Now showing items 1-20 of 21

    • An ALMA survey of the SCUBA-2 Cosmology Legacy Survey UKIDSS/UDS field : Dust attenuation in high-redshift Lyman break Galaxies 

      Koprowski, M. P.; Coppin, K. E. K.; Geach, J. E.; Dudzeviciute, U.; Smail, Ian; Almaini, O.; An, Fangxia; Blain, A. W.; Chapman, S. C.; Chen, Chian-Chou; Conselice, C. J.; Dunlop, J. S.; Farrah, D.; Gullberg, B.; Hartley, W.; Ivison, R. J.; Karska, A.; Maltby, D.; Michałowski, M. J.; Pope, A.; Salim, S.; Scott, D.; Swinbank, A. M.; Wardlow, J. L.; Werf, P. P. van der; Whitaker, K. E. (2020-03)
      We analyse 870um Atacama Large Millimetre Array (ALMA) dust continuum detections of 41 canonically-selected z~3 Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs), as well as 209 ALMA-undetected LBGs, in follow-up of SCUBA-2 mapping of the UKIDSS ...
    • An AzTEC 1.1 mm survey of the GOODS-N field - I : Maps, catalogue and source statistics 

      Perera, T.A.; Chapin, E.L.; Austermann, J.E.; Scott, K.S.; Wilson, G.W.; Halpern, M.; Pope, A.; Scott, D.; Yun, M.S.; Lowenthal, J.D.; Morrison, G.; Aretxaga, I.; Bock, J.J.; Coppin, Kristen; Crowe, M.; Frey, L.; Hughes, D.H.; Kang, Y.; Kim, S.; Mauskopf, P. D. (2008-12-01)
      We have conducted a deep and uniform 1.1 mm survey of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey-North (GOODS-N) field with AzTEC on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. Here, we present the first results from this survey ...
    • An AzTEC 1.1 mm survey of the GOODS-N field - II : Multiwavelength identifications and redshift distribution 

      Chapin, E.L.; Pope, A.; Scott, D.; Aretxaga, I.; Austermann, J.E.; Chary, R-R.; Coppin, Kristen; Halpern, M.; Hughes, D.H.; Lowenthal, J.D.; Morrison, G.E.; Perera, T.A.; Scott, K.S.; Wilson, G.W.; Yun, M. S. (2009-10-01)
      We present results from a multiwavelength study of 29 sources (false detection probabilities
    • Cosmic evolution of the H2 mass density and the epoch of molecular gas 

      Garratt, T. K.; Coppin, K. E. K.; Geach, J. E.; Almaini, O.; Hartley, W. G.; Maltby, D. T.; Simpson, C. J.; Wilkinson, A.; Conselice, C. J.; Franco, M.; Ivison, R. J.; Koprowski, M. P.; Lovell, C. C.; Pope, A.; Scott, D.; Werf, P. van der (2021-05-05)
      We present new empirical constraints on the evolution of ρ H2, the cosmological mass density of molecular hydrogen, back to z ≈ 2.5. We employ a statistical approach measuring the average observed 850 μm flux density of ...
    • A deep ALMA image of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field 

      Dunlop, J. S.; McLure, R. J.; Biggs, A. D.; Geach, J. E.; Michalowski, M. J.; Ivison, R. J.; Rujopakarn, W.; Kampen, E. van; Kirkpatrick, A.; Pope, A.; Scott, D.; Swinbank, A. M.; Targett, T. A.; Aretxaga, I.; Austermann, J. E.; Best, P. N.; Bruce, V. A.; Chapin, E. L.; Charlot, S.; Cirasuolo, M.; Coppin, K. E. K.; Ellis, R. S.; Finkelstein, S. L.; Hayward, C. C.; Hughes, D. H.; Ibar, E.; Khochfar, S.; Koprowski, M. P.; Narayanan, D.; Papovich, C.; Peacock, J. A.; Robertson, B.; Vernstrom, T.; Werf, P. P. van der; Wilson, G. W.; Yun, M. (2017-04-01)
      We present the results of the first, deep ALMA imaging covering the full 4.5 sq arcmin of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) as previously imaged with WFC3/IR on HST. Using a mosaic of 45 pointings, we have obtained a ...
    • Deep multi-frequency radio imaging in the Lockman Hole - II : The spectral index of submillimetre galaxies 

