Now showing items 1-6 of 6

    • Confronting the Holocaust in Religious Education 

      Short, G. (2001)
      Studies of Holocaust education in secondary schools have tended to focus on how the subject is taught as part of the history curriculum. Comparatively little work of either a theoretical or an empirical nature has looked ...
    • Faith schools and indoctrination : A response to Michael Hand 

      Short, G. (2003)
      Michael Hand has recently advocated the abolition of faith schools on the grounds that they may indoctrinate their pupils. In this rejoinder, I aim to show that the assumptions underpinning his thesis are seriously flawed. ...
    • Faith-based schools : A threat to social cohesion? 

      Short, G. (2002)
      The British government recently announced its willingness to expand the number of state–funded faith schools. It was a decision that aroused considerable controversy, with much of the unease centring around the allegedly ...
    • Jewish Primary Schools in a Multicultural Society : Responding to Diversity? 

      Short, G.; Lenga, R.A. (2002)
      In February 2001 the British government announced its commitment to increase the number of schools run by the churches and other religious groups where there was 'clear local demand from parents and the community'. The ...
    • Lessons of the Holocaust : A response to the critics 

      Short, G. (2003)
      The Holocaust currently forms part of the National Curriculum in England and Wales and is mandatory in several other countries. Its teaching is frequently justified on the grounds of providing a range of important lessons. ...
    • The Role of Education in Jewish Continuity : A response to Jonathan Sacks 

      Short, G. (2005)
      Contrasting explanations of Jewish survival form the backdrop to this article. For Jonathan Sacks (1994) the crucial factor has been the role played by Jewish education; indeed, he claims that the demographic threat currently ...