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dc.contributor.authorTinetti, Giovanna
dc.contributor.authorDrossart, Pierre
dc.contributor.authorEccleston, Paul
dc.contributor.authorHartogh, Paul
dc.contributor.authorIsaak, Kate
dc.contributor.authorLinder, Martin
dc.contributor.authorLovis, Christophe
dc.contributor.authorMicela, Giusi
dc.contributor.authorOllivier, Marc
dc.contributor.authorPuig, Ludovic
dc.contributor.authorRibas, Ignasi
dc.contributor.authorSnellen, Ignas
dc.contributor.authorAllard, Bruce Swinyard France
dc.contributor.authorBarstow, Joanna
dc.contributor.authorCho, James
dc.contributor.authorCoustenis, Athena
dc.contributor.authorCockell, Charles
dc.contributor.authorCorreia, Alexandre
dc.contributor.authorDecin, Leen
dc.contributor.authorKok, Remco de
dc.contributor.authorDeroo, Pieter
dc.contributor.authorEncrenaz, Therese
dc.contributor.authorForget, Francois
dc.contributor.authorGlasse, Alistair
dc.contributor.authorGriffith, Caitlin
dc.contributor.authorGuillot, Tristan
dc.contributor.authorKoskinen, Tommi
dc.contributor.authorLammer, Helmut
dc.contributor.authorLeconte, Jeremy
dc.contributor.authorMaxted, Pierre
dc.contributor.authorMueller-Wodarg, Ingo
dc.contributor.authorNelson, Richard
dc.contributor.authorNorth, Chris
dc.contributor.authorPallé, Enric
dc.contributor.authorPagano, Isabella
dc.contributor.authorPiccioni, Guseppe
dc.contributor.authorPinfield, D.J.
dc.contributor.authorSelsis, Franck
dc.contributor.authorSozzetti, Alessandro
dc.contributor.authorStixrude, Lars
dc.contributor.authorTennyson, Jonathan
dc.contributor.authorTurrini, Diego
dc.contributor.authorBeaulieu, Mariarosa Zapatero-Osorio Jean-Philippe
dc.contributor.authorGrodent, Denis
dc.contributor.authorGuedel, Manuel
dc.contributor.authorLuz, David
dc.contributor.authorNørgaard-Nielsen, Hans Ulrik
dc.contributor.authorRay, Tom
dc.contributor.authorRickman, Hans
dc.contributor.authorSelig, Avri
dc.contributor.authorBanaszkiewicz, Mark Swain Marek
dc.contributor.authorBarlow, Mike
dc.contributor.authorBowles, Neil
dc.contributor.authorBranduardi-Raymont, Graziella
dc.contributor.authorForesto, Vincent Coudé du
dc.contributor.authorGerard, Jean-Claude
dc.contributor.authorGizon, Laurent
dc.contributor.authorHornstrup, Allan
dc.contributor.authorJarchow, Christopher
dc.contributor.authorKerschbaum, Franz
dc.contributor.authorKovacs, Géza
dc.contributor.authorLagage, Pierre-Olivier
dc.contributor.authorLim, Tanya
dc.contributor.authorLopez-Morales, Mercedes
dc.contributor.authorMalaguti, Giuseppe
dc.contributor.authorPace, Emanuele
dc.contributor.authorPascale, Enzo
dc.contributor.authorVandenbussche, Bart
dc.contributor.authorWright, Gillian
dc.contributor.authorAdriani, Gonzalo Ramos Zapata Alberto
dc.contributor.authorAzzollini, Ruymán
dc.contributor.authorBalado, Ana
dc.contributor.authorBryson, Ian
dc.contributor.authorBurston, Raymond
dc.contributor.authorColomé, Josep
dc.contributor.authorForesto, Vincent Coudé du
dc.contributor.authorCrook, Martin
dc.contributor.authorGiorgio, Anna Di
dc.contributor.authorGriffin, Matt
dc.contributor.authorHoogeveen, Ruud
dc.contributor.authorOttensamer, Roland
dc.contributor.authorIrshad, Ranah
dc.contributor.authorMiddleton, Kevin
dc.contributor.authorMorgante, Gianluca
dc.contributor.authorPinsard, Frederic
dc.contributor.authorRataj, Mirek
dc.contributor.authorReess, Jean-Michel
dc.contributor.authorSavini, Giorgio
dc.contributor.authorSchrader, Jan-Rutger
dc.contributor.authorStamper, Richard
dc.contributor.authorAbe, Berend Winter L.
