Now showing items 11730-11749 of 23167

    • The JCMT BISTRO Survey: An 850/450 μ m Polarization Study of NGC 2071IR in Orion B 

      BISTRO (2021-09-14)
      We present the results of simultaneous 450 μm and 850 μm polarization observations toward the massive star-forming region NGC 2071IR, a target of the BISTRO (B-fields in STar-forming Region Observations) Survey, using the ...
    • The JCMT BISTRO Survey: Revealing the diverse magnetic field morphologies in Taurus dense cores with sensitive sub-millimeter polarimetry 

      BISTRO; Eswaraiah, Chakali; Li, Di; Furuya, Ray S.; Hasegawa, Tetsuo; Ward-Thompson, Derek; Qiu, Keping; Ohashi, Nagayoshi; Pattle, Kate; Sadavoy, Sarah; Hull, Charles L. H.; Berry, David; Doi, Yasuo; Ching, Tao-Chung; Lai, Shih-Ping; Wang, Jia-Wei; Koch, Patrick M.; Kwon, Jungmi; Kwon, Woojin; Bastien, Pierre; Arzoumanian, Doris; Coudé, Simon; Soam, Archana; Fanciullo, Lapo; Yen, Hsi-Wei; Liu, Junhao; Hoang, Thiem; Chen, Wen Ping; Shimajiri, Yoshito; Liu, Tie; Chen, Zhiwei; Li, Hua-bai; Lyo, A-Ran; Hwang, Jihye; Johnstone, Doug; Rao, Ramprasad; Ngoc, Nguyen Bich; Diep, Pham Ngoc; Mairs, Steve; Parsons, Harriet; Tamura, Motohide; Tahani, Mehrnoosh; Chen, Huei-Ru Vivien; Nakamura, Fumitaka; Shinnaga, Hiroko; Tang, Ya-Wen; Cho, Jungyeon; Lee, Chang Won; Inutsuka, Shu-ichiro; Chrysostomou, Antonio; Gledhill, Tim (2021-05-10)
      We have obtained sensitive dust continuum polarization observations at 850 $\mu$m in the B213 region of Taurus using POL-2 on SCUBA-2 at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT), as part of the BISTRO (B-fields in STar-forming ...
    • The JCMT BISTRO Survey: Studying the Complex Magnetic Field of L43 

