Now showing items 1-18 of 18

    • Application of Behavior Change Techniques in a Personalized Nutrition Electronic Health Intervention Study : Protocol for the Web-Based Food4Me Randomized Controlled Trial 

      Macready, Anna L; Fallaize, Rosalind; Butler, Laurie T; Ellis, Judi A; Kuznesof, Sharron; Frewer, Lynn J; Celis-Morales, Carlos; Livingstone, Katherine M; Araújo-Soares, Vera; Fischer, Arnout Rh; Stewart-Knox, Barbara J; Mathers, John C; Lovegrove, Julie A (2018-04-09)
      BACKGROUND: To determine the efficacy of behavior change techniques applied in dietary and physical activity intervention studies, it is first necessary to record and describe techniques that have been used during such ...
    • Capturing health and eating status through a nutritional perception screening questionnaire (NPSQ9) in a randomised internet-based personalised nutrition intervention : the Food4Me study 

      San-Cristobal, Rodrigo; Navas-Carretero, Santiago; Celis-Morales, Carlos; Livingstone, Katherine M; Stewart-Knox, Barbara; Rankin, Audrey; Macready, Anna L; Fallaize, Rosalind; O'Donovan, Clare B; Forster, Hannah; Woolhead, Clara; Walsh, Marianne C; Lambrinou, Christina P; Moschonis, George; Manios, Yannis; Jarosz, Miroslaw; Daniel, Hannelore; Gibney, Eileen R; Brennan, Lorraine; Gundersen, Thomas E; Drevon, Christian A; Gibney, Mike; Marsaux, Cyril F M; Saris, Wim H M; Lovegrove, Julie A; Frewer, Lynn J; Mathers, John C; Martinez, J Alfredo; Food4Me Study (2017-12-11)
      BACKGROUND: National guidelines emphasize healthy eating to promote wellbeing and prevention of non-communicable diseases. The perceived healthiness of food is determined by many factors affecting food intake. A positive ...
    • Characteristics of European adults who dropped out from the Food4Me Internet-based personalised nutrition intervention 

      Livingstone, Katherine M; Celis-Morales, Carlos; Macready, Anna L; Fallaize, Rosalind; Forster, Hannah; Woolhead, Clara; O'Donovan, Clare B; Marsaux, Cyril Fm; Navas-Carretero, Santiago; San-Cristobal, Rodrigo; Kolossa, Silvia; Tsirigoti, Lydia; Lambrinou, Christina P; Moschonis, George; Surwiłło, Agnieszka; Drevon, Christian A; Manios, Yannis; Traczyk, Iwona; Gibney, Eileen R; Brennan, Lorraine; Walsh, Marianne C; Lovegrove, Julie A; Martinez, J Alfredo; Saris, Wim Hm; Daniel, Hannelore; Gibney, Mike; Mathers, John C (2016-08-05)
      OBJECTIVE: To characterise participants who dropped out of the Food4Me Proof-of-Principle study. DESIGN: The Food4Me study was an Internet-based, 6-month, four-arm, randomised controlled trial. The control group received ...
    • Clustering of adherence to personalised dietary recommendations and changes in healthy eating index within the Food4Me study 

      Livingstone, Katherine M; Celis-Morales, Carlos; Lara, Jose; Woolhead, Clara; O'Donovan, Clare B; Forster, Hannah; Marsaux, Cyril Fm; Macready, Anna L; Fallaize, Rosalind; Navas-Carretero, Santiago; San-Cristobal, Rodrigo; Kolossa, Silvia; Tsirigoti, Lydia; Lambrinou, Christina P; Moschonis, George; Surwiłło, Agnieszka; Drevon, Christian A; Manios, Yannis; Traczyk, Iwona; Gibney, Eileen R; Brennan, Lorraine; Walsh, Marianne C; Lovegrove, Julie A; Martinez, J Alfredo; Saris, Wim Hm; Daniel, Hannelore; Gibney, Mike; Mathers, John C (2016-12-01)
      OBJECTIVE: To characterise clusters of individuals based on adherence to dietary recommendations and to determine whether changes in Healthy Eating Index (HEI) scores in response to a personalised nutrition (PN) intervention ...
    • Corrigendum : Clustering of adherence to personalised dietary recommendations and changes in healthy eating index within the Food4Me study (Public Health Nutrition 19:18 (3296-305) DOI: 10.1017/S1368980016001932) 

