Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Quantitative resistance increases the durability of qualitative resistance to Leptosphaeria maculans in Brassica napus 

      Brun, Hortense; Chevre, Anne-Marie; Fitt, Bruce D.L.; Powers, Stephen; Besnard, Anne-Laure; Ermel, Magali; Huteau, Virginie; Marquer, Bruno; Eber, Frederique; Renard, Michel; Andrivon, Didier (2010)
      It has frequently been hypothesized that quantitative resistance increases the durability of qualitative (R-gene mediated) resistance but supporting experimental evidence is rare. To test this hypothesis, near-isogenic ...
    • Stem Canker of oilseed rape : Molecular methods and mathematical modelling to deploy durable resistance 

      Evans, Neal; Fitt, Bruce D.L.; van den Bosch, Frank; Eckert, M. R.; Huang, Yongju; Pietravalle, S.; Rouxel, Thierry; Balesdent, Marie-Helene; Ross, S.; Gout, L.; Brun, Hortense; Andrivon, Didier; Bousset, L.; Gladders, P.; Pinochet, X.; Penaud, A.; Jedryczka, M.; Kachlicki, P.; Stachowiak, A.; Olechnowicz, J.; Happstadius, I.; Podlesna, A.; Renard, Michel; Karolewski, Z. (Fourth SECURE Annual Report for the European Union, 2008)
    • Stem canker of oilseed rape : molecular tools and mathematical modelling to deploy durable resistance 

      Evans, Neal; Fitt, Bruce D.L.; van den Bosch, Frank; Rouxel, Thierry; Balesdent, Marie-Helene; Brun, Hortense; Andrivon, Didier; Gladders, P.; Pinochet, X.; Penaud, A.; Jedryczka, M.; Kachlicki, P; Happstadius, I; Meyer, J.; Karolewski, Z; Renard, Michel (2004)
    • Stem canker of oilseed rape : molecular tools and mathematical modelling to deploy durable resistance 

      Evans, Neal; Fitt, Bruce D.L.; van den Bosch, Frank; Eckert, M. R.; Huang, Yongju; Pietravalle, S.; Karolewski, Z.; Rouxel, Thierry; Balesdent, Marie-Helene; Ross, S.; Gout, L.; Brun, Hortense; Andrivon, Didier; Bousset, L.; Gladders, P.; Pinochet, X.; Penaud, A.; Jedryczka, M.; Kachlicki, P.; Stachowiak, A.; Olechnowicz, J.; Podlesna, A.; Happstadius, I.; Meyer, J.; Renard, Michel (2003)
      SECURE (Stem canker of oilseed rape: molecular tools and mathematical modelling to deploy durable resistance; QLK5-2002-01813) aims to deliver a model for deployment of cultivars with resistance to Leptosphaeria maculans ...