Now showing items 9230-9249 of 23150

    • H I in galactic disks 

      Brinks, E.; Bigiel, Frank; Leroy, Adam; Walter, Fabian; de Blok, W. J. G.; Bagetakos, Ioannis; Usero, Antonio; Kennicutt, Robert C. (Cambridge University Press, 2009)
      Studies of the atomic phase of the interstellar medium, via the 21-cm spectral line of neutral hydrogen (H I), play a key role in our attempts to understand the structure and evolution of disk galaxies. We present here ...
    • H I Recycling: Formation of Tidal Dwarf Galaxies 

      Duc, P.A.; Brinks, E. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2001)
      Galactic collisions trigger a number of phenomena, such as transportation inward of gas from distances of up to kiloparsecs from the center of a galaxy to the nuclear region, fueling a central starburst or nuclear activity. ...
    • H I, CO and Near Infrared Observations of the BCD Galaxy Haro 2 

      Bravo-Alfaro, H.; Coziol, R.; Brinks, E.; Baker, A.J.; Walter, F.; Kunth, D. (2005)
    • An H i/Optical Atlas of H II Galaxies and Their Companions 

      Taylor, C.L.; Brinks, E.; Grashuis, R.M.; Skillman, E.D. (1995)
      We have conducted a directed search for intergalactic H I clouds, using H II galaxies as pointers to fields on the sky likely to contain such clouds. This extends our previous survey (Taylor et al. 1993) by using the VLA ...
    • H IIRegion Statistics in Barred and Non-Barred Galaxies 

      Rozas, M.; Beckman, J.E.; Knapen, J. (1996)
      We present new high quality Ha continuum-subtracted images of the grand design galaxies NGC 157, NGC 3631, NGC 6764, and NGC 6951, two of them barred and two non-barred, and describe the statistical properties of the HII ...
    • H IIRegion Statistics in Barred and Non-Barred Galaxies 

      Rozas, M.; Beckman, J.E.; Knapen, J. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1996)
      We present new high quality Ha continuum-subtracted images of the grand design galaxies NGC 157, NGC 3631, NGC 6764, and NGC 6951, two of them barred and two non-barred, and describe the statistical properties of the HII ...
    • H εργασία υπό το πρίσμα της οικονομικής θεωρίας 

      Patokos, Tassos (Labour Institute Publications / General Confederation of Greek Workers, 2008)
    • H φορολόγηση των επιχειρήσεων εν μέσω κρίσης 

      Varoufakis, Yanis; Patokos, Tassos (Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 2011)
    • H-1 NMR study of the conformation and absolute stereochemistry of two spirocyclic NK-1 antagonists 

      Herbert, R. H.; Gerhard, U.; Mortishire-Smith, R. J.; Thomas, S. R.; Hollingworth, G. (2005-08)
      The binding affinities at the human NK-1 receptor of two spirocyclic compounds were found to be similar despite being epimeric at a key stereocentre. This unexpected result prompted a thorough investigation of the solution ...
    • H-ATLAS : PACS imaging for the Science Demonstration Phase 

      Ibar, E.; Ivison, R.J.; Cava, A.; Rodighiero, G.; Buttiglione, S.; Temi, P.; Frayer, D.; Fritz, J.; Leeuw, L.; Baes, M.; Rigby, E.; Verma, A.; Serjeant, S.; Muller, T.; Auld, R.; Dariush, A.; Dunne, L.; Eales, S.; Maddox, S.; Panuzzo, P.; Pascale, E.; Pohlen, M.; Smith, Daniel; de Zotti, G.; Vaccari, M.; Hopwood, R.; Cooray, A.; Burgarella, D.; Jarvis, M.J. (2010)
      We describe the reduction of data taken with the PACS instrument on board the Herschel Space Observatory in the Science Demonstration Phase of the Herschel-ATLAS (H-ATLAS) survey, specifically data obtained for a 4 × 4 ...
    • H-ATLAS/GAMA : Quantifying the morphological evolution of the galaxy population using cosmic calorimetry 

      Eales, Stephen; Fullard, Andrew; Allen, Matthew; Smith, M. W. L.; Baldry, Ivan; Bourne, Nathan; Clark, C. J. R.; Driver, Simon; Dunne, Loretta; Dye, Simon; Graham, Alister W.; Ibar, Edo; Hopkins, Andrew; Ivison, Rob; Kelvin, Lee S.; Maddox, Steve; Maraston, Claudia; Robotham, Aaron S. G.; Smith, Daniel; Taylor, Edward N.; Valiante, Elisabetta; Werf, Paul van der; Baes, Maarten; Brough, Sarah; Clements, David; Cooray, Asantha; Gomez, Haley; Loveday, Jon; Phillipps, Steven; Scott, Douglas; Serjeant, Steve (2015-10-01)
      Using results from the Herschel Astrophysical Terrahertz Large-Area Survey and the Galaxy and Mass Assembly project, we show that, for galaxy masses above approximately 1.0e8 solar masses, 51% of the stellar mass-density ...
    • H-ATLAS/GAMA : The nature and characteristics of optically red galaxies detected at submillimetre wavelengths 