      Livingstone, Katherine M; Celis-Morales, Carlos; Lara, Jose; Woolhead, Clara; O'Donovan, Clare B; Forster, Hannah; Marsaux, Cyril Fm; Macready, Anna L; Fallaize, Rosalind; Navas-Carretero, Santiago; San-Cristobal, Rodrigo; Kolossa, Silvia; Tsirigoti, Lydia; Lambrinou, Christina P; Moschonis, George; Surwiłło, Agnieszka; Drevon, Christian A; Manios, Yannis; Traczyk, Iwona; Gibney, Eileen R; Brennan, Lorraine; Walsh, Marianne C; Lovegrove, Julie A; Martinez, J Alfredo; Saris, Wim Hm; Daniel, Hannelore; Gibney, Mike; Mathers, John C (2019-08-01)
      Original text and corrections: ORIGINAL TEXT (page 3296, Abstract) Subjects: Adults aged 18-79 years (n 1480). CORRECTION Subjects: Adults aged 18-79 years at baseline (n 1480). ORIGINAL TEXT (page 3298, Results) Of the ...
    • A Dietary Feedback System for the Delivery of Consistent Personalized Dietary Advice in the Web-Based Multicenter Food4Me Study 

      Forster, Hannah; Walsh, Marianne C; O'Donovan, Clare B; Woolhead, Clara; McGirr, Caroline; Daly, E J; O'Riordan, Richard; Celis-Morales, Carlos; Fallaize, Rosalind; Macready, Anna L; Marsaux, Cyril F M; Navas-Carretero, Santiago; San-Cristobal, Rodrigo; Kolossa, Silvia; Hartwig, Kai; Mavrogianni, Christina; Tsirigoti, Lydia; Lambrinou, Christina P; Godlewska, Magdalena; Surwiłło, Agnieszka; Gjelstad, Ingrid Merethe Fange; Drevon, Christian A; Manios, Yannis; Traczyk, Iwona; Martinez, J Alfredo; Saris, Wim H M; Daniel, Hannelore; Lovegrove, Julie A; Mathers, John C; Gibney, Michael J; Gibney, Eileen R; Brennan, Lorraine (2016-06-30)
      BACKGROUND: Despite numerous healthy eating campaigns, the prevalence of diets high in saturated fatty acids, sugar, and salt and low in fiber, fruit, and vegetables remains high. With more people than ever accessing the ...
    • Effect of an Internet-based, personalized nutrition randomized trial on dietary changes associated with the Mediterranean diet : the Food4Me Study 

      Livingstone, Katherine M; Celis-Morales, Carlos; Navas-Carretero, Santiago; San-Cristobal, Rodrigo; Macready, Anna L; Fallaize, Rosalind; Forster, Hannah; Woolhead, Clara; O'Donovan, Clare B; Marsaux, Cyril Fm; Kolossa, Silvia; Tsirigoti, Lydia; Lambrinou, Christina P; Moschonis, George; Godlewska, Magdalena; Surwiłło, Agnieszka; Drevon, Christian A; Manios, Yannis; Traczyk, Iwona; Gibney, Eileen R; Brennan, Lorraine; Walsh, Marianne C; Lovegrove, Julie A; Saris, Wim H; Daniel, Hannelore; Gibney, Mike; Martinez, J Alfredo; Mathers, John C; Food4Me Study (2016-08-01)
      BACKGROUND: Little is known about the efficacy of personalized nutrition (PN) interventions for improving consumption of a Mediterranean diet (MedDiet). OBJECTIVE: The objective was to evaluate the effect of a PN intervention ...
    • Effect of personalized nutrition on health-related behaviour change : evidence from the Food4me European randomized controlled trial 

