Research publications: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1221-1240 of 23694
The high energy X-ray probe (HEX-P): probing the physics of the X-ray corona in active galactic nuclei
(2024-01-05)The hard X-ray emission in active galactic nuclei (AGN) and black hole X-ray binaries is thought to be produced by a hot cloud of electrons referred to as the corona. This emission, commonly described by a power law with ... -
Perseveration and Shifting in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder as a Function of Uncertainty, Punishment, and Serotonergic Medication
(2024-01-16)Background The nature of cognitive flexibility deficits in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), which historically have been tested with probabilistic reversal learning tasks, remains elusive. Here, a novel deterministic ... -
The Management of Symptomatic Hydronephrosis in Pregnancy
(2024-01-11)The aim of this article is to provide a literature review on the management of symptomatic physiological hydronephrosis in pregnancy and compare different modalities of intervention when needed. In this review, we conducted ... -
Analysis of SIGLEC12 expression, IMMUNOMODULATION and prognostic value in RENAL cancer using multiomic databases
(2024-01-30)Siglecs belong to a family of immune regulatory receptors predominantly found on hematopoietic cells. They interact with Sia, resulting in the activation or inhibition of the immune response. Previous reports have suggested ... -
Circular RNAs: New layer of complexity evading breast cancer heterogeneity
(2023-03-30)Advances in high-throughput sequencing techniques and bioinformatic analysis have refuted the "junk" RNA hypothesis that was claimed against non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs). Circular RNAs (circRNAs); a class of single-stranded ... -
An Analysis of Vascular Access Thrombosis Events From the Proactive IV irOn Therapy in hemodiALysis Patients Trial
(2022-08-01)Introduction: Treatment of anemia in dialysis patients has been associated with increased risk of vascular access thrombosis (VAT). Proactive IV irOn Therapy in hemodiALysis Patients (PIVOTAL) was a clinical trial of ... -
An improved indicator framework to assess and optimise ecosystem services provided by permanent grasslands
(2023-02-28)Livestock farming systems are criticised for their environmental impacts, but they can also provide various ecosystem services to society, especially permanent grasslands. This study aimed to develop a method to assess ... -
Getting a Handle on It: Thomas Lamb, Mass Production, and Touch in Design History
(Penn State University Press, 2023-06-01)This chapter proceeds from the premise that the hands which operated the machinery of capitalism were not merely a unit by which the power needed to perform the labor required was calculated but, rather, they were sentient ... -
The frequency and cueing mechanisms of involuntary autobiographical memories while driving
(2024-01-03)Involuntary autobiographical memories (IAMs) have been typically studied with paper diaries, kept for a week or longer. However, such studies are unable to capture the true frequency of IAMs, nor the level of detail that ... -
Cross section for supernova axion observation in neutrino water Čherenkov detectors
(2024-01-02)Axions coupled to nucleons might be copiously emitted from core-collapse supernovae (SNe). If the axion-nucleon coupling is strong enough, then axions would be emitted from the SN as a burst and, reaching Earth, may excite ... -
A two-phase qualitative enquiry into storytelling’s potential to support palliative care patient-led change, using a systematic review approach
(2024-01-09)A terminal diagnosis can diminish an individual’s sense of agency and identity. Leading change appears to restore a sense of agential self. The first phase of this literature review explores factors influencing patient-led ... -
Projected changes in heatwaves and its impact on human discomfort over India due to global warming under the CORDEX-CORE framework
(2024-04-30)Due to climate change, rapid warming and its further intensification over different parts of the globe have been recently reported. This has a direct impact on human health, agriculture, water availability, power generation, ... -
Land Tenure and Food Security in South India
(2023-09-30)Tenure security with land titles is considered important for agricultural productivity and growth. In this view, formal titles enable land to be used as collateral, facilitate access to credit markets and increase productivity ... -
Emotion dysregulation, impulsivity and anger rumination in borderline personality disorder: the role of amygdala and insula
(2023-04-22)Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is a severe mental disorder, characterized by deficits in emotion regulation, interpersonal dysfunctions, dissociation and impulsivity. Brain abnormalities have been generally explored; ... -
A form of mental simulation with significant enhancements enabling teamwork training
(2021-09-21)Mental simulation is a type of simulation in which the clinician mentally practices a task without physically doing it. With mental simulation, the clinician can individually go through all the steps of technical and ... -
Socio-economic practices of households coping with hardship
(Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020-12-08)Top-down responses to major shocks have been of major interest to social scientists and they contributed to our understanding of restructuring, transformation and development. Research into socio-economic practices of ... -
Critical perspectives on resilience
(Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020-12-08)This chapter aims to contribute to the critical discussion of the concept of resilience and its pertinence and usefulness to contexts of socioeconomic hardship. Starting from an approach that contrasts the poverty studies ... -
Comics on Screen : Pages and Places in the Cloud
(Brill Publishing House, 2019-07-22)Comics has long been a form of sequential art that has evolved alongside the printed page. As the print industry has developed so too have comics. From the black and white strips of newspapers to the colourful serial print ...