      Ibar, E.; Ivison, R.J.; Best, P.N.; Coppin, Kristen; Pope, A.; Smail, I.; Dunlop, J.S. (2010-01-01)
      We have employed the Giant Metre-wave Radio Telescope and the Very Large Array to map the Lockman Hole. At 610 and 1400 MHz, we reach noise levels of 15 and 6μJy beam , respectively, with well-matched resolutions (~5 ...
    • Dust attenuation in 2<z<3 star-forming galaxies from deep ALMA observations of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field 

      McLure, R. J.; Dunlop, J. S.; Cullen, F.; Bourne, N.; Best, P. N.; Khochfar, S.; Bowler, R. A. A.; Biggs, A. D.; Geach, J. E.; Scott, D.; Michalowski, M. J.; Rujopakarn, W.; Kampen, E. van; Kirkpatrick, A.; Pope, A. (2018-05-21)
      We present the results of a new study of the relationship between infrared excess (IRX ≡ L IR/L UV), ultraviolet (UV) spectral slope (β) and stellar mass at redshifts 2 < z < 3, based on a deep Atacama Large Millimeter ...
    • An Extreme Starburst in the Core of a Rich Galaxy Cluster at z = 1.7 

      Webb, T.; Noble, A.; DeGroot, A.; Wilson, G.; Muzzin, A.; Bonaventura, N.; Cooper, M.; Delahaye, A.; Foltz, R.; Lidman, C.; Surace, J.; Yee, H.~K.~C.; Chapman, S.; Dunne, L.; Geach, J.; Hayden, B.; Hildebrandt, H.; Huang, J.; Pope, A.; Smith, M.~W.~L.; Perlmutter, S.; Tudorica, A. (2015-08-21)
      We have discovered an optically rich galaxy cluster at z = 1.7089 with star formation occurring in close proximity to the central galaxy. The system, SpARCS104922.6+564032.5, was detected within the Spitzer Adaptation of ...
    • GOODS-ALMA 2.0: Starbursts in the main sequence reveal compact star formation regulating galaxy evolution prequenching 

      Gómez-Guijarro, C.; Elbaz, D.; Xiao, M.; Kokorev, V. I.; Magdis, G. E.; Magnelli, B.; Daddi, E.; Valentino, F.; Sargent, M. T.; Dickinson, M.; Béthermin, M.; Franco, M.; Pope, A.; Kalita, B. S.; Ciesla, L.; Demarco, R.; Inami, H.; Rujopakarn, W.; Shu, X.; Wang, T.; Zhou, L.; Alexander, D. M.; Bournaud, F.; Chary, R.; Ferguson, H. C.; Finkelstein, S. L.; Giavalisco, M.; Iono, D.; Juneau, S.; Kartaltepe, J. S.; Lagache, G.; Floc'h, E. Le; Leiton, R.; Leroy, L.; Lin, L.; Motohara, K.; Mullaney, J.; Okumura, K.; Pannella, M.; Papovich, C.; Treister, E. (2022-03-29)
      Compact star formation appears to be generally common in dusty star-forming galaxies (SFGs). However, its role in the framework set by the scaling relations in galaxy evolution remains to be understood. In this work we ...
    • GOODS-ALMA: Optically dark ALMA galaxies shed light on a cluster in formation at z = 3.5 

      Zhou, L.; Elbaz, D.; Franco, M.; Magnelli, B.; Schreiber, C.; Wang, T.; Ciesla, L.; Daddi, E.; Dickinson, M.; Nagar, N.; Magdis, G.; Alexander, D. M.; Béthermin, M.; Demarco, R.; Mullaney, J.; Bournaud, F.; Ferguson, H.; Finkelstein, S. L.; Giavalisco, M.; Inami, H.; Iono, D.; Juneau, S.; Lagache, G.; Messias, H.; Motohara, K.; Okumura, K.; Pannella, M.; Papovich, C.; Pope, A.; Rujopakarn, W.; Shi, Y.; Shu, X.; Silverman, J. (2020-10-13)
      Thanks to its outstanding angular resolution, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has recently unambiguously identified a population of optically dark galaxies with redshifts greater than z = 3, which ...
    • GOODS-ALMA: The slow downfall of star-formation in $z$ = 2-3 massive galaxies 