dc.contributor.authorAbreu, M.
dc.contributor.authorAchilleos, N.
dc.contributor.authorAde, P.
dc.contributor.authorAdybekian, V.
dc.contributor.authorAffer, L.
dc.contributor.authorAgnor, C.
dc.contributor.authorAgundez, M.
dc.contributor.authorAlard, C.
dc.contributor.authorAlcala, J.
dc.contributor.authorPrieto, C. Allende
dc.contributor.authorFloriano, F. J. Alonso
dc.contributor.authorAltieri, F.
dc.contributor.authorIglesias, C. A. Alvarez
dc.contributor.authorAmado, P.
dc.contributor.authorAndersen, A.
dc.contributor.authorAylward, A.
dc.contributor.authorBaffa, C.
dc.contributor.authorBakos, G.
dc.contributor.authorBallerini, P.
dc.contributor.authorBanaszkiewicz, M.
dc.contributor.authorBarber, R. J.
dc.contributor.authorBarrado, D.
dc.contributor.authorBarton, E. J.
dc.contributor.authorBatista, V.
dc.contributor.authorBellucci, G.
dc.contributor.authorAvilés, J. A. Belmonte
dc.contributor.authorBerry, D.
dc.contributor.authorBézard, B.
dc.contributor.authorBiondi, D.
dc.contributor.authorBłęcka, M.
dc.contributor.authorBoisse, I.
dc.contributor.authorBonfond, B.
dc.contributor.authorBordé, P.
dc.contributor.authorBörner, P.
dc.contributor.authorBouy, H.
dc.contributor.authorBrown, L.
dc.contributor.authorBuchhave, L.
dc.contributor.authorBudaj, J.
dc.contributor.authorBulgarelli, A.
dc.contributor.authorBurleigh, M.
dc.contributor.authorCabral, A.
dc.contributor.authorCapria, M. T.
dc.contributor.authorCassan, A.
dc.contributor.authorCavarroc, C.
dc.contributor.authorCecchi-Pestellini, C.
dc.contributor.authorCerulli, R.
dc.contributor.authorChadney, J.
dc.contributor.authorChamberlain, S.
dc.contributor.authorCharnoz, S.
dc.contributor.authorJessen, N. Christian
dc.contributor.authorCiaravella, A.
dc.contributor.authorClaret, A.
dc.contributor.authorClaudi, R.
dc.contributor.authorCoates, A.
dc.contributor.authorCole, R.
dc.contributor.authorCollura, A.
dc.contributor.authorCordier, D.
dc.contributor.authorCovino, E.
dc.contributor.authorDanielski, C.
dc.contributor.authorDamasso, M.
dc.contributor.authorDeeg, H. J.
dc.contributor.authorDelgado-Mena, E.
dc.contributor.authorVecchio, C. Del
dc.contributor.authorDemangeon, O.
dc.contributor.authorSio, A. De
dc.contributor.authorWit, J. De
dc.contributor.authorDobrijévic, M.
dc.contributor.authorDoel, P.
dc.contributor.authorDominic, C.
dc.contributor.authorDorfi, E.
dc.contributor.authorEales, S.
dc.contributor.authorEiroa, C.
dc.contributor.authorContreras, M. Espinoza
dc.contributor.authorEsposito, M.
dc.contributor.authorEymet, V.
dc.contributor.authorFabrizio, N.
dc.contributor.authorFernández, M.
dc.contributor.authorCastella, B. Femenía
dc.contributor.authorFigueira, P.
dc.contributor.authorFilacchione, G.
dc.contributor.authorFletcher, L.
dc.contributor.authorFocardi, M.
dc.contributor.authorFossey, S.
dc.contributor.authorFouqué, P.
dc.contributor.authorFrith, J.
dc.contributor.authorGaland, M.
dc.contributor.authorGambicorti, L.
