Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Clouds, filaments, and protostars : The Herschel Hi-GAL Milky Way 

      Molinari, S.; Swinyard, B.; Bally, J.; Barlow, M.; Bernard, J.-P.; Martin, P.; Moore, T.; Noriega-Crespo, A.; Plume, R.; Testi, L.; Zavagno, A.; Abergel, A.; Ali, B.; Anderson, L.; André, P.; Baluteau, J.-P.; Battersby, C.; Beltrán, M. T.; Benedettini, M.; Billot, N.; Blommaert, J.; Bontemps, S.; Boulanger, F.; Brand, J.; Brunt, C.; Burton, M.; Calzoletti, L.; Carey, S.; Caselli, P.; Cesaroni, R.; Cernicharo, J.; Chakrabarti, S.; Chrysostomou, A.; Cohen, M.; Compiegne, M.; de Bernardis, P.; de Gasperis, G.; di Giorgio, A.M.; Elia, D.; Faustini, F.; Flagey, N.; Fukui, Y.; Fuller, G.A.; Ganga, K.; Garcia-Lario, P.; Glenn, J.; Goldsmith, P.F.; Griffin, M.; Hoare, M.; Huang, M.; Ikhenaode, D.; Joblin, C.; Joncas, G.; Juvela, M.; Kirk, J.M.; Lagache, G.; Li, J.Z.; Lim, T.L.; Lord, S.D.; Marengo, M.; Marshall, D.J.; Masi, S.; Massi, F.; Matsuura, M.; Minier, V.; Miville-Deschênes, M.-A.; Montier, L.A.; Morgan, L.; Motte, F.; Mottram, J.C.; Müller, T.G.; Natoli, P.; Neves, J.; Olmi, L.; Paladini, R.; Paradis, D.; Parsons, H.; Peretto, N.; Pestalozzi, M.; Pezzuto, S.; Piacentini, F.; Piazzo, L.; Polychroni, D.; Pomarès, M.; Popescu, C. C.; Reach, W.T.; Ristorcelli, I.; Robitaille, J.-F.; Robitaille, T.; Rodón, J.A.; Roy, A.; Royer, P.; Russeil, D.; Saraceno, P.; Sauvage, M.; Schilke, P.; Schisano, E.; Schneider, N.; Schuller, F.; Schulz, B.; Sibthorpe, B.; Smith, H. A.; Smith, M.D.; Spinoglio, L.; Stamatellos, D.; Strafella, F.; Stringfellow, G.S.; Sturm, E.; Taylor, R.; Thompson, Mark; Traficante, A.; Tuffs, R. J.; Umana, G.; Valenziano, L.; Vavrek, R.; Veneziani, M.; Viti, S.; Waelkens, C.; Ward-Thompson, D.; White, G.; Wilcock, L.A.; Wyrowski, F.; Yorke, H.W.; Zhang, Q. (2010-07-01)
      We present the first results from the science demonstration phase for the Hi-GAL survey, the Herschel key program that will map the inner Galactic plane of the Milky Way in 5 bands. We outline our data reduction strategy ...
    • Cores in infrared dark clouds (IRDCs) seen in the Hi-GAL survey between l=300 degrees and 330 degrees 

      Wilcock, L.A.; Ward-Thompson, D.; Kirk, J.M.; Stamatellos, D.; Whitworth, A.; Elia, D.; Fuller, G.A.; DiGiorgio, A.; Griffin, M.J.; Molinari, S.; Martin, P.; Mottram, J. C.; Peretto, N.; Pestalozzi, M.; Schisano, E.; Plume, R.; Smith, H. A.; Thompson, M. A. (2012-05)
      We have used data taken as part of the Herschel infrared Galactic Plane survey (Hi-GAL) to study 3171 infrared dark cloud (IRDC) candidates that were identified in the mid-IR (8 mu m) by Spitzer (we refer to these as ...
    • A Hi-GAL study of the high-mass star-forming region G29.96-0.02 

      Beltran, M.T.; Olmi, L.; Cesaroni, R.; Schisano, E.; Elia, D.; Molinari, S.; Di Giorgio, A. M.; Kirk, J.M.; Mottram, J.C.; Pestalozzi, M.; Testi, L.; Thompson, M.A. (2013-04)
      Context. G29.96-0.02 is a high-mass star-forming cloud observed at 70, 160, 250, 350, and 500 $m as part of the Herschel survey of the Galactic plane (Hi-GAL) during the science demonstration phase. Aims: We wish to conduct ...
    • The initial conditions of high-mass star formation : radiative transfer models of IRDCs seen in the Herschel Hi-GAL survey 

      Wilcock, L.A.; Kirk, J.M.; Stamatellos, D.; Ward-Thompson, D.; Whitworth, A.; Battersby, C.; Brunt, C.; Fuller, G.A.; Griffin, M.; Molinari, S.; Martin, P.; Mottram, J.C.; Peretto, N.; Plume, R.; Smith, H.A.; Thompson, M.A. (2011)
      The densest infrared dark clouds (IRDCs) may represent the earliest observable stage of high-mass star formation. These clouds are very cold, hence they emit mainly at far-infrared and sub-mm wavelengths. For the first ...
    • Isolated starless cores in infrared dark clouds in the Hi-GAL survey 

      Wilcock, L.A.; Ward-Thompson, D.; Kirk, J.M.; Stamatellos, D.; Whitworth, A.; Battersby, C.; Elia, D.; Fuller, G.A.; DiGiorgio, A.; Griffin, M.J.; Molinari, S.; Martin, P.; Mottram, J.C.; Peretto, N.; Pestalozzi, M.; Schisano, E.; Smith, H.A.; Thompson, M.A. (2012-07-01)
      In a previous paper, we identified cores within infrared dark clouds. We regarded those without embedded sources as the least evolved and labelled them starless. Here we identify the most isolated starless cores and model ...
    • The JCMT Gould Belt survey : Evidence for radiative heating in serpens MWC 297 and its influence on local star formation 

      Rumble, D.; Hatchell, J.; Gutermuth, R. A.; Kirk, H.; Buckle, J.; Beaulieu, S. F.; Berry, D.S.; Broekhoven-Fiene, H.; Currie, M. J.; Fich, M.; Jenness, T.; Johnstone, D.; Mottram, J. C.; Nutter, D.; Pattle, K.; Pineda, J. E.; Quinn, C.; Salji, C.; Tisi, S.; Walker-Smith, S.; Di Francesco, J.; Hogerheijde, M.R.; Ward-Thompson, D.; Allen, L.E.; Cieza, L. A.; Dunham, M. M.; Harvey, P. M.; Stapelfeldt, K. R.; Bastien, P.; Butner, H.; Chen, M.; Chrysostomou, A.; Coude, S.; Davis, C.J.; Drabek-Maunder, E.; Duarte-Cabral, A.; Fiege, J.; Friberg, P.; Friesen, R.; Fuller, G.A.; Graves, S.; Greaves, J.; Gregson, J.; Holland, W.; Joncas, G.; Kirk, J.M.; Knee, L. B. G.; Mairs, S.; Marsh, K.; Matthews, B. C.; Moriarty-Schieven, G.; Rawlings, J.; Richer, J.; Robertson, D.; Rosolowsky, E.; Sadavoy, S.; Thomas, H.; Tothill, N.; Viti, S.; White, G.J.; Wilson, C. D.; Wouterloot, J.; Yates, J.; Zhu, M. (2015-04-01)
      We present SCUBA-2 450 and 850 μm observations of the Serpens MWC 297 region, part of the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) Gould Belt Survey of nearby star-forming regions. Simulations suggest that radiative feedback ...