Now showing items 1-11 of 11

    • Anatomy of the S255-S257 complex - triggered high-mass star formation 

      Minier, V.; Peretto, N.; Longmore, S.; Burton, M.; Cesaroni, R.; Goddi, C.; Pestalozzi, M.; Andre, P. (Cambridge University Press, 2007)
      We present a multi-wavelength (NIR to radio) and multi-scale (1 AU to 10 pc) study of the S255–S257 complex of young high-mass (proto)stars. The complex consists of two evolved HII regions and a molecular gas filament in ...
    • Chasing discs around O-type (proto)stars : Evidence from ALMA observations 

      Cesaroni, R.; Sánchez-Monge, A.; Beltrán, M.~T.; Johnston, K. G.; Maud, L. T.; Moscadelli, Luca; Mottram, J.~C.; Ahmadi, A.; Allen, V.; Beuther, H.; Csengeri, T.; Etoka, S.; Fuller, G. A.; Galli, D.; Galván-Madrid, R.; Goddi, C.; Henning, Th; Hoare, M.G.; Klaassen, P.~D.; Kuiper, R.; Kumar, M. S.N.; Lumsden, S.; Peters, T.J.; Rivilla, Victor M.; Schilke, P.; Testi, L.; van der Tak, F.F.S.; Vig, S.; Walmsley, C.M.; Zinnecker, H. (2017-06-13)
      Context. Circumstellar discs around massive stars could mediate the accretion onto the star from the infalling envelope, and could minimize the effects of radiation pressure. Despite such a crucial role, only a few convincing ...
    • Clouds, filaments, and protostars : The Herschel Hi-GAL Milky Way 

      Molinari, S.; Swinyard, B.; Bally, J.; Barlow, M.; Bernard, J.-P.; Martin, P.; Moore, T.; Noriega-Crespo, A.; Plume, R.; Testi, L.; Zavagno, A.; Abergel, A.; Ali, B.; Anderson, L.; André, P.; Baluteau, J.-P.; Battersby, C.; Beltrán, M. T.; Benedettini, M.; Billot, N.; Blommaert, J.; Bontemps, S.; Boulanger, F.; Brand, J.; Brunt, C.; Burton, M.; Calzoletti, L.; Carey, S.; Caselli, P.; Cesaroni, R.; Cernicharo, J.; Chakrabarti, S.; Chrysostomou, A.; Cohen, M.; Compiegne, M.; de Bernardis, P.; de Gasperis, G.; di Giorgio, A.M.; Elia, D.; Faustini, F.; Flagey, N.; Fukui, Y.; Fuller, G.A.; Ganga, K.; Garcia-Lario, P.; Glenn, J.; Goldsmith, P.F.; Griffin, M.; Hoare, M.; Huang, M.; Ikhenaode, D.; Joblin, C.; Joncas, G.; Juvela, M.; Kirk, J.M.; Lagache, G.; Li, J.Z.; Lim, T.L.; Lord, S.D.; Marengo, M.; Marshall, D.J.; Masi, S.; Massi, F.; Matsuura, M.; Minier, V.; Miville-Deschênes, M.-A.; Montier, L.A.; Morgan, L.; Motte, F.; Mottram, J.C.; Müller, T.G.; Natoli, P.; Neves, J.; Olmi, L.; Paladini, R.; Paradis, D.; Parsons, H.; Peretto, N.; Pestalozzi, M.; Pezzuto, S.; Piacentini, F.; Piazzo, L.; Polychroni, D.; Pomarès, M.; Popescu, C. C.; Reach, W.T.; Ristorcelli, I.; Robitaille, J.-F.; Robitaille, T.; Rodón, J.A.; Roy, A.; Royer, P.; Russeil, D.; Saraceno, P.; Sauvage, M.; Schilke, P.; Schisano, E.; Schneider, N.; Schuller, F.; Schulz, B.; Sibthorpe, B.; Smith, H. A.; Smith, M.D.; Spinoglio, L.; Stamatellos, D.; Strafella, F.; Stringfellow, G.S.; Sturm, E.; Taylor, R.; Thompson, Mark; Traficante, A.; Tuffs, R. J.; Umana, G.; Valenziano, L.; Vavrek, R.; Veneziani, M.; Viti, S.; Waelkens, C.; Ward-Thompson, D.; White, G.; Wilcock, L.A.; Wyrowski, F.; Yorke, H.W.; Zhang, Q. (2010-07-01)
      We present the first results from the science demonstration phase for the Hi-GAL survey, the Herschel key program that will map the inner Galactic plane of the Milky Way in 5 bands. We outline our data reduction strategy ...
    • The feedback of an HC H II region on its parental molecular core : The case of core A1 in the star-forming region G24.78+0.08 