dc.contributor.authorGaulme, P.
dc.contributor.authorLópez, R. J. García
dc.contributor.authorGarcia-Piquer, A.
dc.contributor.authorGear, W.
dc.contributor.authorGerard, J. -C.
dc.contributor.authorGesa, L.
dc.contributor.authorGiani, E.
dc.contributor.authorGianotti, F.
dc.contributor.authorGillon, M.
dc.contributor.authorGiro, E.
dc.contributor.authorGiuranna, M.
dc.contributor.authorGomez, H.
dc.contributor.authorGomez-Leal, I.
dc.contributor.authorHernandez, J. Gonzalez
dc.contributor.authorMerino, B. González
dc.contributor.authorGraczyk, R.
dc.contributor.authorGrassi, D.
dc.contributor.authorGuardia, J.
dc.contributor.authorGuio, P.
dc.contributor.authorGustin, J.
dc.contributor.authorHargrave, P.
dc.contributor.authorHaigh, J.
dc.contributor.authorHébrard, E.
dc.contributor.authorHeiter, U.
dc.contributor.authorHeredero, R. L.
dc.contributor.authorHerrero, E.
dc.contributor.authorHersant, F.
dc.contributor.authorHeyrovsky, D.
dc.contributor.authorHollis, M.
dc.contributor.authorHubert, B.
dc.contributor.authorHueso, R.
dc.contributor.authorIsraelian, G.
dc.contributor.authorIro, N.
dc.contributor.authorIrwin, P.
dc.contributor.authorJacquemoud, S.
dc.contributor.authorJones, G.
dc.contributor.authorJones, H.R.A.
dc.contributor.authorJusttanont, K.
dc.contributor.authorKehoe, T.
dc.contributor.authorKerschbaum, F.
dc.contributor.authorKerins, E.
dc.contributor.authorKervella, P.
dc.contributor.authorKipping, D.
dc.contributor.authorKoskinen, T.
dc.contributor.authorKrupp, N.
dc.contributor.authorLahav, O.
dc.contributor.authorLaken, B.
dc.contributor.authorLanza, N.
dc.contributor.authorLellouch, E.
dc.contributor.authorLeto, G.
dc.contributor.authorGoldaracena, J. Licandro
dc.contributor.authorLithgow-Bertelloni, C.
dc.contributor.authorLiu, S. J.
dc.contributor.authorCicero, U. Lo
dc.contributor.authorLodieu, N.
dc.contributor.authorLognonné, P.
dc.contributor.authorLopez-Puertas, M.
dc.contributor.authorLopez-Valverde, M. A.
dc.contributor.authorRasmussen, I. Lundgaard
dc.contributor.authorLuntzer, A.
dc.contributor.authorMachado, P.
dc.contributor.authorMacTavish, C.
dc.contributor.authorMaggio, A.
dc.contributor.authorMaillard, J. -P.
dc.contributor.authorMagnes, W.
dc.contributor.authorMaldonado, J.
dc.contributor.authorMall, U.
dc.contributor.authorMarquette, J.-B.
dc.contributor.authorMauskopf, P.
dc.contributor.authorMassi, F.
dc.contributor.authorMaurin, A. -S.
dc.contributor.authorMedvedev, A.
dc.contributor.authorMichaut, C.
dc.contributor.authorMiles-Paez, P.
dc.contributor.authorMontalto, M.
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez, P. Montañés
dc.contributor.authorMonteiro, M.
dc.contributor.authorMontes, D.
dc.contributor.authorMorais, H.
dc.contributor.authorMorales, J. C.
dc.contributor.authorMorales-Calderón, M.
dc.contributor.authorMorello, G.
dc.contributor.authorMartín, A. Moro
dc.contributor.authorMoses, J.
dc.contributor.authorBedon, A. Moya
dc.contributor.authorAlcaino, F. Murgas
dc.contributor.authorOliva, E.
dc.contributor.authorOrton, G.
dc.contributor.authorPalla, F.
dc.contributor.authorPancrazzi, M.
dc.contributor.authorPantin, E.
dc.contributor.authorParmentier, V.
dc.contributor.authorParviainen, H.
