Law express question and answer : contract law (revision guide)
Hamilton, Marina
This is an essential revision book for every law student. Law Express Question and Answer: Criminal Law is written to aid students with improving every answer they submit by bettering their understanding of what examiners expect. It helps students to focus in on the question and illustrates how even a very competent answer can still be made even better. Each answer is written to the length that should be expected within exam conditions and is annotated with guidance that describes why each part of the answer is included, and how it addresses the question. Simple but thorough answer plans and diagram plans help all learning styles and give ways to plan your answer quickly and efficiently for problem and essay-style questions. The section ‘make your answer stand out’ helps the student to see how each sample answer could nonetheless be bettered in order to earn yet more marks. ‘Don’t be tempted to’ highlights typical mistakes that the student should avoid. There is also a companion website which features more exam support and practice questions, with an invitation to act as the marker.