Now showing items 113-132 of 23161

    • 3D shape of Orion A from Gaia DR2 

      Grossschedl, Josefa E.; Alves, Joao; Meingast, Stefan; Ackerl, Christine; Ascenso, Joana; Bouy, Herve; Burkert, Andreas; Forbrich, Jan; Fuernkranz, Verena; Goodman, Alyssa; Hacar, Alvaro; Herbst-Kiss, Gabor; Lada, Charles J.; Larreina, Irati; Leschinski, Kieran; Lombardi, Marco; Moitinho, Andre; Mortimer, Daniel; Zari, Eleonora (2018-11-14)
      We use the Gaia DR2 distances of about 700 mid-infrared selected young stellar objects in the benchmark giant molecular cloud Orion A to infer its 3D shape and orientation. We find that Orion A is not the fairly straight ...
    • 3D simulations of a neon burning convective shell in a massive star 

      Georgy, C.; Rizzuti, F.; Hirschi, R.; Varma, V.; Arnett, W. D.; Meakin, C.; Mocak, M.; Murphy, A. St J.; Rauscher, T. (2024-07-01)
      The treatment of convection remains a major weakness in the modelling of stellar evolution with one-dimensional (1D) codes. The ever-increasing computing power makes now possible to simulate in three-dimensional (3D) part ...
    • 3D-HST+CANDELS : the evolution of the galaxy size-mass distribution since z=3 

      van der Wel, A.; Franx, M.; van Dokkum, P.G.; Skelton, R.E.; Momcheva, I.G.; Whitaker, K.E.; Brammer, G.B.; Bell, Eric F.; Rix, H-W.; Wuyts, Stijn; Ferguson, H. C.; Holden, B.P.; Barro, G.; Koekemoer, A. M.; Chang, Yu-Yen; McGrath, E.J.; Haussler, B.; Dekel, A.; Behroozi, P.; Fumagalli, M.; Leja, J.; Lundgren, B.F.; Maseda, M.V.; Nelson, E.J.; Wake, D.A.; Patel, S.G.; Labbe, I.; Faber, Sandra M.; Grogin, N. A.; Kocevski, D.D. (2014-06-10)
      Spectroscopic+photometric redshifts, stellar mass estimates, and rest-frame colors from the 3D-HST survey are combined with structural parameter measurements from CANDELS imaging to determine the galaxy size-mass distribution ...
    • 3D-Kinematics of White Dwarfs from the SPY-Project 

      Richter, R.; Heber, U.; Napiwotzki, R. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2007)
      We present a progress report on the kinematical analysis of the entire SPY (ESO SN Ia Progenitor surveY; see Napiwotzki et al. 2001) sample of about one thousand white dwarfs and hot subdwarfs. In a previous study (Pauli ...
    • 3D-MHD simulations of the evolution of magnetic fields in FR II radio sources 

      Huarte-Espinosa, M.; Krause, M.; Alexander, P. (2010-09-01)
      3D-MHD numerical simulations of bipolar, hypersonic, weakly magnetized jets and synthetic synchrotron observations are presented to study the structure and evolution of magnetic fields in FR II radio sources. The magnetic ...
    • 3D‑printed biomimetic bone implant polymeric composite scaffolds 

      Bankole, O.; Zahedi, Abolfazl; Ismail, S.; Fernando, W.; Ikumapayi, O. (2023-04-14)
      This research introduced a new poly-ether-ether-ketone calcium hydroxyapatite (PEEK-cHAp) composite for a convenient, fast, and inexpensive femur bone-implant scaffold with different lattice structures to mimic natural ...
    • [3H]- resiniferatoxin autoradiography in the CNS of wild type and TRPV1 null mice defines TRPV1 (VR1) protein distribution 

      Roberts, J.C.; Davis, J.B.; Benham, C.D. (2004)
      Knowledge of the distribution and function of the vanilloid receptor (VR-1 or TRPV1) in the CNS lacks the detailed appreciation of its role in the peripheral nervous system. The radiolabelled vanilloid agonist [3H]resiniferatoxin ...
    • [3H]2-(2-Benzofuranyl)-2-imidazoline : a new selective high affinity radioligand for the study of rabbit brain imidazoline I2 receptors 

      Lione, Lisa; Nutt, D.J.; Hudson, A.L. (1996-05)
      This is the first study characterising the binding of the new imidazoline I2 receptor selective radioligand [3H]2-(2-benzofuranyl)-2-imidazoline (2-BFI) to rabbit brain membranes. [3H]2-BFI binding was found to be saturable ...
    • The 4 Point Plan Software : Straightforward guidance for livestock farmers to minimise pollution and benefit your business 

      Department of Human and Environmental Sciences; Health & Human Sciences Research Institute; Agriculture and Environment Research Unit; Tzilivakis, John; Lewis, Kathleen; Green, Andrew; Warner, Douglas (Scottish Executive, 2004)
    • 4,4’-dimethylaminorex (‘4,4’-DMAR’; ‘Serotoni’) misuse; a web-based study 

