Now showing items 1-20 of 22

    • 3D Selection of 167 Substellar Companions to Nearby Stars 

      Feng, Fabo; Butler, R. Paul; Vogt, Steven S.; Clement, Matthew S.; Tinney, C. G.; Cui, Kaiming; Aizawa, Masataka; Jones, Hugh R. A.; Bailey, J.; Burt, Jennifer; Carter, B. D.; Crane, Jeffrey D.; Dotti, Francesco Flammini; Holden, Bradford; Ma, Bo; Ogihara, Masahiro; Oppenheimer, Rebecca; O’Toole, S. J.; Shectman, Stephen A.; Wittenmyer, Robert A.; Wang, Sharon X.; Wright, D. J.; Xuan, Yifan (2022-08-26)
      We analyze 5108 AFGKM stars with at least five high-precision radial velocity points, as well as Gaia and Hipparcos astrometric data, utilizing a novel pipeline developed in previous work. We find 914 radial velocity signals ...
    • Activity and telluric contamination in HARPS observations of Alpha Centauri B 

      Lisogorskyi, Maksym; Jones, Hugh; Feng, Fabo (2019-06-01)
      The Alpha Centauri system is the primary target for planet search as it is the closest star system composed of a solar twin α CenA, a K-dwarf α Cen B, and an M-dwarf Proxima Centauri, which has a confirmed planet in the ...
    • Agatha: : disentangling periodic signals from correlated noise in a periodogram framework 

      Feng, Fabo; Tuomi, Mikko; Jones, Hugh R. A. (2017-10-01)
      Periodograms are used as a key significance assessment and visualisation tool to display the significant periodicities in unevenly sampled time series. We introduce a framework of periodograms, called "Agatha", to disentangle ...
    • Assessing the influence of the solar orbit on terrestrial biodiversity 

      Feng, Fabo; Bailer-Jones, Coryn A. L. (2013-04-25)
      The terrestrial fossil record shows a significant variation in the extinction and origination rates of species during the past half-billion years. Numerous studies have claimed an association between this variation and the ...
    • Constraints on the nearby exoplanet Eps Ind Ab from deep near/mid-infrared imaging limits 

      Viswanath, Gayathri; Janson, Markus; Dahlqvist, Carl-Henrik; Roche, Dominique Petit dit de la; Samland, Matthias; Girard, Julien; Pathak, Prashant; Kasper, Markus; Feng, Fabo; Meyer, Michael; Boehle, Anna; Quanz, Sascha P.; Jones, Hugh R. A.; Absil, Olivier; Brandner, Wolfgang; Maire, Anne-Lise; Siebenmorgen, Ralf; Sterzik, Michael; Pantin, Eric (2021-07-21)
      The past decade has seen increasing efforts in detecting and characterising exoplanets by high contrast imaging in the near/mid-infrared, which is the optimal wavelength domain for studying old, cold planets. In this work, ...
    • Detection of the nearest Jupiter analog in radial velocity and astrometry data 

      Feng, Fabo; Anglada-Escudé, Guillem; Tuomi, Mikko; Jones, Hugh R. A.; Chanamé, Julio; Butler, Paul R.; Janson, Markus (2019-10-21)
      The presence of Jupiter is crucial to the architecture of the Solar System and models underline this to be a generic feature of planetary systems. We find the detection of the difference between the position and motion ...
    • Evidence for at least three planet candidates orbiting HD20794 

      Feng, Fabo; Tuomi, Mikko; Jones, Hugh R. A. (2017-09-18)
      We explore the feasibility of detecting Earth analogs around Sun-like stars using the radial velocity method by investigating one of the largest radial velocities datasets for the one of the most stable radial-velocity ...
    • Exploring the robustness of Keplerian signals to the removal of active and telluric features 

      Lisogorskyi, Maksym; Jones, Hugh R. A.; Feng, Fabo; Butler, R. Paul; Vogt, Steven S. (2020-10-22)
      We examine the influence of activity- and telluric-induced radial velocity signals on high resolution spectra taken with an iodine absorption cell. We exclude 2 Angstrom spectral chunks containing active and telluric lines ...
    • Exploring the role of the Sun’s motion in terrestrial comet impacts 

