SPSS output for all analyses supporting the pre-print ‘Moving an exercise referral scheme to remote delivery during the Covid-19 pandemic: an observational study examining the impact on uptake, adherence, outcomes, and costs’ (PHIRST NERS project)
Newby, Katie
Howlett, Neil
Wagner, Adam
Smeeton, Nigel
Fakoya, Olujoke
Lloyd, Nigel
Freethy, Imogen
Bontoft, Charis
Brown, Katherine
McKibben, Mary-Ann
Petherick, Annie
Wills, Wendy
This dataset has been superseded by DOI: https://doi.org/10.18745/ds.28071.
This is the output from SPSS (statistical analysis software) which was used to analyse the dataset. The original dataset is owned by Public Health Wales and is not publicly available. The dataset was made available to the research team under license for the purposes of this study. Data transferred to the research team in January 2022. Dataset includes patients referred to NERS between the 1st January 2019 and the 9th December 2021. Protocol available via research registry: https://www.researchregistry.com (#7842).
Publication date
2023Published version
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