identified Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) candidates as counterparts to unidentified gamma-ray sources (UGS) from the Fermi-LAT Fourth Source Catalogue at lower Galactic latitudes. Our methodology is based on the use of ...
    • Echeia - assisted resonance in Roman Theatres; Companion to the Reception of Vitruvius 

      Godman, Robert (Brill Academic Publishers, 2024-03-11)
      The author has been asked to write an 8000 word chapter on the subject of Echia (the resonating vessels placed in Roman Theatres according to Vitruvius). The request has come from Prof. Ingrid Rowland. Prof. Rowland is ...
    • The nature of compact radio-loud AGN: a systematic look at the LOFAR AGN population 

      Chilufya, J.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Pierce, J. C. S.; Croston, J. H.; Mingo, B.; Zheng, X.; Baldi, R. D.; Röttgering, H. J. A. (2024-04-01)
      We investigate the nature of low-luminosity radio-loud active galactic nuclei (RLAGN) selected from the LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey (LoTSS) first data release (DR1). Using optical, mid-infrared, and radio data, we have ...
    • The high energy X-ray probe (HEX-P): constraining supermassive black hole growth with population spin measurements 

      Piotrowska, J. M.; García, J. A.; Walton, D. J.; Beckmann, R. S.; Stern, D.; Ballantyne, D. R.; Wilkins, D. R.; Bianchi, S.; Boorman, P. G.; Buchner, J.; Chen, C.-T.; Coppi, P.; Dauser, T.; Fabian, A.C.; Kammoun, E.; Madsen, K.; Mallick, L.; Matt, G.; Matzeu, G.; Nardini, E.; Pizzetti, A.; Puccetti, S.; Ricci, C.; Tombesi, F.; Torres-Albà, N.; Wong, K.-W. (2024-03-28)
      Constraining the primary growth channel of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) remains one the most actively debated questions in the context of cosmological structure formation. Owing to the expected connection between SMBH ...
    • The International Working Group on Women and Sport 1994-2024 : The Challenge of Change 

      Pike, Elizabeth (Routledge, 2024-04-09)
      This book comprehensively evaluates the role of the International Working Group on Women and Sport (IWG) – the world’s largest network dedicated to advancing gender equity and equality in sport, physical education, and ...
    • A Philosopher's Perspective on the UK’s Higher Education: Teaching in the Iron Cage 

      Larvor, Brendan (Cambridge Scholars Publishing (CSP), 2024-02-15)
      In this collection of research articles and reflective essays, Brendan Larvor argues that the principal task of teachers in higher education is to find ways to pursue the creative, romantic and liberal goals of the ideal ...
    • Integrative analysis of transcriptomic and epigenomic data reveals distinct patterns for developmental and housekeeping gene regulation 

      Abnizova, Irina; Stapel, Carine; Boekhorst, Rene te; Lee, Jimmy Tsz Hang; Hemberg, Martin (2024-04-10)
      Background: Regulation of transcription is central to the emergence of new cell types during development, and it often involves activation of genes via proximal and distal regulatory regions. The activity of regulatory ...
    • The rise of solo dining: prediction and consumer profiling 

      Kian Yeik, Koay; DLT, Ong; Idris, Izian; Sabrina, Nurfarah; Cheah, Chee Wei (2024-01-21)
      The aim of this study is twofold: first, to investigate the factors that affect consumers’ intentions to dine alone, drawing on the theory of planned behavior (TPB); and second, to segment consumers based on their motives ...
    • The Orbit of NGC 5907 ULX-1 

      Belfiore, Andrea; Salvaterra, Ruben; Sidoli, Lara; Israel, Gian Luca; Stella, Luigi; De Luca, Andrea; Mereghetti, Sandro; Esposito, Paolo; Pintore, Fabio; D’Aì, Antonino; Rodrìguez Castillo, Guillermo; Walton, Dominic J.; Fürst, Felix; Magistrali, Danilo; Wolter, Anna; Imbrogno, Matteo (2024-04-09)
      We report on the orbit of the binary system powering the most extreme ultraluminous X-ray pulsar known to date: NGC 5907 ULX-1 (hereafter ULX1). ULX1 has been the target of a substantial multi-instrument campaign, mainly ...
    • The evolution of ventral intermediate nucleus targeting in MRI-guided focused ultrasound thalamotomy for essential tremor: an international multi-center evaluation 

      Jameel, Ayesha; Akgun, Sena; Yousif, Nada; Smith, Joely; Jones, Brynmor; Nandi, Dipankar; Bain, Peter; Gedroyc, Wladyslaw (2024-03-26)
      Background: The ventral intermediate nucleus (VIM) is the premiere target in magnetic resonance-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) thalamotomy for tremor; however, there is no consensus on the optimal coordinates for ...
    • Specific factors influencing patient satisfaction in Swiss ophthalmology private practice 

      Gillman, Kevin; Athanasiadis, Konstantinos; Koufopoulos, Dimitrios (Springer Nature, 2021-10-13)
      Over the last decades, robust evidence linking patient satisfaction to hospital reputation and profitability has accrued, and patient satisfaction has now become a key focus in the healthcare industry. A review of the ...
    • The Oncological and Functional Prognostic Value of Unconventional Histology of Prostate Cancer in Localized Disease Treated with Robotic Radical Prostatectomy: An International Multicenter 5-Year Cohort Study 

      Leung, David; Castellani, Daniele; Nicoletti, Rossella; Vives Dilme, Roser; Mereno Sierra, Jesus; Serni, Sergio; Franzese, Carmine; Chiacchio, Giuseppe; Galosi, Andrea Benedetto; Mazzucchelli, Roberta; Palagonia, Erika; Dell'Oglio, Paolo; Galfano, Antonio; Bocciardi, Aldo Massimo; Zhao, Xue; Ng, Chi Fai; Lee, Hsiang-Ying; Sakamoto, Shinichi; Vasdev, Nikhil; Rivas, Juan Gomez; Campi, Riccardo; Teoh, Jeremy Yuen-Chun (2024-06-01)
      BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: The impact of prostate cancer of unconventional histology (UH) on oncological and functional outcomes after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP) and adjuvant radiotherapy (aRT) receipt is ...