      Karoly, Janik; Ward-Thompson, Derek; Pattle, Kate; Berry, David; Whitworth, Anthony; Kirk, Jason; Bastien, Pierre; Ching, Tao-Chung; Coudé, Simon; Hwang, Jihye; Kwon, Woojin; Soam, Archana; Wang, Jia-Wei; Hasegawa, Tetsuo; Lai, Shih-Ping; Qiu, Keping; Arzoumanian, Doris; Bourke, Tyler L.; Byun, Do-Young; Chen, Huei-Ru Vivien; Chen, Wen Ping; Chen, Mike; Chen, Zhiwei; Cho, Jungyeon; Choi, Minho; Choi, Youngwoo; Choi, Yunhee; Chrysostomou, Antonio; Chung, Eun Jung; Dai, Sophia; Debattista, Victor; Di Francesco, James; Diep, Pham Ngoc; Doi, Yasuo; Duan, Hao-Yuan; Duan, Yan; Eswaraiah, Chakali; Fanciullo, Lapo; Fiege, Jason; Fissel, Laura M.; Franzmann, Erica; Friberg, Per; Friesen, Rachel; Fuller, Gary; Furuya, Ray; Gledhill, Tim; Graves, Sarah; Greaves, Jane; Griffin, Matt; Gu, Qilao; Han, Ilseung; Hoang, Thiem; Houde, Martin; Hull, Charles L. H.; Inoue, Tsuyoshi; Inutsuka, Shu-ichiro; Iwasaki, Kazunari; Jeong, Il-Gyo; Johnstone, Doug; Könyves, Vera; Kang, Ji-hyun; Kang, Miju; Kataoka, Akimasa; Kawabata, Koji; Kemper, Francisca; Kim, Jongsoo; Kim, Shinyoung; Kim, Gwanjeong; Kim, Kyoung Hee; Kim, Mi-Ryang; Kim, Kee-Tae; Kim, Hyosung; Kirchschlager, Florian; Kobayashi, Masato I. N.; Koch, Patrick M.; Kusune, Takayoshi; Kwon, Jungmi; Lacaille, Kevin; Law, Chi-Yan; Lee, Chang Won; Lee, Hyeseung; Lee, Yong-Hee; Lee, Chin-Fei; Lee, Jeong-Eun; Lee, Sang-Sung; Li, Dalei; Li, Di; Li, Guangxing; Li, Hua-bai; Lin, Sheng-Jun; Liu, Hong-Li; Liu, Tie; Liu, Sheng-Yuan; Liu, Junhao; Longmore, Steven; Lu, Xing; Lyo, A-Ran; Mairs, Steve; Matsumura, Masafumi; Matthews, Brenda; Moriarty-Schieven, Gerald; Nagata, Tetsuya; Nakamura, Fumitaka; Nakanishi, Hiroyuki; Ngoc, Nguyen Bich; Ohashi, Nagayoshi; Onaka, Takashi; Park, Geumsook; Parsons, Harriet; Peretto, Nicolas; Priestley, Felix; Pyo, Tae-Soo; Qian, Lei; Rao, Ramprasad; Rawlings, Jonathan; Rawlings, Mark; Retter, Brendan; Richer, John; Rigby, Andrew; Sadavoy, Sarah; Saito, Hiro; Savini, Giorgio; Seta, Masumichi; Sharma, Ekta; Shimajiri, Yoshito; Shinnaga, Hiroko; Tahani, Mehrnoosh; Tamura, Motohide; Tang, Ya-Wen; Tang, Xindi; Tomisaka, Kohji; Tram, Le Ngoc; Tsukamoto, Yusuke; Viti, Serena; Wang, Hongchi; Wu, Jintai; Xie, Jinjin; Yang, Meng-Zhe; Yen, Hsi-Wei; Yoo, Hyunju; Yuan, Jinghua; Yun, Hyeong-Sik; Zenko, Tetsuya; Zhang, Guoyin; Zhang, Yapeng; Zhang, Chuan-Peng; Zhou, Jianjun; Zhu, Lei; de Looze, Ilse; André, Philippe; Dowell, C. Darren; Eden, David; Eyres, Stewart; Falle, Sam; Le Gouellec, Valentin J. M.; Poidevin, Frédérick; Robitaille, Jean-François; van Loo, Sven (2023-07-14)
      We present observations of polarized dust emission at 850 μm from the L43 molecular cloud, which sits in the Ophiuchus cloud complex. The data were taken using SCUBA-2/POL-2 on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope as a part ...
    • The JCMT BISTRO-2 Survey: Magnetic Fields of the Massive DR21 Filament 

      BISTRO (2022-12-20)
      We present 850 μm dust polarization observations of the massive DR21 filament from the B-fields In STar-formingRegion Observations (BISTRO) survey, using the POL-2 polarimeter and the SCUBA-2 camera on the JamesClerk Maxwell ...
    • The JCMT Gould Belt survey : Evidence for radiative heating in serpens MWC 297 and its influence on local star formation 

      Rumble, D.; Hatchell, J.; Gutermuth, R. A.; Kirk, H.; Buckle, J.; Beaulieu, S. F.; Berry, D.S.; Broekhoven-Fiene, H.; Currie, M. J.; Fich, M.; Jenness, T.; Johnstone, D.; Mottram, J. C.; Nutter, D.; Pattle, K.; Pineda, J. E.; Quinn, C.; Salji, C.; Tisi, S.; Walker-Smith, S.; Di Francesco, J.; Hogerheijde, M.R.; Ward-Thompson, D.; Allen, L.E.; Cieza, L. A.; Dunham, M. M.; Harvey, P. M.; Stapelfeldt, K. R.; Bastien, P.; Butner, H.; Chen, M.; Chrysostomou, A.; Coude, S.; Davis, C.J.; Drabek-Maunder, E.; Duarte-Cabral, A.; Fiege, J.; Friberg, P.; Friesen, R.; Fuller, G.A.; Graves, S.; Greaves, J.; Gregson, J.; Holland, W.; Joncas, G.; Kirk, J.M.; Knee, L. B. G.; Mairs, S.; Marsh, K.; Matthews, B. C.; Moriarty-Schieven, G.; Rawlings, J.; Richer, J.; Robertson, D.; Rosolowsky, E.; Sadavoy, S.; Thomas, H.; Tothill, N.; Viti, S.; White, G.J.; Wilson, C. D.; Wouterloot, J.; Yates, J.; Zhu, M. (2015-04-01)
      We present SCUBA-2 450 and 850 μm observations of the Serpens MWC 297 region, part of the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) Gould Belt Survey of nearby star-forming regions. Simulations suggest that radiative feedback ...
    • The JCMT Legacy Survey of the Gould Belt : a first look at Taurus with HARP 

      Davis, C.J.; Chrysostomou, A.; Hatchell, J.; Wouterloot, J. G. A.; Buckle, J. V.; Nutter, D.; Fich, M.; Brunt, C.; Butner, H.; Cavanagh, B.; Curtis, E.I.; Duarte-Cabral, A.; Di Francesco, J.; Etxaluze, M.; Friberg, P.; Johnstone, D.; Matthews, B.; Matthews, H.; Rawlings, J.M.C.; Richer, J. S.; Roberts, J.; Sadavoy, S.; Simpson, R.J.; Tothill, N.F.H.; Tsamis, Y.G.; Viti, S.; Ward-Thompson, D.; White, G.J.; Yates, J. (2010)
      As part of a James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) Legacy Survey of star formation in the Gould Belt, we present early science results for Taurus. CO J= 3 –2 maps have been secured along the north-west ridge and bowl, ...
    • The JCMT Legacy Survey of the Gould Belt : mapping 13CO and C18O in Orion A 

      Buckle, J. V.; Davis, C.J.; Di Francesco, J.; Graves, S. F.; Nutter, D.; Richer, J. S.; Roberts, J. F.; Ward-Thompson, D.; White, G.J.; Brunt, C.; Butner, H. M.; Cavanagh, B.; Chrysostomou, A.; Curtis, E.I.; Duarte-Cabral, A.; Etxaluze, M.; Fich, M.; Friberg, P.; Friesen, R.; Fuller, G.A.; Greaves, J.S.; Hatchell, J.; Hogerheijde, M.R.; Johnstone, D.; Matthews, B.; Matthews, H.; Rawlings, J.M.C.; Sadavoy, S.; Simpson, R.J.; Tothill, N.F.H.; Tsamis, Y.G.; Viti, S.; Wouterloot, J. G. A.; Yates, J. (2012-05)
      The Gould Belt Legacy Survey will map star-forming regions within 500 pc, using Heterodyne Array Receiver Programme (HARP), Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array 2 (SCUBA-2) and Polarimeter 2 (POL-2) on the James Clerk ...
    • The JCMT Legacy Survey of the Gould Belt: a first look at Orion B with HARP 

      Buckle, J.; Curtis, E.I.; Roberts, J.F.; White, G.J.; Hatchell, J.; Brunt, C.; Butner, H.; Cavanagh, B.; Chrysostomou, A.; Davis, C.J.; Duarte-Cabral, A.; Etxaluze, M.; Di Francesco, J.; Friberg, P.; Friesen, R.; Fuller, G.A.; Graves, S.; Greaves, J.S.; Hogerheijde, M.R.; Johnstone, D.; Matthews, B.; Matthews, H.; Nutter, D.; Rawlings, J.M.C.; Richer, J.; Sadavoy, S.; Simpson, R.J.; Tothill, N.F.H.; Tsamis, Y.G.; Viti, S.; Ward-Thompson, D.; Wouterloot, J.; Yates, J.A. (2010)
      The Gould Belt Legacy Survey will survey nearby star-forming regions (within 500 pc), using Heterodyne Array Receiver Programme (HARP), Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array 2 and Polarimeter 2 on the James Clerk Maxwell ...
    • The JCMT Legacy Survey of the Gould Belt: a first look at Serpens with HARP 

      Graves, S. F.; Richer, J. S.; Buckle, J. V.; Duarte-Cabral, A.; Fuller, G. A.; Hogerheijde, M. R.; Owen, J. E.; Brunt, C.; Butner, H. M.; Cavanagh, B.; Chrysostomou, A.; Curtis, E. I.; Davis, C. J.; Etxaluze, M.; Di Francesco, J.; Friberg, P.; Friesen, R. K.; Greaves, J. S.; Hatchell, J.; Johnstone, D.; Matthews, B.; Matthews, H.; Matzner, C. D.; Nutter, D.; Rawlings, J. M. C.; Roberts, J. F.; Sadavoy, S.; Simpson, R. J.; Tothill, N. F. H.; Tsamis, Y. G.; Viti, S.; Ward-Thompson, D.; White, G. J.; Wouterloot, J. G. A.; Yates, J. (2010-12-21)
      The Gould Belt Legacy Survey on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope's has observed a region of 260 arcmin2 in 12CO J = 3 -> 2 emission, and a 190 arcmin2 subset of this in 13CO and C18O towards the Serpens molecular cloud. ...
    • The JCMT Legacy Survey: The Challenges of the JCMT Science Archive 

      Economou, F.; Jenness, T.; Chrysostomou, A.; Cavanagh, B.; Redman, R.; Berry, D.S. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2008)
      The JCMT Legacy Survey (JLS) is an ambitious programme that will provide the first large-scale survey of the submillimetre sky. From planetary science through to cosmology, the first phase of the campaign will be using the ...
    • The JCMT nearby galaxies legacy survey - IV. Velocity dispersions in the molecular interstellar medium in spiral galaxies 

      Wilson, C. D.; Warren, B.E.; Irwin, J.; Knapen, Johan; Israel, F.P.; Sergeant, S.; Attewell, D.; Bendo, G.; Brinks, E.; Butner, H.; Clements, D.; Leech, J.; Mathews, H.E.; Muhle, S.; Mortier, A.M.J.; Parkin, T.J.; Petitpas, G.; Tan, B.K.; Tilanus, R.P.J.; Usero, Antonio; Vaccari, M.; van der Werf, P.; Wiegert, T.; Zhu, M. (2011)
      An analysis of large-area CO J = 3-2 maps from the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope for 12 nearby spiral galaxies reveals low velocity dispersions in the molecular component of the interstellar medium. The three lowest ...
    • The JCMT nearby galaxies legacy survey - V. The CO(J=3-2) distribution and molecular outflow in NGC 4631 

      Irwin, J.; Wilson, C. D.; Wiegert, T.; Bendo, G.; Warren, B.E.; Wang, Q.D.; Israel, F.P.; Sergeant, S.; Knapen, Johan; Brinks, E.; Tilanus, R.P.J.; van der Werf, P.; Muhle, S. (2011)
      We have made the first map of CO(J = 3-2) emission covering the disc of the edge-on galaxy, NGC 4631, which is known for its spectacular gaseous halo. The strongest emission, which we model with a Gaussian ring, occurs ...
    • The JCMT Nearby Galaxies Legacy Survey - VIII : CO data and the L -L correlation in the SINGS sample 

      Wilson, C.D.; Warren, B.E.; Israel, F.P.; Serjeant, S.; Attewell, D.; Bendo, G. J.; Butner, H. M.; Chanial, P.; Clements, D. L.; Golding, J.; Heesen, V.; Irwin, J.; Leech, J.; Matthews, H.E.; Muhle, S.; Mortier, A.M.J.; Petitpas, G.; Sánchez-Gallego, J.R.; Sinukoff, E.; Shorten, K.; Tan, B.K.; Tilanus, R.P.J.; Usero, A.; Vaccari, M.; Wiegert, T.; Zhu, M.; Alexander, D.M.; Alexander, P.; Azimlu, M.; Barmby, P.; Brar, R.; Bridge, C.; Brinks, E.; Brooks, S.; Coppin, Kristen; Côté, S.; Côté, P.; Courteau, S.; Davies, J.; Eales, S.; Fich, M.; Hudson, M.; Hughes, D.H.; Ivison, R.J.; Knapen, J.H.; Page, M.; Parkin, T.J.; Rigopoulou, D.; Rosolowsky, E.; Seaquist, E.R.; Spekkens, K.; Tanvir, N.; van der Hulst, J.M.; van der Werf, P.; Vlahakis, C.; Webb, T.M.; Weferling, B.; White, G.J. (2012-08-21)
      The James Clerk Maxwell Telescope Nearby Galaxies Legacy Survey (NGLS) comprises an Hi-selected sample of 155 galaxies spanning all morphological types with distances less than 25Mpc. We describe the scientific goals of ...
    • The JCMT Nearby Galaxies Legacy Survey -- XI. -- Environmental Variations in the Atomic and Molecular Gas Radial Profiles of Nearby Spiral Galaxies 

      Mok, Angus; Wilson, C. D.; Knapen, Johan; Sanchez-Gallego, J. R.; Brinks, Elias; Rosolowsky, E. (2017-06-01)
      We present an analysis of the radial profiles of a sample of 43 HI-flux selected spiral galaxies from the Nearby Galaxies Legacy Survey (NGLS) with resolved James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) CO $J=3-2$ and/or Very Large ...
    • The JCMT Nearby Galaxies Legacy Survey – III. Comparisons of cold dust, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, molecular gas and atomic gas in NGC 2403 

      Bendo, G.; Wilson, C.D.; Warren, B.E.; Brinks, E.; Butner, H.; Chanial, P.; Clements, D.; Courteau, S.; Irwin, J.; Israel, F.P.; Knapen, J.; Leech, J.; Matthews, H.; Muhle, S.; Petitpas, G.; Serjeant, S.; Tan, B.K.; Tilanus, R.P.J.; Usero, A.; Vaccari, M.; van der Werf, P.; Vlahakis, C.; Wiegert, T.; Zhu, M. (2010)
      We used Spitzer Space Telescope 3.6, 8.0, 70 and 160 μm data, James Clerk Maxwell Telescope HARP-B CO J= (3–2) data, National Radio Astronomy Observatory 12 m telescope CO J= (1–0) data and Very Large Array H i data to ...
    • The JCMT Plane Survey : First complete data release - emission maps and compact source catalogue 

      Eden, D.~J.; Moore, T. J. T.; Plume, R.; Urquhart, J.S.; Thompson, M. A.; Parsons, H.; Dempsey, J. T.; Rigby, A.~J.; Morgan, L. K.; Thomas, H. S.; Berry, D J; Buckle, J.; Brunt, Christopher M.; Butner, H. M.; Carretero, D.; Chrysostomou, A.; Currie, M. J.; deVilliers, H.~M.; Fich, M.; Gibb, A. G.; Hoare, M.G.; Jenness, T.; Manser, G.; Mottram, J.~C.; Natario, C.; Olguin, F.; Peretto, N.; Pestalozzi, M.; Polychroni, D.; Redman, R.~O.; Salji, C.; Summers, L.~J.; Tahani, K.; Traficante, A.; diFrancesco, J.; Evans, A.; Fuller, G. A.; Johnstone, D.; Joncas, G.; Longmore, S.~N.; Martin, Gary P; Richer, J. S.; Weferling, B.; White, Glenn J.; Zhu, M. (2017-08-01)
      We present the first data release of the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) Plane Survey (JPS), the JPS Public Release 1 (JPSPR1). JPS is an 850-um continuum survey of six fields in the northern inner Galactic Plane in ...
    • The JCMT Plane Survey: early results from the ell = 30deg field 

      Moore, T.~J.~T.; Plume, R.; Thompson, M.~A.; Parsons, H.; Urquhart, J.~S.; Eden, D.~J.; Dempsey, J.~T.; Morgan, L.~K.; Thomas, H.~S.; Buckle, J.; Brunt, C.~M.; Butner, H.; Carretero, D.; Chrysostomou, A.; deVilliers, H.~M.; Fich, M.; Hoare, M.~G.; Manser, G.; Mottram, J.~C.; Natario, C.; Olguin, F.; Peretto, N.; Polychroni, D.; Redman, R.~O.; Rigby, A.~J.; Salji, C.; Summers, L.~J.; Berry, D.; Currie, M.~J.; Jenness, T.; Pestalozzi, M.; Traficante, A.; Bastien, P.; diFrancesco, J.; Davis, C.~J.; Evans, A.; Friberg, P.; Fuller, G.~A.; Gibb, A.~G.; Gibson, S.; Hill, T.; Johnstone, D.; Joncas, G.; Longmore, S.~N.; Lumsden, S.~L.; Martin, P.~G.; Lu'o'ng, Q.~N.; Pineda, J.~E.; Purcell, C.; Richer, J.~S.; Schieven, G.~H.; Shipman, R.; Spaans, M.; Taylor, A.~R.; Viti, S.; Weferling, B.; White, G.~J.; Zhu, M. (2015-11-11)
      We present early results from the JCMT (James Clerk Maxwell Telescope) Plane Survey (JPS), which has surveyed the northern inner Galactic plane between longitudes ℓ = 7° and ℓ = 63° in the 850-μm continuum with SCUBA-2 ...
    • The JCMT Transient Survey : Single Epoch Transients and Variability of Faint Sources 

      Johnstone, Doug; Lalchand, Bhavana; Mairs, Steve; Shang, Hsien; Chen, Wen Ping; Bower, Geoffrey C.; Herczeg, Gregory J.; Lee, Jeong-Eun; Forbrich, Jan; Chen, Bo-Yan; Contreras-Pena, Carlos; Lee, Yong-Hee; Park, Wooseok; Broughton, Colton; Plovie, Spencer; Team, The JCMT Transient (2022-09-15)
      Short-duration flares at millimeter wavelengths provide unique insights into the strongest magnetic reconnection events in stellar coronae, and combine with longer-term variability to introduce complications to next-generation ...
    • The JCMT Transient Survey: An Extraordinary Submillimeter Flare in the T Tauri Binary System JW 566 

      Mairs, Steve; Lalchand, Bhavana; Bower, Geoffrey C.; Forbrich, Jan; Bell, Graham S.; Herczeg, Gregory J.; Johnstone, Doug; Chen, Wen-Ping; Lee, Jeong-Eun; Hacar, Alvaro (2019-01-23)
      The binary T Tauri system JW 566 in the Orion Molecular Cloud underwent an energetic, short-lived flare observed at submillimetre wavelengths by the SCUBA-2 instrument on 26 November 2016 (UT). The emission faded by nearly ...
    • The JCMT Transient Survey: Four-year Summary of Monitoring the Submillimeter Variability of Protostars 

      Lee, Yong-Hee; Johnstone, Doug; Lee, Jeong-Eun; Herczeg, Gregory; Mairs, Steve; Contreras-Peña, Carlos; Hatchell, Jennifer; Naylor, Tim; Bell, Graham S.; Bourke, Tyler L.; Broughton, Colton; Francis, Logan; Gupta, Aashish; Harsono, Daniel; Liu, Sheng-Yuan; Park, Geumsook; Plovie, Spencer; Moriarty-Schieven, Gerald H.; Scholz, Aleks; Sharma, Tanvi; Teixeira, Paula Stella; Wang, Yao-Te; Aikawa, Yuri; Bower, Geoffrey C.; Chen, Huei-Ru Vivien; Bae, Jaehan; Baek, Giseon; Chapman, Scott; Chen, Wen Ping; Du, Fujun; Dutta, Somnath; Forbrich, Jan; Guo, Zhen; Inutsuka, Shu-ichiro; Kang, Miju; Kirk, Helen; Kuan, Yi-Jehng; Kwon, Woojin; Lai, Shih-Ping; Lalchand, Bhavana; Lane, James M. M.; Lee, Chin-Fei; Liu, Tie; Morata, Oscar; Pearson, Samuel; Pon, Andy; Sahu, Dipen; Shang, Hsien; Stamatellos, Dimitris; Tang, Shih-Yun; Xu, Ziyan; Yoo, Hyunju (2021-10-21)
      We present the four-year survey results of monthly submillimeter monitoring of eight nearby ($<500 $pc) star-forming regions by the JCMT Transient Survey. We apply the Lomb-Scargle Periodogram technique to search for and ...