      Celis-Morales, Carlos; Livingstone, Katherine M; Marsaux, Cyril F M; Macready, Anna L; Fallaize, Rosalind; O'Donovan, Clare B; Woolhead, Clara; Forster, Hannah; Walsh, Marianne C; Navas-Carretero, Santiago; San-Cristobal, Rodrigo; Tsirigoti, Lydia; Lambrinou, Christina P; Mavrogianni, Christina; Moschonis, George; Kolossa, Silvia; Hallmann, Jacqueline; Godlewska, Magdalena; Surwiłło, Agnieszka; Traczyk, Iwona; Drevon, Christian A; Bouwman, Jildau; van Ommen, Ben; Grimaldi, Keith; Parnell, Laurence D; Matthews, John N S; Manios, Yannis; Daniel, Hannelore; Martinez, J Alfredo; Lovegrove, Julie A; Gibney, Eileen R; Brennan, Lorraine; Saris, Wim H M; Gibney, Mike; Mathers, John C; Food4Me Study (2017-04-01)
      BACKGROUND: Optimal nutritional choices are linked with better health, but many current interventions to improve diet have limited effect. We tested the hypothesis that providing personalized nutrition (PN) advice based ...
    • The effect of the apolipoprotein E genotype on response to personalized dietary advice intervention : findings from the Food4Me randomized controlled trial 

      Fallaize, Rosalind; Celis-Morales, Carlos; Macready, Anna L; Marsaux, Cyril Fm; Forster, Hannah; O'Donovan, Clare; Woolhead, Clara; San-Cristobal, Rodrigo; Kolossa, Silvia; Hallmann, Jacqueline; Mavrogianni, Christina; Surwillo, Agnieszka; Livingstone, Katherine M; Moschonis, George; Navas-Carretero, Santiago; Walsh, Marianne C; Gibney, Eileen R; Brennan, Lorraine; Bouwman, Jildau; Grimaldi, Keith; Manios, Yannis; Traczyk, Iwona; Drevon, Christian A; Martinez, J Alfredo; Daniel, Hannelore; Saris, Wim Hm; Gibney, Michael J; Mathers, John C; Lovegrove, Julie A; Food4Me Study (2016-08-10)
      BACKGROUND: The apolipoprotein E (APOE) risk allele (ɛ4) is associated with higher total cholesterol (TC), amplified response to saturated fatty acid (SFA) reduction, and increased cardiovascular disease. Although knowledge ...
    • Erratum to: : Profile of European adults interested in internet-based personalised nutrition: the Food4Me study 

      Livingstone, Katherine M; Celis-Morales, Carlos; Navas-Carretero, Santiago; San-Cristobal, Rodrigo; O'Donovan, Clare B; Forster, Hannah; Woolhead, Clara; Marsaux, Cyril F M; Macready, Anna L; Fallaize, Rosalind; Kolossa, Silvia; Tsirigoti, Lydia; Lambrinou, Christina P; Moschonis, George; Godlewska, Magdalena; Surwiłło, Agnieszka; Drevon, Christian A; Manios, Yannis; Traczyk, Iwona; Gibney, Eileen R; Brennan, Lorraine; Walsh, Marianne C; Lovegrove, Julie A; Alfredo Martinez, J; Saris, Wim H; Daniel, Hannelore; Gibney, Mike; Mathers, John C (2016-06-30)
    • The impact of MTHFR 677C → T risk knowledge on changes in folate intake : findings from the Food4Me study 

      O'Donovan, Clare B; Walsh, Marianne C; Forster, Hannah; Woolhead, Clara; Celis-Morales, Carlos; Fallaize, Rosalind; Macready, Anna L; Marsaux, Cyril F M; Navas-Carretero, Santiago; San-Cristobal, Rodrigo; Kolossa, Silvia; Mavrogianni, Christina; Lambrinou, Christina P; Moschonis, George; Godlewska, Magdalena; Surwillo, Agnieszka; Bouwman, Jildau; Grimaldi, Keith; Traczyk, Iwona; Drevon, Christian A; Daniel, Hannelore; Manios, Yannis; Martinez, J Alfredo; Saris, Wim H M; Lovegrove, Julie A; Mathers, John C; Gibney, Michael J; Brennan, Lorraine; Gibney, Eileen R (2016-09-29)
      BACKGROUND: It is hypothesised that individuals with knowledge of their genetic risk are more likely to make health-promoting dietary and lifestyle changes. The present study aims to test this hypothesis using data from ...
    • Interactions of Carbohydrate Intake and Physical Activity with Regulatory Genes Affecting Glycaemia: A Food4Me Study Analysis 

