Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Characterisation of the dynamical quantum state of a zero temperature Bose–Einstein condensate 

      Rogel-Salazar, J.; Choi, S.; New, G. H. C.; Burnett, K. (2002-07-01)
      We describe the quantum state of a Bose–Einstein condensate at zero temperature. By evaluating theQ-function we show that the ground state of Bose–Einstein condensate under the Hartree approximation is squeezed.We find ...
    • Methods of quantum field theory for trapped Bose–Einstein condensates 

      Rogel-Salazar, J.; Choi, S.; New, G. H. C.; Burnett, K. (2004)
      In this tutorial we present an introduction to some theoretical methods of quantum field theory applied to the description of a trapped Bose–Einstein condensate. First of all, we give a brief account of the main characteristics ...
    • SBML models and MathSBML 

      Shapiro, B.E.; Finney, A.; Hucka, M.; Bornstein, B.; Funahashi, A.; Jouraku, A.; Keating, S.; Le Novere, N.; Matthews, J.; Schilstra, M. (Springer Nature, 2007)
      MathSBML is an open-source, freely-downloadable Mathematica package that facilitates working with Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) models. SBML is a toolneutral,computer-readable format for representing models of ...
    • Squeezing and entanglement in quasiparticle excitations of trapped Bose-Einstein condensates 

      Rogel-Salazar, J.; New, G. H. C.; Choi, S.; Burnett, K. (2002)
      We estimate the amount of temperature-dependent squeezing and entanglement in the collective excitations of trapped Bose-Einstein condensates. We also demonstrate an alternative method of temperature measurement for ...
    • Squeezing and temperature measurement in Bose-Einstein condensates 

      Rogel-Salazar, J.; New, G. H. C.; Choi, S.; Burnett, K. (2001)
      In this paper we review recent developments in the theory of quasi-particle coupling in trapped Bose–Einstein condensates. We discuss prospects for observing squeezed quasi-particles in finite-temperature condensates.