Measurement-Based Timing Analysis
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Wenzel, Ingomar
Kirner, Raimund
Rieder, Bernhard
Puschner, Peter
In this paper we present a measurement-based worst-case execution time (WCET) analysis method. Exhaustive end-to-end execution-time measurements are computationally intractable in most cases. Therefore, we propose to measure execution times of subparts of the application code and then compose these times into it safe WCET bound. This raises a number of challenges to be solved. First. there is the question of how to define and Subsequently calculate adequate subparts. Second, a huge amount of test data is required enforcing the execution of selected paths to perform the desired runtime measurements. The presented method provides solutions to both problems. In a number of experiments we show the usefulness of the theoretical concepts and the practical feasibility by using current state-of-the-art industrial case studies from project partners.