Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • How Expert Coaches Understand the Application of Rhythm in Judo 

      Callan, Mike; Bountakis, George (2022-06-01)
      The goal of this study is to learn about the use of rhythm in judo through the eyes of skilled Japanese trainers. In their native language, six expert Japanese coaches were questioned. The transcripts were coded using ...
    • Judo as a way to reduce fear of falling in older adults: Yawara-chan Taiso 

      Callan, Mike; Day, Lucy; Johnson, Janine; Andersen, Ben; Bountakis, George; Bottoms, Lindsay (2022-12-28)
      The world faces challenges to maintain the quality of life of the growing elderly population. Research suggests that around one third of over 65s and half of those over 80, fall once per year, placing enormous financial ...