dc.contributor.authorRamírez, K. Y. Peña
dc.contributor.authorPeralta, J.
dc.contributor.authorPerez-Hoyos, S.
dc.contributor.authorPetrov, R.
dc.contributor.authorPezzuto, S.
dc.contributor.authorPietrzak, R.
dc.contributor.authorPilat-Lohinger, E.
dc.contributor.authorPiskunov, N.
dc.contributor.authorPrinja, R.
dc.contributor.authorPrisinzano, L.
dc.contributor.authorPolichtchouk, I.
dc.contributor.authorPoretti, E.
dc.contributor.authorRadioti, A.
dc.contributor.authorRamos, A. A.
dc.contributor.authorRank-Lüftinger, T.
dc.contributor.authorRead, P.
dc.contributor.authorReadorn, K.
dc.contributor.authorLópez, R. Rebolo
dc.contributor.authorRebordão, J.
dc.contributor.authorRengel, M.
dc.contributor.authorRezac, L.
dc.contributor.authorRocchetto, M.
dc.contributor.authorRodler, F.
dc.contributor.authorBéjar, V. J. Sánchez
dc.contributor.authorLavega, A. Sanchez
dc.contributor.authorSanromá, E.
dc.contributor.authorSantos, N.
dc.contributor.authorForcada, J. Sanz
dc.contributor.authorScandariato, G.
dc.contributor.authorSchmider, F. -X.
dc.contributor.authorScholz, A.
dc.contributor.authorScuderi, S.
dc.contributor.authorSethenadh, J.
dc.contributor.authorShore, S.
dc.contributor.authorShowman, A.
dc.contributor.authorSicardy, B.
dc.contributor.authorSitek, P.
dc.contributor.authorSmith, A.
dc.contributor.authorSoret, L.
dc.contributor.authorSousa, S.
dc.contributor.authorStiepen, A.
dc.contributor.authorStolarski, M.
dc.contributor.authorStrazzulla, G.
dc.contributor.authorTabernero, H. M
dc.contributor.authorTanga, P.
dc.contributor.authorTecsa, M.
dc.contributor.authorTemple, J.
dc.contributor.authorTerenzi, L.
dc.contributor.authorTessenyi, M.
dc.contributor.authorTesti, L.
dc.contributor.authorThompson, S.
dc.contributor.authorThrastarson, H.
dc.contributor.authorTingley, B. W.
dc.contributor.authorTrifoglio, M.
dc.contributor.authorTorres, J. Martín
dc.contributor.authorTozzi, A.
dc.contributor.authorTurrini, D.
dc.contributor.authorVarley, R.
dc.contributor.authorVakili, F.
dc.contributor.authorVal-Borro, M. de
dc.contributor.authorValdivieso, M. L.
dc.contributor.authorVenot, O.
dc.contributor.authorVillaver, E.
dc.contributor.authorVinatier, S.
dc.contributor.authorViti, S.
dc.contributor.authorWaldmann, I.
dc.contributor.authorWaltham, D.
dc.contributor.authorWard-Thompson, D.
dc.contributor.authorWaters, R.
dc.contributor.authorWatkins, C.
dc.contributor.authorWatson, D.
dc.contributor.authorWawer, P.
dc.contributor.authorWawrzaszk, A.
dc.contributor.authorWhite, G.
dc.contributor.authorWidemann, T.
dc.contributor.authorWinek, W.
dc.contributor.authorWiśniowski, T.
dc.contributor.authorYelle, R.
dc.contributor.authorYung, Y.
dc.contributor.authorYurchenko, S.N.