      Loi, Barbara; Zloh, Mire; Antonietta, Maria; Corkery, John; Schifano, Fabrizio (2017-06-28)
      Background: 4,4′-DMAR (4,4’-dimethylaminorex; ‘Serotoni’) is a potent stimulant drug which has recently been associated with a number of fatalities in Europe. Over the last few years, online communities have emerged as ...
    • A 40-GHz Load Modulated Balanced Power Amplifier using Unequal Power Splitter and Phase Compensation Network in 45-nm SOI CMOS 

      Chen, Lang; Chen, Lisheng; Ge, Zeyu; Sun, Yichuang; Zhu, Xi (2023-06-08)
      In this work, a ten-way power-combined poweramplifier is designed using a load modulated balanced amplifier(LMBA)-based architecture. To provide the required magnitudeand phase controls between the main and control-signal ...
    • 40-Hz Auditory Steady-State Responses in Schizophrenia: Toward a Mechanistic Biomarker for Circuit Dysfunctions and Early Detection and Diagnosis 

      Grent-‘t-Jong, Tineke; Brickwedde, Marion; Metzner, Christoph; Uhlhaas, Peter J. (2023-10-01)
      There is converging evidence that 40-Hz auditory steady-state responses (ASSRs) are robustly impaired in schizophrenia and could constitute a potential biomarker for characterizing circuit dysfunctions as well as enable ...
    • 404: File Not Found: Web Archives and the Challenges of Preserving Digital Film Promotion 

      Walden, Kim (2022-07-14)
      In 2019 the Historical Journal of Film, Radio & Television published an article by Keith Johnston on the challenges of researching historical promotional materials. It concluded with an invitation to other researchers to ...
    • The 43 Uses of Drawing 

      Cureton, Paul; Staff, Craig (RAGM, 2011-09)
    • 47 new T dwarfs from the UKIDDS large area survey 

      Burningham, B.; Pinfield, D.J.; Lucas, P.W.; Leggett, S.K.; Deacon, Niall; Tamura, M.; Tinney, C.G.; Lodieu, N.; Zhang, Z.; Huelamo, N.; Jones, H.R.A.; Murray, D.N.; Mortlock, D.J.; Patel, M.; Barrado y Navascues, D.; Zapatero Osorio, M.R.; Ishii, M.; Kuzuhara, M.; Smart, R.L. (2010)
      We report the discovery of 47 new T dwarfs in the Fourth Data Release (DR4) from the Large Area Survey (LAS) of the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) Infrared Deep Sky Survey with spectral types ranging from T0 to ...
    • 49 new T dwarfs identified using methane imaging 

      Cardoso, C. V.; Burningham, B.; Smart, R. L.; Spaandonk, L. van; Baker, D.; Smith, L. C.; Andrei, A.H.; Bucciarelli, B.; Dhital, S.; Jones, H.R.A.; Lattanzi, M. G.; Magazzu, A.; Pinfield, D.J.; Tinney, C. G. (2015-07-01)
      We present the discovery of 49 new photometrically classified T dwarfs from the combination of large infrared and optical surveys combined with follow-up TNG photometry. We used multi-band infrared and optical photometry ...
    • The 4C framework for making reasonable adjustments for people with learning disabilities 

      Marsden, Daniel; Giles, Rachel (2017-01-18)
      Background People with learning disabilities experience significant inequalities in accessing healthcare. Legal frameworks, such as the Equality Act 2010, are intended to reduce such disparities in care, and require ...
    • 4D Printing of Nanostructure Modified Shape Memory Polymer Composites 

      Oladapo, B. I.; Ismail, S. O.; Omigbodun, F. T.; Oluwole, B.; Olawumi, M. A.; Samad , Y. A. (Springer Nature, 2022-05-19)
      Four-dimensional (4D) printing and nanostructure have introduced the possibility of having systems for self-assembly, self-healing, and material properties changes. Layered printing allows creating compound and complex ...
    • 4D printing: Pragmatic progression in biofabrication 

      Sonatkar, J.; Kandasubramanian, B.; Ismail, S. O. (2022-04-15)
      Progress in three-dimensional (3D) printing of shape memory polymers (SMPs) has produced dynamic and 3Dprinted assemblies that can be shaped fast and modified for specific and multifaceted designs. Technology, biochemistry, ...
    • A 5 item version of the Compliance Questionnaire for Rheumatology (CQR5) successfully identifies low adherence to DMARDs 

      Hughes, Lyndsay D.; Done, D.J.; Young, Adam (2013-10)
      Taking DMARDs as prescribed is an essential part of self-management for patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. To date, the Compliance Questionnaire for Rheumatology (CQR) is the only self-report adherence measure created ...