Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • The Impact of Fission on R-Process Calculations 

      Eichler, M.; Arcones, A.; Käppeli, R.; Korobkin, O.; Liebendörfer, M.; Martinez-Pinedo, G.; Panov, I. V.; Rauscher, T.; Rosswog, S.; Thielemann, F. K.; Winteler, C. (2016-01-05)
      We have performed r-process calculations in neutron star mergers (NSM) and jets of magnetohydrodynamically driven (MHD) supernovae. In these very neutron-rich environments the fission model of heavy nuclei has an impact ...
    • Neutron-induced astrophysical reaction rates for translead nuclei 

      Panov, I. V.; Korneev, I. Yu; Rauscher, T.; Martinez-Pinedo, G.; Kelic-Heil, A.; Zinner, N. T.; Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl (2010-04)
      Neutron-induced reaction rates, including fission and neutron capture, are calculated in the temperature range 10(8)
    • The r-, p-, and nu p-Process 

      Thielemann, Friedrich-Karl; Dillmann, I.; Farouqi, K.; Fischer, T.; Froehlich, C.; Kelic-Heil, A.; Korneev, I.; Kratz, K.L.; Langanke, K.; Liebendoerfer, M.; Panov, I. V.; Martinez-Pinedo, G.; Rauscher, T. (IOP Publishing Ltd., 2010)
      The processes discussed in this review are three of the four nucleosynthesis processes involved in producing heavy nuclei beyond Fe (not counting the rp-process in Xray bursts). Opposite to the fourth process (the s-process), ...