      Food4Me; Navas-Carretero, Santiago; San-Cristobal, Rodrigo; Alvarez-Alvarez, Ismael; Celis-Morales, Carlos; Livingstone, Katherine M; O'Donovan, Claire B; Mavrogianni, Christina; Lambrinou, Christina P; Manios, Yannis; Traczyck, Iwona; Drevon, Christian A; Marsaux, Cyril F M; Saris, Wim H M; Fallaize, Rosalind; Macready, Anna L; Lovegrove, Julie A; Gundersen, Thomas E; Walsh, Marianne; Brennan, Lorraine; Gibney, Eileen R; Gibney, Mike; Mathers, John C; Martinez, J Alfredo (2021-06-29)
      INTRODUCTION: Carbohydrate intake and physical activity are related to glucose homeostasis, both being influenced by individual genetic makeup. However, the interactions between these 2 factors, as affected by genetics, ...
    • Mediterranean Diet Adherence and Genetic Background Roles within a Web-Based Nutritional Intervention : The Food4Me Study 

      San-Cristobal, Rodrigo; Navas-Carretero, Santiago; Livingstone, Katherine M; Celis-Morales, Carlos; Macready, Anna L; Fallaize, Rosalind; O'Donovan, Clare B; Lambrinou, Christina P; Moschonis, George; Marsaux, Cyril F M; Manios, Yannis; Jarosz, Miroslaw; Daniel, Hannelore; Gibney, Eileen R; Brennan, Lorraine; Drevon, Christian A; Gundersen, Thomas E; Gibney, Mike; Saris, Wim H M; Lovegrove, Julie A; Grimaldi, Keith; Parnell, Laurence D; Bouwman, Jildau; Van Ommen, Ben; Mathers, John C; Martinez, J Alfredo (2017-10-11)
      Mediterranean Diet (MedDiet) adherence has been proven to produce numerous health benefits. In addition, nutrigenetic studies have explained some individual variations in the response to specific dietary patterns. The ...
    • Objectively Measured Physical Activity in European Adults : Cross-Sectional Findings from the Food4Me Study 

      Marsaux, Cyril F M; Celis-Morales, Carlos; Hoonhout, Jettie; Claassen, Arjan; Goris, Annelies; Forster, Hannah; Fallaize, Rosalind; Macready, Anna L; Navas-Carretero, Santiago; Kolossa, Silvia; Walsh, Marianne C; Lambrinou, Christina-Paulina; Manios, Yannis; Godlewska, Magdalena; Traczyk, Iwona; Lovegrove, Julie A; Martinez, J Alfredo; Daniel, Hannelore; Gibney, Mike; Mathers, John C; Saris, Wim H M (2016-03-21)
      BACKGROUND: Comparisons of objectively measured physical activity (PA) between residents of European countries measured concurrently with the same protocol are lacking. We aimed to compare PA between the seven European ...
    • Physical activity attenuates the effect of the FTO genotype on obesity traits in European adults : The Food4Me study 

