Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    • Dark-matter-deficient dwarf galaxies form via tidal stripping of dark matter in interactions with massive companions 

      Jackson, R. A.; Kaviraj, S.; Martin, G.; Devriendt, J. E. G.; Slyz, A.; Silk, J.; Dubois, Y.; Yi, S. K.; Pichon, C.; Volonteri, M.; Choi, H.; Kimm, T.; Kraljic, K.; Peirani, S. (2021-01-15)
      In the standard Lambda-CDM paradigm, dwarf galaxies are expected to be dark-matter-rich, as baryonic feedback is thought to quickly drive gas out of their shallow potential wells and quench star formation at early epochs. ...
    • Extremely massive disc galaxies in the nearby Universe form through gas-rich minor mergers 

      Jackson, R. A.; Kaviraj, S.; Martin, G.; Devriendt, J. E. G.; Noakes-Kettel, E. A.; Silk, J.; Ogle, P.; Dubois, Y. (2022-01-14)
      In our hierarchical structure-formation paradigm, the observed morphological evolution of massive galaxies -- from rotationally-supported discs to dispersion-dominated spheroids -- is largely explained via galaxy merging. ...
    • The formation and evolution of low-surface-brightness galaxies 

      Martin, G.; Kaviraj, S.; Laigle, C.; Devriendt, J. E. G.; Jackson, R. A.; Peirani, S.; Dubois, Y.; Pichon, C.; Slyz, A. (2019-05-01)
      Our statistical understanding of galaxy evolution is fundamentally driven by objects that lie above the surface-brightness limits of current wide-area surveys (μ ∼23 mag arcsec -2). While both theory and small, deep surveys ...
    • The formation of cores in galaxies across cosmic time - the existence of cores is not in tension with the ΛCDM paradigm 

      Jackson, R. A.; Kaviraj, S.; Yi, S. K.; Peirani, S.; Dubois, Y.; Martin, G.; Devriendt, J. E. G.; Slyz, A.; Pichon, C.; Volonteri, M.; Kimm, T.; Kraljic, K. (2024-02-01)
      The 'core-cusp' problem is considered a key challenge to the ΛCDM paradigm. Haloes in dark matter only simulations exhibit 'cuspy' profiles, where density continuously increases towards the centre. However, the dark matter ...
    • Massive spheroids can form in single minor mergers 

      Jackson, R. A.; Martin, G.; Kaviraj, S.; Laigle, C.; Devriendt, J. E. G.; Dubois, Y.; Pichon, C. (2019-11-01)
      Understanding how rotationally supported discs transform into dispersion-dominated spheroids is central to our comprehension of galaxy evolution. Morphological transformation is largely merger-driven. While major mergers ...
    • The origin of low-surface-brightness galaxies in the dwarf regime 

      Jackson, R. A.; Martin, G.; Kaviraj, S.; Ramsøy, M.; Devriendt, J. E. G.; Sedgwick, T.; Laigle, C.; Choi, H.; Beckmann, R. S.; Volonteri, M.; Dubois, Y.; Pichon, C.; Yi, S. K.; Slyz, A.; Kraljic, K.; Kimm, T.; Peirani, S.; Baldry, I. (2021-01-13)
      Low-surface-brightness galaxies (LSBGs) -- defined as systems that are fainter than the surface-brightness limits of past wide-area surveys -- form the overwhelming majority of galaxies in the dwarf regime (M* < 10^9 MSun). ...
    • Preparing for low surface brightness science with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory: Characterisation of tidal features from mock images 

      Martin, G.; Bazkiaei, A. E.; Spavone, M.; Iodice, E.; Mihos, J. C.; Montes, M.; Benavides, J. A.; Brough, S.; Carlin, J. L.; Collins, C. A.; Duc, P. A.; Gómez, F. A.; Galaz, G.; Hernández-Toledo, H. M.; Jackson, R. A.; Kaviraj, S.; Knapen, J. H.; Martínez-Lombilla, C.; McGee, S.; O'Ryan, D.; Prole, D. J.; Rich, R. M.; Román, J.; Shah, E. A.; Starkenburg, T. K.; Watkins, A. E.; Zaritsky, D.; Laigle, C.; Pichon, C.; Armus, L.; Bianconi, M.; Buitrago, F.; Busá, I.; Davis, F.; Demarco, R.; Desmons, A.; García, P.; Graham, A. W.; Holwerda, B.; Hon, D. S. -H.; Khalid, A.; Klehammer, J.; Klutse, D. Y.; Lazar, I.; Nair, P.; Noakes-Kettel, E. A.; Rutkowski, M.; Saha, K.; Sahu, N.; Sola, E.; Vázquez-Mata, J. A.; Vera-Casanova, A.; Yoon, I. (2022-06-01)
      Tidal features in the outskirts of galaxies yield unique information about their past interactions and are a key prediction of the hierarchical structure formation paradigm. The Vera C. Rubin Observatory is poised to deliver ...
    • Radio AGN in nearby dwarf galaxies: the important role of AGN in dwarf-galaxy evolution 

      Davis, F.; Kaviraj, S.; Hardcastle, M. J.; Martin, G.; Jackson, R. A.; Kraljic, K.; Malek, K.; Peirani, S.; Smith, D. J. B.; Volonteri, M.; Wang, L. (2022-02-04)
      We combine deep optical and radio data, from the Hyper Suprime-Cam and the Low-Frequency Array (LOFAR) respectively, to study 78 radio AGN in nearby (z < 0.5) dwarf galaxies. Comparison to a control sample, matched in ...
    • The role of mergers and interactions in driving the evolution of dwarf galaxies over cosmic time 

      Martin, G.; Jackson, R. A.; Kaviraj, S.; Choi, H.; Devriendt, J. E. G.; Dubois, Y.; Kimm, T.; Kraljic, K.; Peirani, S.; Pichon, C.; Volonteri, M.; Yi, S. K. (2020-11-07)
      Dwarf galaxies (M⋆ < 109 M☉) are key drivers of mass assembly in high-mass galaxies, but relatively little is understood about the assembly of dwarf galaxies themselves. Using the NEWHORIZON cosmological simulation (∼40 ...