Now showing items 1-11 of 11

    • The 106Cd(α, α)106Cd elastic scattering in a wide energy range for γ process studies 

      Ornelas, A.; Kiss, G. G.; Mohr, P.; Galaviz, D.; Fülöp, Zs; Gyürky, Gy; Máté, Z.; Rauscher, T.; Somorjai, E.; Sonnabend, K.; Zilges, A. (2015-08-01)
      Alpha elastic scattering angular distributions of the <sup>106</sup>Cd(α, α)<sup>106</sup>Cd reaction were measured at three energies around the Coulomb barrier to provide a sensitive test for the α + nucleus optical ...
    • alpha-nucleus potentials and photon-induced nucleosynthesis 

      Galaviz, D.; Babilon, M.; Fulop, Zs.; Gyurky, Gy.; Hillier, R.; Mate, Z.; Mohr, P.; Rauscher, T.; Somorjai, E.; Zilges, A.; Zolnai, L. (2003-05-05)
      New data for the Sn-112,Sn-12 4(alpha,alpha) (112,124) Sn reaction have been measured and are presently analyzed. Results of the Sn-112 circle times alpha potential at the energy Ec.m approximate to 14 MeV are presented. ...
    • A comprehensive study of the Cd-106(alpha, gamma)Sn-110 reaction at energies relevant to the p-process 

      Gyurky, Gy.; Fulop, Zs.; Kiss, G.; Mate, Z.; Somorjai, E.; Gorres, J.; Palumbo, A.; Wiescher, M.; Galaviz, D.; Kretschmer, A; Sonnabend, K.; Zilges, A.; Rauscher, T. (2005-07-25)
      In order to test the reliability of reaction rate calculations in the framework of the Hauser-Feshbach statistical model, the cross sections of Cd-106(alpha,gamma)Sn-110 radiative capture reaction were determined in the ...
    • Determination of a-nucleus potentials by alpha-elastic scattering and its implications for the gamma-process 

      Galaviz, D.; Babilon, M.; Fulop, Zs.; Gyurky, Gy.; Mate, Z.; Hillier, R.; Mohr, P.; Rauscher, T.; Somorjai, E.; Zilges, A.; Zolnai, L. (2003-05-19)
      Complete angular distributions for the reactions Sn-112,Sn-124(alpha,alpha)(112,124) Sn have been measured at different energies around the Coulomb barrier. Preliminary results for the Sn-112 circle times alpha and Sn-124 ...
    • Elastic alpha scattering on Sn-112 and Sn-124 at astrophysically relevant energies 

      Galaviz, D.; Fulop, Zs.; Gyurky, Gy.; Mate, Z.; Mohr, P.; Rauscher, T.; Somorjai, E.; Zilges, A. (2005-06)
      The cross sections for the elastic scattering reactions Sn-112,Sn-124(alpha,alpha)Sn-112,Sn-124 at energies above and below the Coulomb barrier are presented and compared to predictions for global alpha-nucleus potentials. ...
    • Elastic alpha-scattering on proton rich nuclei at astrophysically relevant energies 

      Fulop, Zs.; Galaviz, D.; Gyurky, Gy.; Kiss, G. G.; Mate, Z.; Mohr, P.; Rauscher, T.; Somorjai, E.; Zilges, A. (American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2006)
      In order to improve the reliability of statistical model calculations in the region of heavy proton rich nuclei several elastic alpha scattering experiments have been carried out at low bombarding energies on various ...
    • How important is the Family? : Alpha nuclear potentials and p-process nucleosynthesis 

      Ornelas, A.; Galaviz, D.; Fueloep, Zs.; Gyuerky, Gy.; Kiss, G. G.; Mate, Zs.; Mohr, P.; Rauscher, T.; Somorjai, E.; Sonnabend, K.; Zilges, A. (SISSA, 2011-01)
      In this work we present the results from the analysis of the experimentally measured angular distributions of the reaction 106Cd(α , α )106 Cd at several different energies around the Coulomb barrier. The difficulties that ...
    • Investigation of alpha-nuclear potential families from elastic scattering experiments 

      Ornelas, A.; Galaviz, D.; Fueloep, Zs.; Gyuerky, Gy.; Kiss, G.; Mate, Z.; Mohr, P.; Rauscher, T.; Somorjai, E.; Sonnabend, K.; Zilges, A. (IOP Publishing Ltd., 2012)
      In this work we present the continuation of the reported analysis [1] of the experimentally measured angular distributions of the reaction Cd-106(alpha, alpha)Cd-106 at several different energies around the Coulomb barrier. ...
    • Measurement of the (gamma, n) cross section of the nucleus Au-197 close above the reaction threshold 

      Vogt, K.; Mohr, P.; Babilon, M.; Bayer, W.; Galaviz, D.; Hartmann, T.; Hutter, C.; Rauscher, T.; Sonnabend, K.; Volz, S.; Zilges, A. (2002-08-26)
      The cross section and the astrophysical reaction rate of the reaction Au-197(gamma,n)Au-196 have been measured close above the reaction threshold at E-thr = 8.071 MeV using the method of photoactivation. The results are ...
    • Mo-92(alpha,alpha)Mo-92 scattering, the Mo-92-alpha optical potential, and the Ru-96(gamma,alpha)Mo-92 reaction rate at astrophysically relevant energies 

      Fulop, Zs.; Gyurky, Gy.; Mate, Z.; Somorjai, E.; Zolnai, L.; Galaviz, D.; Babilon, M.; Mohr, P.; Zilges, A.; Rauscher, T.; Oberhummer, H.; Staudt, G. (2001-12)
      The elastic scattering cross section of (MO)-M-92(alpha,alpha)Mo-92 has been measured at energies of E-c.m. approximate to 13, 16, and 19 MeV in a wide angular range. The real and imaginary parts of the optical potential ...
    • Radiative capture reactions and alpha-elastic scattering on Cd-106 for the astrophysical p-process 

      Gyurky, Gy.; Elekes, Z.; Kiss, G. G.; Fulop, Zs.; Somorjai, E.; Mate, Z.; Goerres, J.; Palumbo, A.; Wiescher, A.; Lee, H.Y.; Ozkan, N.; Guray, R. T.; Efe, G.; Galaviz, D.; Kretschmer, A.; Sonnabend, K.; Zilges, A.; Rauscher, T. (American Institute of Physics (AIP), 2006)
      In the present work both the (alpha,gamma) and (p,gamma) cross sections on the p-nucleus Cd-106 have been measured in the energy range relevant to the astrophysical p-process. The results are compared with the predictions ...