dc.identifier.citationTinetti , G , Drossart , P , Eccleston , P , Hartogh , P , Isaak , K , Linder , M , Lovis , C , Micela , G , Ollivier , M , Puig , L , Ribas , I , Snellen , I , Allard , B S F , Barstow , J , Cho , J , Coustenis , A , Cockell , C , Correia , A , Decin , L , Kok , R D , Deroo , P , Encrenaz , T , Forget , F , Glasse , A , Griffith , C , Guillot , T , Koskinen , T , Lammer , H , Leconte , J , Maxted , P , Mueller-Wodarg , I , Nelson , R , North , C , Pallé , E , Pagano , I , Piccioni , G , Pinfield , D J , Selsis , F , Sozzetti , A , Stixrude , L , Tennyson , J , Turrini , D , Beaulieu , M Z-O J-P , Grodent , D , Guedel , M , Luz , D , Nørgaard-Nielsen , H U , Ray , T , Rickman , H , Selig , A , Banaszkiewicz , M S M , Barlow , M , Bowles , N , Branduardi-Raymont , G , Foresto , V C D , Gerard , J-C , Gizon , L , Hornstrup , A , Jarchow , C , Kerschbaum , F , Kovacs , G , Lagage , P-O , Lim , T , Lopez-Morales , M , Malaguti , G , Pace , E , Pascale , E , Vandenbussche , B , Wright , G , Adriani , G R Z A , Azzollini , R , Balado , A , Bryson , I , Burston , R , Colomé , J , Foresto , V C D , Crook , M , Giorgio , A D , Griffin , M , Hoogeveen , R , Ottensamer , R , Irshad , R , Middleton , K , Morgante , G , Pinsard , F , Rataj , M , Reess , J-M , Savini , G , Schrader , J-R , Stamper , R , Abe , B W L , Abreu , M , Achilleos , N , Ade , P , Adybekian , V , Affer , L , Agnor , C , Agundez , M , Alard , C , Alcala , J , Prieto , C A , Floriano , F J A , Altieri , F , Iglesias , C A A , Amado , P , Andersen , A , Aylward , A , Baffa , C , Bakos , G , Ballerini , P , Banaszkiewicz , M , Barber , R J , Barrado , D , Barton , E J , Batista , V , Bellucci , G , Avilés , J A B , Berry , D , Bézard , B , Biondi , D , Błęcka , M , Boisse , I , Bonfond , B , Bordé , P , Börner , P , Bouy , H , Brown , L , Buchhave , L , Budaj , J , Bulgarelli , A , Burleigh , M , Cabral , A , Capria , M T , Cassan , A , Cavarroc , C , Cecchi-Pestellini , C , Cerulli , R , Chadney , J , Chamberlain , S , Charnoz , S , Jessen , N C , Ciaravella , A , Claret , A , Claudi , R , Coates , A , Cole , R , Collura , A , Cordier , D , Covino , E , Danielski , C , Damasso , M , Deeg , H J , Delgado-Mena , E , Vecchio , C D , Demangeon , O , Sio , A D , Wit , J D , Dobrijévic , M , Doel , P , Dominic , C , Dorfi , E , Eales , S , Eiroa , C , Contreras , M E , Esposito , M , Eymet , V , Fabrizio , N , Fernández , M , Castella , B F , Figueira , P , Filacchione , G , Fletcher , L , Focardi , M , Fossey , S , Fouqué , P , Frith , J , Galand , M , Gambicorti , L , Gaulme , P , López , R J G , Garcia-Piquer , A , Gear , W , Gerard , J -C , Gesa , L , Giani , E , Gianotti , F , Gillon , M , Giro , E , Giuranna , M , Gomez , H , Gomez-Leal , I , Hernandez , J G , Merino , B G , Graczyk , R , Grassi , D , Guardia , J , Guio , P , Gustin , J , Hargrave , P , Haigh , J , Hébrard , E , Heiter , U , Heredero , R L , Herrero , E , Hersant , F , Heyrovsky , D , Hollis , M , Hubert , B , Hueso , R , Israelian , G , Iro , N , Irwin , P , Jacquemoud , S , Jones , G , Jones , H R A , Justtanont , K , Kehoe , T , Kerschbaum , F , Kerins , E , Kervella , P , Kipping , D , Koskinen , T , Krupp , N , Lahav , O , Laken , B , Lanza , N , Lellouch , E , Leto , G , Goldaracena , J L , Lithgow-Bertelloni , C , Liu , S J , Cicero , U L , Lodieu , N , Lognonné , P , Lopez-Puertas , M , Lopez-Valverde , M A , Rasmussen , I L , Luntzer , A , Machado , P , MacTavish , C , Maggio , A , Maillard , J -P , Magnes , W , Maldonado , J , Mall , U , Marquette , J-B , Mauskopf , P , Massi , F , Maurin , A -S , Medvedev , A , Michaut , C , Miles-Paez , P , Montalto , M , Rodríguez , P M , Monteiro , M , Montes , D , Morais , H , Morales , J C , Morales-Calderón , M , Morello , G , Martín , A M , Moses , J , Bedon , A M , Alcaino , F