      Franco, M.; Elbaz, D.; Zhou, L.; Magnelli, B.; Schreiber, C.; Ciesla, L.; Dickinson, M.; Nagar, N.; Magdis, G.; Alexander, D. M.; Béthermin, M.; Demarco, R.; Daddi, E.; Wang, T.; Mullaney, J.; Sargent, M.; Inami, H.; Shu, X.; Bournaud, F.; Chary, R.; Coogan, R. T.; Ferguson, H.; Finkelstein, S. L.; Giavalisco, M.; Gómez-Guijarro, C.; Iono, D.; Juneau, S.; Lagache, G.; Lin, L.; Motohara, K.; Okumura, K.; Pannella, M.; Papovich, C.; Pope, A.; Rujopakarn, W.; Silverman, J.; Xiao, M. (2020-11-01)
      We investigate the properties of a sample of 35 galaxies, detected with ALMA at 1.1 mm in the GOODS-ALMA field (area of 69 arcmin$^2$, resolution = 0.60", RMS $\simeq$ 0.18 mJy beam$^{-1}$). Using the UV-to-radio deep ...
    • GOODS-ALMA: Using IRAC and VLA to probe fainter millimeter galaxies 

      Franco, M.; Elbaz, D.; Zhou, L.; Magnelli, B.; Schreiber, C.; Ciesla, L.; Dickinson, M.; Nagar, N.; Magdis, G.; Alexander, D. M.; Béthermin, M.; Demarco, R.; Daddi, E.; Wang, T.; Mullaney, J.; Inami, H.; Shu, X.; Bournaud, F.; Chary, R.; Coogan, R. T.; Ferguson, H.; Finkelstein, S. L.; Giavalisco, M.; Gómez-Guijarro, C.; Iono, D.; Juneau, S.; Lagache, G.; Lin, L.; Motohara, K.; Okumura, K.; Pannella, M.; Papovich, C.; Pope, A.; Rujopakarn, W.; Silverman, J.; Xiao, M. (2020-11-02)
      In this paper, we extend the source detection in the GOODS-ALMA field (69 arcmin$^2$, rms sensitivity $\sigma$ $\simeq$ 0.18 mJy.beam$^{-1}$), to deeper levels than presented in Franco et al. (2018). Using positional ...
    • Mid-infrared spectroscopy of candidate AGN-dominated submillimeter galaxies 

      Coppin, Kristen; Pope, A.; Menendez-Delmestre, K.; Alexander, D. M.; Dunlop, J. S.; Egami, E.; Gabor, J.; Ibar, Edo; Ivison, R. J.; Austermann, J. E.; Blain, A. W.; Chapman, S. C.; Clements, D. L.; Dunne, L.; Dye, S.; Farrah, D.; Hughes, D. H.; Mortier, A. M. J.; Page, M. J.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Scott, D.; Simpson, C.; Smail, Ian; Swinbank, A. M.; Vaccari, M.; Yun, M. S. (2010)
      Spitzer spectroscopy has revealed that ~80% of submm galaxies (SMGs) are starburst (SB) dominated in the mid-infrared. Here we focus on the remaining ~20% that show signs of harboring powerful active galactic nuclei (AGN). ...
    • Origins of the extragalactic background at 1 mm from a combined analysis of the AzTEC and MAMBO data in GOODS-N 

      Penner, K.; Pope, A.; Chapin, E.L.; Greve, T.R.; Bertoldi, F.; Brodwin, M.; Chary, R.; Conselice, C. J.; Coppin, Kristen; Giavalisco, M.; Hughes, D.H.; Ivison, R.J.; Perera, T.; Scott, D.; Scott, K.; Wilson, G. (2011-02-01)
      We present a study of the cosmic infrared background, which is a measure of the dust-obscured activity in all galaxies in the Universe. We venture to isolate the galaxies responsible for the background at 1 mm; with ...
    • The SCUBA Half Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) - IX : the environment, mass and redshift dependence of star formation 

      Serjeant, S.; Dye, S.; Mortier, A.; Peacock, J.; Egami, E.; Cirasuolo, M.; Rieke, G.; Borys, C.; Chapman, S.; Clements, D.; Coppin, Kristen; Dunlop, J.; Eales, S.; Farrah, D.; Halpern, M.; Mauskopf, P.; Pope, A.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Scott, D.; Smail, I.; Vaccari, M. (2008-06-01)
      We present a comparison between the SCUBA (Submillimetre Common User Bolometer Array) Half Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) at 450 and 850 μm in the Lockman Hole East with a deep Spitzer Space Telescope survey at 3.6-24 ...
    • The SCUBA HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) - VII. Optical/IR photometry and stellar masses of sub-millimeter galaxies 

