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dc.contributor.authorWerry, Iain
dc.contributor.authorDautenhahn, K.
dc.contributor.editorLaubichler, Manfred D.
dc.contributor.editorMuller, Gerd B.
dc.identifier.citationWerry , I & Dautenhahn , K 2007 , Human-robot interaction as a model for autism therapy : an experimental study with children with autism . in M D Laubichler & G B Muller (eds) , Modeling Biology : Structures, Behaviors, Evolution . Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology , MIT Press , pp. 283-299 .
dc.description.abstractHuman-robot interaction is a quickly growing area of research. While most projects deal with typically developing subjects, the particular study that we report on in this chapter investigates interactions of children with autism with a mobile robot. We briefly motivate this approach, and then present results from a particular experimental study. This comparative study provides evidence that the robot is able to engage the children in interaction better than a conventional toy. These results are important since they highlight the potential of using robots in therapy and education of children with autism. Moreover, the work emphasizes the emergent, pro-active, and embodied nature of interaction, as applied to humanrobot interaction. These studies, carried out as part of human-robot interaction research in assistive technology might serve as a model for future medical intervention using robots in autism therapy.en
dc.publisherMIT Press
dc.relation.ispartofModeling Biology
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVienna Series in Theoretical Biology
dc.titleHuman-robot interaction as a model for autism therapy : an experimental study with children with autismen
dc.contributor.institutionSchool of Physics, Engineering & Computer Science
dc.contributor.institutionCentre for Computer Science and Informatics Research
dc.description.statusNon peer reviewed

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