      Dariush, A.; Dib, S.; Hony, S.; Smith, D. J. B.; Zhukovska, S.; Dunne, L.; Eales, S.; Andrae, E.; Baes, M.; Baldry, I.; Bauer, A.; Bland-Hawthorn, J.; Brough, S.; Bourne, N.; Cava, A.; Clements, D.; Cluver, M.; Cooray, A.; Zotti, G. De; Driver, S.; Grootes, M. W.; Hopkins, A. M.; Hopwood, R.; Kaviraj, S.; Kelvin, L.; Lara-Lopez, M. A.; Liske, J.; Loveday, J.; Maddox, S.; Madore, B.; Michalowski, M. J.; Pearson, C.; Popescu, C.; Robotham, A.; Rowlands, K.; Seibert, M.; Shabani, F.; Smith, M. W. L.; Taylor, E. N.; Tuffs, R.; Valiante, E.; Virdee, J. S. (2016-02-21)
      We combine Herschel/SPIRE sub-millimeter (submm) observations with existing multi-wavelength data to investigate the characteristics of low redshift, optically red galaxies detected in submm bands. We select a sample of ...
    • A H13CN/HN13C linelist, model atmospheres and synthetic spectra for carbon stars 

      Harris, G.J.; Larner, F.C.; Tennyson, J.; Kaminsky, B.M.; Pavlenko, Y.; Jones, H.R.A. (2008)
    • H2 Spectroscopy in the Photodissociation Region of M17 Northern Bar 

      Chrysostomou, A.; Brand, P.W.J.L.; Burton, M. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1993)
      We present results of long slit spectroscopy, from 2.0 to 2.5 microns, of the photodissociation region in the northern bar of M17. The observations give us an insight into the physical conditions in the region and provide ...
    • H2D+ in the High-Mass Star-Forming Region Cygnus X 

      Pillai, T.; Caselli, P.; Kauffmann, J.; Zhang, Q.; Thompson, M. A.; Lis, D. C. (2012-06-01)
      H2D+ is a primary ion that dominates the gas-phase chemistry of cold dense gas. Therefore, it is hailed as a unique tool in probing the earliest, prestellar phase of star formation. Observationally, its abundance and ...
    • H2O Southern Galactic Plane Survey (HOPS) : Paper III - Properties of Dense Molecular Gas across the Inner Milky Way 

      Longmore, S.~N.; Walsh, A.J.; Purcell, C.R.; Burke, D. J.; Henshaw, J.~D.; Walker, D.; Urquhart, J.S.; Barnes, A. T.; Whiting, M.; Burton, M. G.; Breen, S.L.; Britton, T.; Brooks, K.J.; Cunningham, Maria R.; Green, J. A.; Harvey-Smith, L.; Hindson, L.; Hoare, M.G.; Indermuehle, B.; Jones, P. A.; Tsiolas, N.; Lowe, V.; Moore, T. J. T.; Thompson, M. A.; Voronkov, M. A. (2017-09-01)
      The H2O Southern Galactic Plane Survey (HOPS) has mapped 100 square degrees of the Galactic plane for water masers and thermal molecular line emission using the 22-m Mopra telescope. We describe the automated spectral-line ...
    • The H2O Southern Galactic Plane Survey : NH3 (1,1) and (2,2) catalogues 

      Purcell, C.R.; Longmore, S.N.; Walsh, A.J.; Whiting, M.T.; Breen, S.L.; Britton, T.; Brooks, K.J.; Burton, M.G.; Cunningham, M.R.; Green, J.A.; Harvey-Smith, L.; Hindson, L.; Hoare, M.G.; Indermuehle, B.; Jones, P.A.; Lo, N.; Lowe, V.; Phillips, C.J.; Thompson, M.A.; Urquhart, J.S.; Voronkov, M.A.; White, G.L. (2012-11-01)
    • The H3 receptor agonist immepip does not affect l-dopa-induced abnormal involuntary movements in 6-OHDA-lesioned rats 

      Papathanou, Maria; Jenner, Peter; Iravani, Mahmoud M.; Jackson, Michael; Stockwell, Kim; Strang, Isobel; Zeng, Bai-Yun; McCreary, Andrew; Rose, Sarah (2014-10-15)
      The treatment of dyskinesia in Parkinson׳s disease remains poor but H3 receptor agonists have been suggested as a novel pharmacological approach. We examined the effects of the H3 agonist, immepip, in 6-OHDA-lesioned rats ...
    • Ha spectropolarimetry of B[e] and Herbig Be stars 

      Oudmaijer, R.D.; Drew, J.E. (1999)
      We present the results of medium resolution ( v 60 km s−1) spectropolarimetric observations across H of a sample of B[e] and Herbig Be objects. A change in linear polarization across H is detected in a large fraction of ...
    • Habit or lack of education? Hypohydration is present in elite senior judo athletes even during a weight-stable training camp 

      Ceylan, Bayram; Taşcan, Mesut Burak; Simenko, Jozef; Balcı, Şükrü Serdar (2022-09-01)
      It has been well-documented that high-level judo athletes presented a high level of hypohydration during weight-cutting and competition periods. However, there is a lack of studies investigating the hydration status of ...