      Feng, Fabo; Bailer-Jones, Coryn A. L. (2014-08-21)
      The cratering record on the Earth and Moon shows that our planet has been exposed to high velocity impacts for much or all of its existence. Some of these craters were produced by the impact of long-period comets (LPCs). ...
    • Finding the imprints of stellar encounters in long-period comets 

      Feng, Fabo; Bailer-Jones, Coryn A. L. (2015-12-11)
      The Solar system's Oort cloud can be perturbed by the Galactic tide and by individual passing stars. These perturbations can inject Oort cloud objects into the inner parts of the Solar system, where they may be observed ...
    • A history of the gamma-ray burst flux at the Earth from Galactic globular clusters 

      Domainko, W.; Bailer-Jones, Coryn A. L.; Feng, Fabo (2013-06-11)
      Nearby gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are likely to have represented a significant threat to life on the Earth. Recent observations suggest that a significant source of such bursts is compact binary mergers in globular clusters. ...
    • An improved quantification of HD 147379 b 

      Feng, Fabo; Jones, Hugh R. A.; Tuomi, Mikko (2018-02-05)
      We reanalyze the CARMENES and HIRES/KECK radial velocity data for HD 147379, and also analyze the SOPHIE data using the Agatha software in combination with MCMC posterior sampling. The analysis confirms the existence of ...
    • Modeling and Calibration of Gaia, Hipparcos, and Tycho-2 astrometric data for the detection of dark companions 

      Feng, Fabo; Rui, Yicheng; Xuan, Yifan; Jones, Hugh R. A. (2024-03-28)
      Hidden within the Gaia satellite’s multiple data releases lies a valuable cache of dark companions. To facilitate the efficient and reliable detection of these companions via combined analyses involving the Gaia, Hipparcos, ...
    • Obliquity and precession as pacemakers of Pleistocene deglaciations 

      Feng, Fabo; Bailer-Jones, Coryn A. L. (2015-08-15)
      The Milankovitch theory states that the orbital eccentricity, precession, and obliquity of the Earth influence our climate by modulating the summer insolation at high latitudes in the northern hemisphere. Despite considerable ...
    • Optimized modeling of Gaia-Hipparcos astrometry for the detection of the smallest cold Jupiter and confirmation of seven low mass companions 

      Feng, Fabo; Butler, R. Paul; Jones, Hugh R. A.; Phillips, Mark W.; Vogt, Steven S.; Oppenheimer, Rebecca; Holden, Bradford; Boss, Alan P. (2021-08-03)
      To fully constrain the orbits of low mass circumstellar companions, we conduct combined analyses of the radial velocity data as well as the Gaia and Hipparcos astrometric data for eight nearby systems. Our study shows that ...
    • `Oumuamua as a messenger from the Local Association 

      Feng, Fabo; Jones, Hugh R. A. (2018-01-09)
      With a hyperbolic trajectory around the Sun, 'Oumuamua is the first confirmed interstellar object. However, its origin is poorly known. By simulating the orbits of 0.23 million local stars, we find 109 encounters with ...
    • PEXO : a global modeling framework for nanosecond timing, microsecond astrometry, and μm/s radial velocities 

      Feng, Fabo; Lisogorskyi, Maksym; Jones, Hugh R. A.; Kopeikin, Sergei M.; Butler, R. Paul; Anglada-Escude, Guillem; Boss, Alan P. (2019-10-15)
      The ability to make independent detections of the signatures of exoplanets with complementary telescopes and instruments brings a new potential for robust identification of exoplanets and precision characterization. We ...
    • Probabilistic galactic dynamics I - the Sun and GJ 710 with Monte Carlo, linearised and unscented treatments 

      Feng, Fabo; Jones, Hugh R. A. (2018-12-07)
      Deterministic galactic dynamics is impossible due to the space-time randomness caused by gravitational waves. Instead of treating stellar orbits deterministically, we integrate not only the mean but also the covariance of ...
    • Search for nearby Earth analogs I. 15 planet candidates found in PFS data 

      Feng, Fabo; Crane, Jeffrey D.; Wang, Sharon Xuesong; Teske, Johanna K.; Shectman, Stephen A.; Díaz, Matías R.; Thompson, Ian B.; Jones, Hugh R. A.; Butler, R. Paul (2019-06-17)
      The radial velocity (RV) method plays a major role in the discovery of nearby exoplanets. To efficiently find planet candidates from the data obtained in high-precision RV surveys, we apply a signal diagnostic framework ...