M , Oliva , E , Orton , G , Palla , F , Pancrazzi , M , Pantin , E , Parmentier , V , Parviainen , H , Ramírez , K Y P , Peralta , J , Perez-Hoyos , S , Petrov , R , Pezzuto , S , Pietrzak , R , Pilat-Lohinger , E , Piskunov , N , Prinja , R , Prisinzano , L , Polichtchouk , I , Poretti , E , Radioti , A , Ramos , A A , Rank-Lüftinger , T , Read , P , Readorn , K , López , R R , Rebordão , J , Rengel , M , Rezac , L , Rocchetto , M , Rodler , F , Béjar , V J S , Lavega , A S , Sanromá , E , Santos , N , Forcada , J S , Scandariato , G , Schmider , F -X , Scholz , A , Scuderi , S , Sethenadh , J , Shore , S , Showman , A , Sicardy , B , Sitek , P , Smith , A , Soret , L , Sousa , S , Stiepen , A , Stolarski , M , Strazzulla , G , Tabernero , H M , Tanga , P , Tecsa , M , Temple , J , Terenzi , L , Tessenyi , M , Testi , L , Thompson , S , Thrastarson , H , Tingley , B W , Trifoglio , M , Torres , J M , Tozzi , A , Turrini , D , Varley , R , Vakili , F , Val-Borro , M D , Valdivieso , M L , Venot , O , Villaver , E , Vinatier , S , Viti , S , Waldmann , I , Waltham , D , Ward-Thompson , D , Waters , R , Watkins , C , Watson , D , Wawer , P , Wawrzaszk , A , White , G , Widemann , T , Winek , W , Wiśniowski , T , Yelle , R , Yung , Y & Yurchenko , S N 2015 , ' The EChO science case ' , Experimental Astronomy , vol. 40 , no. 2 , pp. 329-391 .
dc.descriptionOpen Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. © The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at
dc.description.abstractThe discovery of almost 2000 exoplanets has revealed an unexpectedly diverse planet population. Observations to date have shown that our Solar System is certainly not representative of the general population of planets in our Milky Way. The key science questions that urgently need addressing are therefore: What are exoplanets made of? Why are planets as they are? What causes the exceptional diversity observed as compared to the Solar System? EChO (Exoplanet Characterisation Observatory) has been designed as a dedicated survey mission for transit and eclipse spectroscopy capable of observing a large and diverse planet sample within its four-year mission lifetime. EChO can target the atmospheres of super-Earths, Neptune-like, and Jupiter-like planets, in the very hot to temperate zones (planet temperatures of 300K-3000K) of F to M-type host stars. Over the next ten years, several new ground- and space-based transit surveys will come on-line (e.g. NGTS, CHEOPS, TESS, PLATO), which will specifically focus on finding bright, nearby systems. The current rapid rate of discovery would allow the target list to be further optimised in the years prior to EChO's launch and enable the atmospheric characterisation of hundreds of planets. Placing the satellite at L2 provides a cold and stable thermal environment, as well as a large field of regard to allow efficient time-critical observation of targets randomly distributed over the sky. A 1m class telescope is sufficiently large to achieve the necessary spectro-photometric precision. The spectral coverage (0.5-11 micron, goal 16 micron) and SNR to be achieved by EChO, thanks to its high stability and dedicated design, would enable a very accurate measurement of the atmospheric composition and structure of hundreds of exoplanets.en
dc.relation.ispartofExperimental Astronomy
dc.titleThe EChO science caseen
dc.contributor.institutionSchool of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics
dc.contributor.institutionCentre for Astrophysics Research (CAR)
dc.contributor.institutionSchool of Physics, Engineering & Computer Science
dc.contributor.institutionDepartment of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics
dc.description.statusPeer reviewed
rioxxterms.typeJournal Article/Review

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