Now showing items 1-20 of 44

    • Absorption systems in the spectrum of GRB 021004 

      Moller, P.; Fynbo, J.; Hjorth, J.; Thomsen, B.; Egholm, M.P.; Andersen, M.I.; Gorosabel, J.; Holland, S.T.; Jakobsson, P.; Jensen, B.L.; Pedersen, H.; Pedersen, K.; Weidinger, M. (2002)
      We report on a 3600 s spectrum of GRB 021004 obtained with the Nordic Optical Telecope on La Palma 10.71 hours after the burst. We identify absorption lines from five systems at redshifts 1.3806, 1.6039, 2.2983, 2.3230, ...
    • The afterglow and the host galaxy of GRB 011211 

      Jakobsson, P.; Hjorth, J.; Fynbo, J.; Gorosabel, J.; Pedersen, K.; Burud, I.; Levan, A.; Kouveliotou, C.; Tanvir, N.; Fruchter, A.S.; Rhoads, J.E.; Grav, T.; Hansen, M.W.; Michelsen, R.; Andersen, M.I.; Jensen, B.L.; Pedersen, K.; Thomsen, B.; Weidinger, M.; Causik, R.; Pandey, S.B. (2003)
      We present optical, near-infrared, and X-ray observations of the optical afterglow (OA) of the X-ray rich, longduration gamma-ray burst GRB 011211. Hubble Space Telescope (HST) data obtained 14, 26, 32, and 59 days after ...
    • Are short y-ray bursts collimated GRB 050709, a flare but no break 

      Watson, D.; Hjorth, J.; Jakobsson, P.; Xu, D.; Fynbo, J.; Sollerman, J.; Thone, C.C.; Pedersen, K. (2006)
      Context. From the small sample of afterglow lightcurves of short duration γ-ray bursts (GRBs), the decays are rapid, roughly following a power-law in time. It has been assumed that the afterglow emission in short GRBs is ...
    • Constraints on an optical afterglow and on supernova light following the short burst GRB 050813 

      Ferrero, P.; Sanchez, S.F.; Kann, D.A.; Klose, S.; Greiner, J.; Gorosabel, J.; Hartmann, D.H.; Henden, A.A.; Moller, P.; Palazzi, E.; Rau, A.; Stecklum, B.; Castro-Tirado, C.; Fynbo, J.; Hjorth, J.; Jakobsson, P.; Kouveliotou, C.; Masetti, N.; Pian, E.; Tanvir, N.; Wijers, R.A.M.J. (2007)
    • Depletion of background galaxies owing to the cluster lens CL0024+1654: U- and R-band observations 

      Rognvaldsson, O.E.; Greve, T.R.; Hjorth, J.; Gudmundsson, E.H.; Sigmundsson, V.S.; Jakobsson, P.; Jaunsen, A.O.; Christensen, L.; van Kampen, E.; Taylor, A.N. (2001)
    • Early spectroscopic identification of SN 2008D 

      Malesani, D.; Fynbo, J.; Hjorth, J.; Leloudas, G.; Sollerman, J.; Stritzinger, M.; Vreeswijk, P.M.; Watson, D.; Gorosabel, J.; Michalowski, M.; Thone, C.C.; Augusteijn, T.; Bersier, D.; Jakobsson, P.; Jaunsen, A.O.; Ledoux, C.; Levan, A.; Milvang-Jensen, B.; Rol, E.; Tanvir, N.; Wiersema, K.; Xu, D. (2009)
      SN 2008D was discovered while following up an unusually bright X-ray transient (XT) in the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 2770. We present early optical spectra (obtained 1.75 days after the XT) which allowed the first identification ...
    • The extreme red afterglow of GRB 060923: distance or dust? 

      Tanvir, N.; Levan, A.; Rol, E.; Starling, R.L.; Gorosabel, J.; Priddey, R.; Malesani, D.; Jakobsson, P.; O'Brien, P.T.; Jaunsen, A.O.; Hjorth, J.; Fynbo, J.; Melandri, A.; Gomboc, A.; Milvang-Jensen, B.; Fruchter, A.S.; Jarvis, M.J.; Fernandes, C.A.C.; Wold, T. (2008)
    • An extremely luminous panchromatic outburst from the nucleus of a distant galaxy 

      Levan, Andrew; Tanvir, Nial; Cenko, S.B.; Perley, D.A.; Wiersema, K.; Bloom, J.S.; Fruchter, A.S.; Postigo, A.; O'Brien, O.T.; Butler, N.R.; van der Horst, A.J.; Leloudas, G.; Morgan, A.N.; Misra, K.; Bower, G.C.; Farihi, J.; Tunnicliffe, R.L.; Modjaz, M.; Silverman, J.M.; Hjorth, J.; Thone, C.C.; Cucchiara, A.; Ceron, J.M.C.; Castro-Tirado, A.J.; Arnold, J.A.; Bremer, M.; Brodie, J.P.; Carroll, T.; Cooper, M.C.; Curran, P.; Cutri, R.M.; Ehle, J.; Forbes, D.; Fynbo, J.; Gorosabel, J.; Graham, J.; Hoffman, D.I.; Guziy, S.; Jakobsson, Pall; Kamble, A.P.; Kerr, T.H.; Kasliwal, M.M.; Kouveliotou, C.; Kocevski, D.; Law, N.M.; Nugent, P.; Ofek, E.O.; Poznanski, D.; Quimby, R.M.; Rol, E.; Romanowsky, A.J.; Sanchez-Ramirez, R.; Schulze, S.; Singh, N.; Van Spaandonk, Lieke; Starling, R.L.; Strom, R.G.; Tello, J.C.; Vaduvescu, O.; Wheatley, P.J.; Wijers, R.A.M.J.; Winters, J.M.; Xu, D. (2011)
      Variable x-ray and gamma-ray emission is characteristic of the most extreme physical processes in the universe. We present multiwavelength observations of a unique gamma-ray-selected transient detected by the Swift satellite, ...
    • The Faint Afterglow and Host Galaxy of the Short Hard GRB 060121 