      Celis-Morales, Carlos; Marsaux, Cyril F M; Livingstone, Katherine M; Navas-Carretero, Santiago; San-Cristobal, Rodrigo; O'donovan, Clare B; Forster, Hannah; Woolhead, Clara; Fallaize, Rosalind; Macready, Anna L; Kolossa, Silvia; Hallmann, Jacqueline; Tsirigoti, Lydia; Lambrinou, Christina P; Moschonis, George; Godlewska, Magdalena; Surwiłło, Agnieszka; Grimaldi, Keith; Bouwman, Jildau; Manios, Yannis; Traczyk, Iwona; Drevon, Christian A; Parnell, Laurence D; Daniel, Hannelore; Gibney, Eileen R; Brennan, Lorraine; Walsh, Marianne C; Gibney, Mike; Lovegrove, Julie A; Martinez, J Alfredo; Saris, Wim H M; Mathers, John C; Food4Me Study (2016-04-24)
      OBJECTIVE: To examine whether the effect of FTO loci on obesity-related traits could be modified by physical activity (PA) levels in European adults. METHODS: Of 1,607 Food4Me participants randomized, 1,280 were genotyped ...
    • Proposed guidelines to evaluate scientific validity and evidence for genotype-based dietary advice 

      Grimaldi, Keith A; van Ommen, Ben; Ordovas, Jose M; Parnell, Laurence D; Mathers, John C; Bendik, Igor; Brennan, Lorraine; Celis-Morales, Carlos; Cirillo, Elisa; Daniel, Hannelore; de Kok, Brenda; El-Sohemy, Ahmed; Fairweather-Tait, Susan J; Fallaize, Rosalind; Fenech, Michael; Ferguson, Lynnette R; Gibney, Eileen R; Gibney, Mike; Gjelstad, Ingrid M F; Kaput, Jim; Karlsen, Anette S; Kolossa, Silvia; Lovegrove, Julie; Macready, Anna L; Marsaux, Cyril F M; Alfredo Martinez, J; Milagro, Fermin; Navas-Carretero, Santiago; Roche, Helen M; Saris, Wim H M; Traczyk, Iwona; van Kranen, Henk; Verschuren, Lars; Virgili, Fabio; Weber, Peter; Bouwman, Jildau (2017-12-15)
      Nutrigenetic research examines the effects of inter-individual differences in genotype on responses to nutrients and other food components, in the context of health and of nutrient requirements. A practical application of ...
    • Reproducibility of the Online Food4Me Food-Frequency Questionnaire for Estimating Dietary Intakes across Europe 

      Marshall, Steven J; Livingstone, Katherine M; Celis-Morales, Carlos; Forster, Hannah; Fallaize, Rosalind; O'Donovan, Clare B; Woolhead, Clara; Marsaux, Cyril Fm; Macready, Anna L; Navas-Carretero, Santiago; San-Cristobal, Rodrigo; Kolossa, Silvia; Tsirigoti, Lydia; Lambrinou, Christina P; Moschonis, George; Godlewska, Magdalena; Surwiłło, Agnieszka; Drevon, Christian A; Manios, Yannis; Traczyk, Iwona; Martínez, J Alfredo; Saris, Wim H; Daniel, Hannelore; Gibney, Eileen R; Brennan, Lorraine; Walsh, Marianne C; Lovegrove, Julie A; Gibney, Mike; Mathers, John C; Food4Me Study (2016-05-01)
      BACKGROUND: Accurate dietary assessment is key to understanding nutrition-related outcomes and is essential for estimating dietary change in nutrition-based interventions. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to ...
    • Weekday sunlight exposure, but not vitamin D intake, influences the association between vitamin D receptor genotype and circulating concentration 25-hydroxyvitamin D in a pan-European population : the Food4Me study 

      Livingstone, Katherine M; Celis-Morales, Carlos; Hoeller, Ulrich; Lambrinou, Christina P; Moschonis, George; Macready, Anna L; Fallaize, Rosalind; Baur, Manuela; Roos, Franz F; Bendik, Igor; Grimaldi, Keith; Navas-Carretero, Santiago; San-Cristobal, Rodrigo; Weber, Peter; Drevon, Christian A; Manios, Yannis; Traczyk, Iwona; Gibney, Eileen R; Lovegrove, Julie A; Saris, Wim H; Daniel, Hannelore; Gibney, Mike; Martinez, J Alfredo; Brennan, Lorraine; Hill, Tom R; Mathers, John C; Food4Me Study (2017-02-01)
      SCOPE: Little is known about diet- and environment-gene interactions on 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D concentration. This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate i) predictors of 25(OH)D concentration and relationships ...