      Dye, S.; Eales, S.; Aretxaga, I.; Serjeant, S.; Dunlop, J.S.; Babbedge, T.; Chapman, S.; Cirasuolo, M.; Clements, D.; Coppin, Kristen; Dunne, L.; Egami, E.; Farrah, D.; Ivison, R.J.; van Kampen, E.; Pope, A.; Priddey, R.; Rieke, G.; Schael, A.M.; Scott, D.; Simpson, C.; Takagi, T.; Takata, T.; Vaccari, M. (2008)
    • The SCUBA HAlf Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) V. Submillimetre properties of near-infrared-selected galaxies in the Subaru/XMM Newton deep field 

      Takagi, T.; Mortier, A.M.J.; Shimasaku, K.; Coppin, Kristen; Pope, A.; Ivison, R.J.; Hanami, H.; Serjeant, S.; Clements, D.; Priddey, R.; Dunlop, J.S.; Takata, T.; Aretxaga, I.; Eales, S.; Farrah, D.; Granato, G.L.; Halpern, M.; Hughes, D.H.; van Kampen, E.; Scott, D.; Sekiguchi, K.; Smail, I.; Vaccari, M. (2007)
    • The SCUBA Half Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES)- II. Submillimetre maps, catalogue and number counts 

      Coppin, Kristen; Chapin, E.; Mortier, A.M.J.; Scott, S.E.; Borys, C.; Dunlop, J.S.; Halpern, M.; Hughes, D.H.; Pope, A.; Scott, D.; Serjeant, S.; Wagg, J.; Alexander, D.M.; Almaini, O.; Aretxaga, L.; Babbedge, T.; Best, P.N.; Blain, A.W.; Clements, D.; Crawford, M.; Dunne, L.; Eales, S.; Edge, A.C.; Farrah, D.; Gaztanaga, E.; Gear, W.K.; Granato, G.L.; Greve, T.R.; Fox, M.; Ivison, R.J.; Jarvis, M.J.; Page, M.J.; Priddey, R.; Stevens, J. A. (2006)
    • The SCUBA Half Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES). VI : 350 micron mapping of submillimetre galaxies 

      Coppin, Kristen; Halpern, M.; Scott, D.; Borys, C.; Dunlop, J.S.; Dunne, L.; Ivison, R.J.; Wagg, J.; Aretxaga, I.; Battistelli, E.; Benson, A.; Blain, A.W.; Clements, D.; Dye, S.; Farrah, D.; Hughes, D.H.; Jenness, T.; van Kampen, E.; Lacey, C.; Mortier, A.M.J.; Pope, A.; Priddey, R.; Serjeant, S.; Smail, I.; Stevens, J. A.; Vaccari, M. (2008)
    • The SCUBA Half-Degree Extragalactic Survey (SHADES) - VIII : The Nature of Faint Submillimetre Galaxies in SHADES, SWIRE and SXDF Surveys 

      Clements, D. L.; Vaccari, M.; Babbedge, T.; Oliver, S.; Rowan-Robinson, M.; Davoodi, P.; Ivison, R.; Farrah, D.; Dunlop, J.; Shupe, D.; Waddington, I.; Simpson, C.; Furusawa, H.; Serjeant, S.; Afonso-Luis, A.; Alexander, D.M.; Aretxaga, I.; Blain, A.; Borys, C.; Chapman, S.; Coppin, Kristen; Dunne, L.; Dye, S.; Eales, S. A.; Evans, T.; Fang, F.; Frayer, D.; Fox, M.; Gear, W.K.; Greve, T.R.; Halpern, M.; Hughes, D.H.; Jenness, T.; Lonsdale, C.J.; Mortier, Angela M. J.; Page, M.J.; Pope, A.; Priddey, Robert Stephen; Rawlings, S.; Savage, R.S.; Scott, D.; Scott, S.E.; Sekiguchi, K.; Smail, I.; Smith, H.E.; Stevens, Jason; Surace, J.; Takagi, T.; van Kampen, E. (2008)
      We present the optical-to-submm spectral energy distributions for 33 radio & mid-IR identified submillimetre galaxies discovered via the SHADES 850μm SCUBA imaging in the Subaru-XMM Deep Field (SXDF). Optical data for the ...