      Moscadelli, L.; Rivilla, V. M.; Cesaroni, R.; Beltrán, M. T.; Sánchez-Monge, A.; Schilke, P.; Mottram, J. C.; Ahmadi, A.; Allen, V.; Beuther, H.; Csengeri, T.; Etoka, S.; Galli, D.; Goddi, C.; Johnston, K. G.; Klaassen, P. D.; Kuiper, R.; Kumar, M. S.N.; Maud, L. T.; Möller, T.; Peters, T.; Van Der Tak, F.; Vig, S. (2018-08-01)
      Context. G24.78+0.08 is a well known high-mass star-forming region, where several molecular cores harboring OB young stellar objects are found inside a clump of size 1 pc. This article focuses on the most prominent of these ...
    • Giving physical significance to the Hi-GAL data : determining the distance of cold dusty cores in the Milky Way 

      Russeil, D.; Pestalozzi, M.; Mottram, J.C.; Bontemps, S.; Anderson, L.D.; Zavagno, A.; Beltran, M.T.; Bally, J.; Brand, J.; Brunt, C.; Cesaroni, R.; Joncas, G.; Marshall, D.; Martin, P.; Massi, F.; Molinari, S.; Moore, T.J.T.; Noriega-Crespo, A.; Olmi, L.; Thompson, M.A.; Wienen, M.; Wyrowski, F. (2011)
      Context: Hi-GAL, an open time key-project of the Herschel satellite, was awarded 343 hours observing time to carry out a 5-band photometric imaging survey at 70, 160, 250, 350, and 500 mu m of a vertical bar b vertical bar ...
    • The Hi-GAL compact source catalogue – I. The physical properties of the clumps in the inner Galaxy (−71. ◦ 0 < ℓ < 67.◦ 0) 

      Elia, Davide; Molinari, S.; Schisano, E.; Pestalozzi, M.; Pezzuto, S.; Merello, M.; Noriega-Crespo, A.; Moore, T. J.T.; Russeil, D.; Mottram, J.~C.; Paladini, R.; Strafella, F.; Benedettini, M.; Bernard, J.P.; Giorgio, Anna Di; Eden, D.~J.; Fukui, Y.; Plume, R.; Bally, J.; Martin, Gary P; Ragan, S. E.; Jaffa, S. E.; Motte, F.; Olmi, L.; Schneider, N.; Testi, L.; Wyrowski, F.; Zavagno, A.; Calzoletti, L.; Faustini, F.; Natoli, P.; Palmeirim, P.; Piacentini, F.; Piazzo, L.; Pilbratt, G. L.; Polychroni, D.; Baldeschi, A.; Beltrán, M.~T.; Billot, N.; Cambrésy, L.; Cesaroni, R.; García-Lario, P.; Hoare, M.G.; Huang, M.; Joncas, G.; Liu, S.~J.; Maiolo, B. M. T.; Marsh, K. A.; Maruccia, Y.; Mège, P.; Peretto, N.; Rygl, K. L. J.; Schilke, P.; Thompson, M. A.; Traficante, A.; Umana, G.; Veneziani, M.; Ward-Thompson, D.; Whitworth, A. P.; Arab, H.; Bandieramonte, M.; Becciani, U.; Brescia, M.; Buemi, C.; Bufano, F.; Butora, R.; Cavuoti, S.; Costa, Ana Margarida; Fiorellino, E.; Hajnal, A.; Hayakawa, T.; Kacsuk, P.; Leto, P.; Li Causi, G.; Marchili, N.; Martinavarro-Armengol, S.; Mercurio, A.; Molinaro, M.; Riccio, G.; Sano, H.; Sciacca, E.; Tachihara, K.; Torii, K.; Trigilio, C.; Vitello, F.; Yamamoto, H. (2017-10-11)
      Hi-GAL (Herschel InfraRed Galactic Plane Survey) is a large-scale survey of the Galactic plane, performed with Herschel in five infrared continuum bands between 70 and 500 µm. We present a band-merged catalogue of spatially ...
    • A Hi-GAL study of the high-mass star-forming region G29.96-0.02 

      Beltran, M.T.; Olmi, L.; Cesaroni, R.; Schisano, E.; Elia, D.; Molinari, S.; Di Giorgio, A. M.; Kirk, J.M.; Mottram, J.C.; Pestalozzi, M.; Testi, L.; Thompson, M.A. (2013-04)
      Context. G29.96-0.02 is a high-mass star-forming cloud observed at 70, 160, 250, 350, and 500 $m as part of the Herschel survey of the Galactic plane (Hi-GAL) during the science demonstration phase. Aims: We wish to conduct ...
    • Hi-GAL, the Herschel infrared Galactic Plane Survey : photometric maps and compact source catalogues. First data release for Inner Milky Way: +68°> l > -70° 

