Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    • Acute Haemodynamic Changes During Haemodialysis Do Not Exacerbate Gut Hyperpermeability 

      Wong, Jonathan; Lenaerts, Kaatje; Meesters, Dennis; Olde Damink, Steven; Van Eijk, Hans; Vilar Hall, Enric; Farrington, Kenneth (2019-04-12)
      Introduction: The gastrointestinal tract is a potential source of inflammation in dialysis patients. In-vitro studies suggest breakdown of the gut barrier in uraemia leading to increased intestinal permeability and it is ...
    • Beta-glucans in advanced CKD : role in endotoxaemia and inflammation 

      Wong, Jonathan; Zhang, Yonglong; Swift, Oscar; Finkelman, Malcolm; Patidar, Ashish; Ramanarayanan, Sivaramakrishnan; Vilar, Enric; Farrington, Ken (2020-04-06)
      BACKGROUND/AIMS: (1-3)-β-D glucans (BG) are cellular components of yeasts and fungi. Elevated blood levels may be an adjunct in diagnosing invasive fungal infection, though can be high in dialysis patients without fungaemia. ...
    • A comparative study of blood endotoxin detection in haemodialysis patients 

      Wong, Jonathan; Davies, Nathan; Jeraj, Hasan; Vilar, Enric; Viljoen, Adie; Farrington, Kenneth (2016-07-30)
      BACKGROUND: Endotoxemia is commonly reported in patients receiving haemodialysis and implicated in the pathogenesis of systemic inflammation. The Limulus Amoebocyte Lysate (LAL) assay is the most commonly used blood endotoxin ...
    • Endotoxemia in end-stage kidney disease 

      Wong, Jonathan; Vilar, Enric; Farrington, Kenneth (2015-01-08)
      Chronic unexplained inflammation remains a prevalent and clinically significant problem for patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD), especially in the dialysis population. The causes of persistent inflammation are ...
    • Endotoxin detection in end-stage kidney disease 

      Wong, Jonathan; Jeraj, Hassan; Vilar, Enric; Viljoen, Adie; Farrington, Kenneth (2015-01-01)
      Aims: Endotoxin detection assays are not validated for use in end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). We investigated the accuracy and precision of the kinetic turbidimetric Limulus amoebocyte lysate (LAL) assay to detect endotoxin ...
    • Incremental haemodialysis 

      Wong, Jonathan; Vilar, Enric; Davenport, Andrew; Farrington, Kenneth (2015-06-01)
      Thrice-weekly haemodialysis schedules have become the standard default haemodialysis prescription worldwide. Whereas the measurement of residual renal function is accepted practice for peritoneal dialysis patients and the ...
    • Is Endotoxemia in Stable Hemodialysis Patients an Artefact? : Limitations of the Limulus Amebocyte Lysate Assay and Role of (1→3)-β-D Glucan 

      Wong, Jonathan; Zhang, Yonglong; Patidar, Ashish; Vilar, Enric; Finkelman, Malcolm; Farrington, Kenneth (2016-10-20)
      BACKGROUND: Elevated blood endotoxin levels are frequently reported in the dialysis population and are strongly linked with inflammation, a major predictor of mortality. Virtually all studies have employed the Limulus ...
    • Measuring Residual Renal Function in Hemodialysis Patients without Urine Collection 

      Wong, Jonathan; Kaja Kamal, Raja Mohammed; Vilar, Enric; Farrington, Kenneth (2017-01-02)
      Many patients on hemodialysis retain significant residual renal function (RRF) but currently measurement of RRF in routine clinical practice can only be achieved using inter-dialytic urine collections to measure urea and ...
    • Plasma Levels of Middle Molecules to Estimate Residual Kidney Function in Haemodialysis without Urine Collection 

      Vilar, Enric; Boltiador, Capella; Wong, Jonathan; Viljoen, Adie; Machado, Ashwini; Uthayakumar, Arani; Farrington, Kenneth (2015-12-02)
      BACKGROUND: Residual Kidney Function (RKF) is associated with survival benefits in haemodialysis (HD) but is difficult to measure without urine collection. Middle molecules such as Cystatin C and β2-microglobulin accumulate ...
    • Predicting residual kidney function in hemodialysis patients using serum β-trace protein and β2-microglobulin 

      Wong, Jonathan; Sridharan, Sivakumar; Berdeprado, Jocelyn; Viljoen, Adie; Vilar Hall, Enric; Wellsted, David; Farrington, Kenneth (2016-02-16)
      Residual kidney function (RKF) contributes significant solute clearance in hemodialysis patients. Kidney Diseases Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) guidelines suggest that hemodialysis dose can be safely reduced in those ...