The Law and the Internet
Rogers, Kevin M.
This sector-leading text covers Internet Law in its broadest terms, providing a concise yet comprehensive introduction to what is an exciting, fast-moving and complex area of law. Analysis focuses on each of the important elements within the subject, from the implications of online contracting, distance selling and online payment, to issues arising from the emergence of Web 2.0 and the growth of social networking sites. The author also considers data protection issues, freedom of expression and defamation, and the treatment of Internet-related crimes. The text is underpinned throughout by wide-ranging references which will prove invaluable to students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, whilst the clarity and immediate nature of the coverage will provide illumination for all readers who have an interest in the subject. The text is supported by end-of-chapter summaries, suggested further reading and questions for consideration. A useful companion website featuring regular updates on the latest developments in the subject, and containing all weblinks listed in the text, can be found at: