Now showing items 14449-14468 of 23167

    • A new projective test : The Caine/Marteau/Dympna Test (CMD) 

      Caine, T.M.; Henley, S.; Moses, P.; Shamni, S.; Winter, David; Smith, H. (1986)
    • New Psychoactive Substances 

      Guirguis, Amira; Lawrence, M. Jayne (Royal Pharmaceutical Society, 2017-07-31)
    • New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) - A Challenge for the Addiction Treatment Services 

      Scherbaum, Norbert; Schifano, F.; Bonnet, Udo (2017-05-01)
      Over the last few years, hundreds of new psychoactive substances (NPS) have been identified in Europe. Apart from some herbal compounds, NPS mainly include synthetic cannabinoids and a range of new synthetic stimulants (e. ...
    • New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) and Serotonin Syndrome onset: a Systematic Review 

      Schifano, Fabrizio; Chiappini, Stephania; Corkery, John; Scherbaum, Norbert; Napoletano, Flavia; Arillotta, Davide; Catalani, Valeria; Vento, Alessandro; Pettorruso, Mauro; Martinotti, Giovanni; di Giannantonio, Massimo; Guirguis, Amira (2021-05-01)
      The use of several new psychoactive substances (NPS) has become very popular and is posing global health risks. Chemically and pharmacologically diverse molecules are constantly emerging and are presenting with a wide range ...
    • New psychoactive substances (NPS), psychedelic experiences, and dissociation: clinical and clinical pharmacological issues 

      Schifano, Fabrizio; Napoletano, Flavia; Chiappini, Stephania; Orsolini, Laura; Guirguis, Amira; Corkery, John Martin; Bonaccorso, Stefania; Ricciardi, Angelo; Scherbaum, Norbert; vento, alessandro (2019-04-23)
      Purpose of the review: A significant increase in the number, type, and availability of new psychoactive substances (NPS) with dissociative and psychedelic potential has occurred worldwide over the last few decades. Psychedelic ...
    • New Psychoactive Substances and suicidality: a systematic review of the current literature. 

      Chiappini, Stefania; Mosca, Alessio; Miuli, A.; Santovito, Monica Chiara; Orsolini, Laura; Corkery, John Martin; Guirguis, Amira; Pettorruso, Mauro; Martinotti, Giovanni; di Giannantonio, Massimo; Schifano, Fabrizio (2021-06-06)
      Background and Objectives: Over the past twenty years a large number of New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) has entered and modified the recreational drug scene. Their intake has been associated with health-related risks, ...
    • New Psychoactive Substances in the Homeless Population: A Cross-Sectional Study in the United Kingdom 

      Coombs, Thomas; Ginige, Tilak; Van Calster, Patrick; Abdelkader, Amor; Corazza, Ornella; Assi, Sulaf (2023-03-28)
      The last few years have seen the emergence of new psychoactive substance among the homeless population, specifically synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists. The purpose of this study is to investigate the knowledge and ...
    • New Psychoactive Substances: A Public Health Issue 

      Guirguis, Amira (2017-09-12)
    • A New Pyridazine Series of GABAA α5 Ligands 

      Van Niel, M.B.; Wilson, K.; Adkins, C.H.; Atack, J.R.; Castro, J.L.; Clarke, D.E.; Fletcher, S.; Gerhard, U.; Mackey, M.M.; Malpas, S.; Maubach, K.; Newman, R.; O'Connor, D.; Pillai, G.V.; Simpson, P.B.; Thomas, S.R.; MacLeod, A.M. (2005-09-22)
      Screening of the Merck compound collection identified 6 as an unusually simple, low molecular weight hit with moderate affinity for GABAA receptors. The structural novelty of 6, compared to our advanced series of GABAA α5 ...
    • New radio-galaxy X-ray results from Chandra 

      Worrall, D.M.; Birkinshaw, M.; Hardcastle, M.J. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2001)
      The superior spatial resolution of the Chandra X-ray Observatory is sharpening our X-ray vision of extragalactic radio sources. Our recent Guest Observer observations of a small sample of B2 radio galaxies show jet X-ray ...
    • The new record holder for the most iron-poor star: HE 1327−2326, a dwarf or subgiant with [Fe/H] = −5.4 

      Frebel, A.; Aoki, W.; Christlieb, N.; Ando, H.; Asplund, M.; Barklem, P.S.; Beers, T.C.; Eriksson, K.; Fechner, C.; Fujimoto, M.Y.; Honda, S.; Kajino, T.; Minezaki, T.; Nomoto, K.; Norris, J.E.; Ryan, Sean G.; Takada-Hidai, M.; Tsangarides, S.; Yoshii, Y. (2005)
      We describe the discovery of HE 1327−2326, a dwarf or subgiant with [Fe/H] = −5.4. The star was found in a sample of bright metal-poor stars selected from the Hamburg/ESO survey. Its abundance pattern is characterized by ...
    • New reflections on agency and body ownership : The moving rubber hand illusion in the mirror 

      Jenkinson, Paul; Preston, Catherine (2015-05)
      No previous study has simultaneously examined body ownership and agency in healthy subjects during mirror self-observation. We used a moving rubber hand illusion to examine how both body ownership and agency are affected ...
    • New Results from the Supernova Ia Progenitor Survey 

      Napiwotzki, R.; Karl, C.; Nelemans, G.; Yungelson, L.; Christlieb, N.; Drechsel, H.; Heber, U.; Homeier, D.; Koester, D.; Kruk, J.; Leibundgut, B.; Marsh, T.R.; Moehler, S.; Renzini, A.; Reimers, D. (Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2005)
      We report on a systematic radial velocity survey for double degenerate (DD) binaries as potential progenitors of type Ia supernovae: SPY (ESO Supernovae Ia Progenitor surveY). More than 1000 white dwarfs and pre-white ...
    • New results on long secondary periods in red giants 

      Nicholls, C.P.; Wood, P.R.; Cioni, M-R.L.; Soszynski, I. (2009)
      Approximately 30% of variable red giants have light curves which show a Long Secondary Period (LSP) in addition to their primary oscillation. No model has been proposed that can satisfactorily explain the LSPs. Here we ...
    • New results on long secondary periods in red giants 

      Nicholls, C.P.; Wood, P.R.; Cioni, M-R.L.; Soszynski, I. (2009)
      Approximately 30% of variable red giants have light curves which show a Long Secondary Period (LSP) in addition to their primary oscillation. No model has been proposed that can satisfactorily explain the LSPs. Here we ...
    • New results on particle acceleration in the Centaurus A jet and counterjet from a deep Chandra observation 

      Hardcastle, M.J.; Kraft, R.P.; Sivakoff, G.R.; Goodger, Joanna; Croston, J.H.; Jordan, A.; Evans, D.A.; Worrall, D.M.; Birkinshaw, M.; Raychaudhury, S.; Brassington, Nicola; Forman, W.R.; Harris, W.E.; Jones, C.; Juett, A.M.; Murray, S.S.; Nulsen, P.E.J.; Sarazin, C.L.; Woodley, K.A. (2007)
      We present new deep Chandra observations of the Centaurus A jet, with a combined on-source exposure time of 719 ks. These data allow detailed X-ray spectral measurements to be made along the jet out to its disappearance ...
    • A new RNASeq-based reference transcriptome for sugar beet and its application in transcriptome-scale analysis of vernalization and gibberellin responses 

      Mutasa-Gottgens, Euphemia; Joshi, Anagha; Holmes, Helen F.; Hedden, Peter; Gottgens, Berthold (2012)
      Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris sp. vulgaris) crops account for about 30% of world sugar. Sugar yield is compromised by reproductive growth hence crops must remain vegetative until harvest. Prolonged exposure to cold temperature ...
    • The New Russian Book: A Graphic Cultural History, by Birgitte Beck Pristed : What’s in a book cover? Grace Lees-Maffei examines a history of graphic design in Russian fiction 

      Lees-Maffei, Grace (2017-07-13)
      Book review of The New Russian Book: A Graphic Cultural History, by Birgitte Beck Pristed
    • A new sample of extremely/ultra metal-poor stars 

      Perez, A. E. Garcia; Christlieb, N.; Ryan, Sean G.; Beers, T.C.; Aoki, W.; Asplund, M.; Barklem, P.S.; Bessell, M.S.; Eriksson, K.; Frebel, A.; Gustafsson, B.; Korn, A.J.; Nordstrom, B.; Norris, J.E. (2008-12)
      A sample of 30 very metal-poor stars from the Hamburg-European Southern Observatory (ESO) objective-prism survey have been observed at high spectral resolution at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) using the Ultraviolet and ...
    • A New Sample of Transient Ultraluminous X-Ray Sources Serendipitously Discovered by Swift/XRT 

      Brightman, Murray; Hameury, Jean-Marie; Lasota, Jean-Pierre; Baldi, Ranieri D.; Bruni, Gabriele; Cann, Jenna M.; Earnshaw, Hannah; Fürst, Felix; Heida, Marianne; Jaodand, Amruta; Lazzarini, Margaret; Middleton, Matthew J.; Walton, Dominic J.; Weaver, Kimberly A. (2023-07-03)
      Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) are our best laboratories for studying extreme super-Eddington accretion. Most studies of these objects are of relatively persistent sources; however, there is growing evidence to suggest ...