      Molinari, S.; Schisano, E.; Elia, D.; Pestalozzi, M.; Traficante, A.; Pezzuto, S.; Swinyard, B. M.; Noriega-Crespo, A.; Bally, J.; Moore, T. J. T.; Plume, R.; Zavagno, A.; Giorgio, A. M. di; Liu, S. J.; Pilbratt, G. L.; Mottram, J. C.; Russeil, D.; Piazzo, L.; Veneziani, M.; Benedettini, M.; Calzoletti, L.; Faustini, F.; Natoli, P.; Piacentini, F.; Merello, M.; Palmese, A.; Grande, R. Del; Polychroni, D.; Rygl, K. L. J.; Polenta, G.; Barlow, M. J.; Bernard, J. -P.; Martin, P. G.; Testi, L.; Ali, B.; Andrè, P.; Beltrán, M. T.; Billot, N.; Brunt, C.; Carey, S.; Cesaroni, R.; Compiègne, M.; Eden, D.; Fukui, Y.; Garcia-Lario, P.; Hoare, M. G.; Huang, M.; Joncas, G.; Lim, T. L.; Lord, S. D.; Martinavarro-Armengol, S.; Motte, F.; Paladini, R.; Paradis, D.; Peretto, N.; Robitaille, T.; Schilke, P.; Schneider, N.; Schulz, B.; Sibthorpe, B.; Strafella, F.; Thompson, M. A.; Umana, G.; Ward-Thompson, D.; Wyrowski, F. (2016-07-04)
      (Abridged) We present the first public release of high-quality data products (DR1) from Hi-GAL, the {\em Herschel} infrared Galactic Plane Survey. Hi-GAL is the keystone of a suite of continuum Galactic Plane surveys from ...
    • Hi-GAL: The Herschel Infrared Galactic Plane Survey 

      Molinari, S.; Swinyard, B.; Bally, J.; Barlow, M.; Bernard, J.P.; Martin, P.; Moore, T.; Noriega-Crespo, A.; Plume, R.; Testi, L.; Zavagno, A.; Abergel, A.; Ali, B.; André, P.; Baluteau, J.-P.; Benedettini, M.; Berné, O.; Billot, N. P.; Blommaert, J.; Bontemps, S.; Boulanger, F.; Brand, J.; Brunt, C.; Burton, M.; Campeggio, L.; Carey, S.; Caselli, P.; Cesaroni, R.; Cernicharo, J.; Chakrabarti, S.; Chrysostomou, A.; Codella, C.; Cohen, M.; Compiegne, M.; Davis, C.J.; de Bernardis, P.; de Gasperis, G.; Di Francesco, J.; Di Giorgio, A. M.; Elia, D.; Faustini, F.; Fischera, J.F.; Fukui, Y.; Fuller, G.A.; Ganga, K.; Garcia-Lario, P.; Giard, M.; Giardino, G.; Glenn, J.; Goldsmith, P.; Griffin, M.; Hoare, M.; Huang, M.; Jiang, B.; Joblin, C.; Joncas, G.; Juvela, M.; Kirk, J.; Lagache, G.; Li, J.Z.; Lim, T.L.; Lord, S.D.; Lucas, P.W.; Maiolo, B.; Marengo, M.; Marshall, D.; Masi, S.; Massi, F.; Matsuura, M.; Meny, C.; Minier, V.; Miville-Deschênes, M.-A.; Montier, L.; Motte, F.; Müller, T.G.; Natoli, P.; Neves, J.; Olmi, L.; Paladini, R.; Paradis, D.; Pestalozzi, M.; Pezzuto, S.; Piacentini, F.; Pomarès, M.; Popescu, C. C.; Reach, W.T.; Richer, J.; Ristorcelli, I.; Roy, A.; Royer, P.; Russeil, D.; Saraceno, P.; Sauvage, M.; Schilke, P.; Schneider-Bontemps, N.; Schuller, F.; Schultz, B.; Shepherd, D.S.; Sibthorpe, B.; Smith, H.A.; Smith, M.D.; Spinoglio, L.; Stamatellos, D.; Strafella, F.; Stringfellow, G.; Sturm, E.; Taylor, R.; Thompson, M.A.; Tuffs, R. J.; Umana, G.; Valenziano, L.; Vavrek, R.; Viti, S.; Waelkens, C.; Ward-Thompson, D.; White, G.; Wyrowski, F.; Yorke, H.W.; Zhang, Q. (2010-03-01)
      Hi-GAL, the Herschel infrared Galactic Plane Survey, is an Open Time Key Project of the Herschel Space Observatory. It will make an unbiased photometric survey of the inner Galactic plane by mapping a 2° wide strip in the ...
    • The impact of SKA on Galactic Radioastronomy: continuum observations 

      Umana, G.; Trigilio, C.; Cerrigone, L.; Cesaroni, R.; Zijlstra, A.~A.; Hoare, M.; Weis, K.; Beasley, A.; Bomans, D.; Hallinan, G.; Molinari, S.; Taylor, R.; Testi, L.; Thompson, M. (2015-04-10)
      The SKA will be a state of the art radiotelescope optimized for both large area surveys as well as for deep pointed observations. In this paper we analyze the impact that the SKA will have on Galactic studies, starting ...
    • Infrared emission of young HII regions: a Herschel/Hi-GAL study 

      Cesaroni, R.; Pestalozzi, M.; Beltrán, M.~T.; Hoare, M.~G.; Molinari, S.; Olmi, L.; Smith, M.~D.; Stringfellow, G.~S.; Testi, L.; Thompson, M.~A. (2015-07-30)
      Context. Investigating the relationship between radio and infrared emission of Hii regions may help shed light on the nature of the ionizing stars and the formation mechanism of early-type stars in general. Aims: We have ...