Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • The case for a 'sub-millimeter SDSS' : a 3D map of galaxy evolution to z~10 

      Geach, James E.; Banerji, Manda; Bertoldi, Frank; Bethermin, Matthieu; Casey, Caitlin M.; Chen, Chian-Chou; Clements, David L.; Cicone, Claudia; Combes, Francoise; Conselice, Christopher; Cooray, Asantha; Coppin, Kristen; Daddi, Emanuele; Dannerbauer, Helmut; Dave, Romeel; Doherty, Matthew; Dunlop, James S.; Edge, Alastair; Farrah, Duncan; Franco, Maximilien; Fuller, Gary; Garratt, Tracy; Gear, Walter; Greve, Thomas R.; Hatziminaoglou, Evanthia; Hayward, Christopher C.; Ivison, Rob J.; Kawabe, Ryohei; Klaassen, Pamela; Knudsen, Kirsten K.; Kohno, Kotaro; Koprowski, Maciej; Lagos, Claudia D. P.; Magdis, Georgios E.; Magnelli, Benjamin; McGee, Sean L.; Michalowski, Michal; Mroczkowski, Tony; Noroozian, Omid; Oliver, Seb; Riechers, Dominik; Rujopakarn, Wiphu; Scott, Douglas; Serjeant, Stephen; Smith, Matthew W. L.; Swinbank, Mark; Tamura, Yoichi; Werf, Paul van der; Kampen, Eelco van; Verma, Aprajita; Vieira, Joaquin; Wagg, Jeff; Walter, Fabian; Wang, Lingyu; Wootten, Al; Yun, Min S. (2019-05-31)
      The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) was revolutionary because of the extraordinary breadth and ambition of its optical imaging and spectroscopy. We argue that a 'sub-millimeter SDSS' - a sensitive large-area imaging+spectroscopic ...
    • The e-MERLIN Galaxy Evolution Survey (e-MERGE) : Overview and Survey Description 

      Muxlow, T. W. B.; Wrigley, N. H.; Beswick, R. J.; Smail, Ian; McHardy, I. M.; Garrington, S. T.; Ivison, R. J.; Jarvis, M. J.; Prandoni, I.; Bondi, M.; Guidetti, D.; Argo, M. K.; Bacon, David; Best, P. N.; Biggs, A. D.; Chapman, S. C.; Coppin, K.; Chen, H.; Garratt, T. K.; Garrett, M. A.; Ibar, E.; Kneib, Jean-Paul; Knudsen, Kirsten K.; Koopmans, L. V. E.; Morabito, L. K.; Njeri, A.; Pearson, Chris; Perez-Torres, M. A.; Rottgering, H. J. A.; Sargent, M. T.; Serjeant, Stephen; Swinbank, A. M.; Varenius, E.; Venturi, T. (2020-05-08)
      We present an overview and description of the eMERLIN Galaxy Evolution survey (eMERGE) Data Release 1 (DR1), a large program of high-resolution 1.5 GHz radio observations of the GOODS-N field comprising $\sim140$ hours of ...
    • A pilot study for the SCUBA-2 'All-Sky' Survey 

      Mackenzie, Todd; Braglia, Filiberto G.; Gibb, Andy G.; Scott, Douglas; Jenness, Tim; Serjeant, Stephen; Thompson, Mark; Berry, David; Brunt, Christopher M.; Chapin, Edward; Chrysostomou, A.; Clements, Dave; Coppin, Kristen; Economou, Frossie; Evans, A.; Friberg, Per; Greaves, Jane; Hill, T.; Holland, Wayne; Ivison, R. J.; Knapen, Johan H.; Jackson, Neal; Joncas, Gilles; Morgan, Larry; Mortier, Angela; Pearson, Chris; Pestalozzi, Michele; Pope, Alexandra; Richer, John; Urquhart, J. S.; Vaccari, Mattia; Weferling, Bernd; White, Glenn; Zhu, Ming (2011-08)
      We have carried out a pilot study for the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array 2 (SCUBA-2) 'All-Sky' Survey (SASSy), a wide and shallow mapping project at 850 mu m, designed to find rare objects, both Galactic and ...
    • The Radio Galaxy Environment Reference Survey (RAGERS) : a submillimetre study of the environments of massive radio-quiet galaxies at z = 1–3 

      Cornish, Thomas M.; Wardlow, Julie L.; Greve, Thomas; Chapman, Scott; Chen, Chian-Chou; Dannerbauer, Helmut; Goto, Tomotsu; Gullberg, Bitten; Ho, Luis C.; Jiang, Xue-Jian; Lagos, Claudia; Lee, Minju; Serjeant, Stephen; Shim, Hyunjin; Smith, Daniel J. B.; Vijayan, Aswin; Wagg, Jeff; Zhou, Dazhi (2024-08-09)
      Measuring the environments of massive galaxies at high redshift is crucial to understanding galaxy evolution and the conditions that gave rise to the distribution of matter we see in the Universe today. While high-$z$ radio ...