      Levan, A.; Tanvir, N.; Fruchter, A.S.; Rol, E.; Fynbo, J.; Hjorth, J.; Williams, G.; Bergeron, E.; Bersier, D.; Bremer, M.; Grav, T.; Jakobsson, P.; Nilsson, K.; Olszewski, E.; Priddey, R.; Rafferty, D.; Rhoads, J.E. (2006)
    • Fundamental Properties of GRB-Selected Galaxies: A Swift/VLT Legacy Survey 

      Jakobsson, P.; Hjorth, J.; Fynbo, J.; Gorosabel, J.; Jaunsen, A.O. (2007)
    • The GRB 030329 host: a blue low metallicity subluminous galaxy with intense star formation 

      Gorosabel, J.; Perez-Ramirez, D.; Sollerman, J.; de Ugarte Postigo, A.; Fynbo, J.; Castro-Tirado, A.J.; Jakobsson, P.; Christensen, L.; Hjorth, J.; Johannesson, G.; Guziy, S.; Castro Ceron, J.M.; Bjornsson, G.; Sokolov, V.V.; Fatkhullin, T.A.; Nilsson, K. (2005)
    • GRB 050509B: Constraints on Short Gamma Ray Burst Models 

      Hjorth, J.; Sollerman, J.; Gorosabel, J.; Granot, J.; Klose, S.; Kouveliotou, C.; Melinder, J.; Ramirez-Ruiz, E.; Starling, R.L.; Thomsen, B.; Anderson, M.I.; Fynbo, J.; Jensen, B.L.; Vreeswijk, P.M.; Castro Ceron, J.M.; Jakobsson, P.; Levan, A.; Pedersen, K.; Rhoads, J.E.; Tanvir, N.; Watson, D.; Wijers, R.A.M.J. (2005-09)
    • GRB afterglows: illuminating the star-forming universe 

      Vreeswijk, P.M.; Moller, P.; Ledoux, C.; Ellison, C.; Masetti, N.; Fynbo, J.; Jakobsson, P.; Hjorth, J. (2004)
    • HI column densities of z>2 Swift gamma-ray bursts 

      Jakobsson, P.; Fynbo, J.; Ledoux, C.; Vreeswijk, P.M.; Kann, D.A.; Hjorth, J.; Priddey, R.; Tanvir, N.; Reichart, D. (2006)
    • Late-time observations of GRB 080319B: jet break, host galaxy and accompanying supernova 

      Tanvir, N.; Rol, E.; Levan, A.; Svensson, K.; Fruchter, A.S.; Granot, J.; O'Brien, P.T.; Wiersema, K.; Starling, R.L.; Jakobsson, P.; Fynbo, J.; Hjorth, J.; Curran, P.; van der Horst, A.J.; Kouveliotou, C.; Racusin, J.L.; Burrows, D.N.; Genet, F. (2010)
      The Swift-discovered GRB 080319B was by far the most distant source ever observed at naked-eye brightness, reaching a peak apparent magnitude of 5.3 at a redshift of z = 0.937. We present our late-time optical (Hubble Space ...
    • Lens magnification by CL0024+1654 in the and band 

      Dye, S.; Taylor, A.N.; Greve, T.R.; Rognvaldsson, O.E.; van Kampen, E.; Jakobsson, P.; Sigmundsson, V.S.; Gudmundsson, E.H.; Hjorth, J. (2002)
    • The line-of-sight towards GRB 030429 at z =2.66: Probing the matter at stellar, galactic and intergalactic scales 

      Jakobsson, P.; Hjorth, J.; Fynbo, J.; Weidinger, M.; Gorosabel, J.; Ledoux, C.; Watson, D.; Bjornsson, G.; Gudmundsson, E.H.; Wijers, R.A.M.J.; Moller, P.; Pedersen, K.; Sollerman, J.; Henden, A.A.; Jensen, B.L.; Gilmore, A.; Levan, A.; Castro Ceron, J.M.; Castro-Tirado, A.J.; Fruchter, A.S.; Kouveliotou, C.; Masetti, N.; Tanvir, N. (2004-12)
    • Low-resolution VLT spectroscopy of GRBs 991216, 011211 and 021211 

      Vreeswijk, P.M.; Smette, A.; Fruchter, S.; Palazzi, E.; Rol, E.; Wijers, R.A.M.J.; Kouveliotou, C.; Kaper, L.; Pian, E.; Masetti, N.; Frontera, F.; Hjorth, J.; Gorosabel, J.; Piro, L.; Fynbo, J.; Jakobsson, P.; Watson, D.; O'Brien, P.T.; Ledoux, C. (2006)
    • Ly+ and ultraviolet emission from high-redshift gamma-ray burst hosts: to what extent do gamma-ray bursts trace star formation 

      Jakobsson, P.; Bjornsson, G.; Fynbo, J.; Johannesson, G.; Hjorth, J.; Thomsen, B.; Moller, P.; Watson, D.; Jensen, B.L.; Ostlin, G.; Gorosabel, J.; Gudmundsson, E.H. (2005)
    • Massive star-formation rates of y-ray burst host galaxies: An unobscured view in X-rays 

      Watson, D.; Hjorth, J.; Jakobsson, P.; Pedersen, K.; Patel, S.K.; Kouveliotou, C. (2004)